Guard Varannt
Guard Varannt
AC 16
HP 33
SP 30
S 18 | D 14 | C 18 | I 12 | W 10 | Ch 12
Saving Throws Dex, Con
Longsword +7 1d8 +4
Crossbow +6 1d8 +4
Martial Guard Advantage – Once per turn, the Guard can deal an extra 2d6 Dmg to a creature it hits with a weapon attack if the creature is within 5 feet of another Guard
Warding Parry – When another creature damages you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend oneĀ warding die (1d8) to reduce the damage by the number you roll on your warding die + your Dexterity modifier. Number of Warding Die equals character level