Ileel Roven’ris

.. yet will I embrace the darkness, for it shows me the stars..

PC: Ileel
Ileel is a female Wood Elf of 30 years and the twin sister of Leely. She is a Monk of The Way of the Black Circlet (a tradition specific to her own backstory). She fights with a magical bow granted to her by Meilikki herself.

Level 03

Ileel is  4ft 10in, slightly taller than her twin sister. She is 30 years old. She has long onxy-colored hair which she keeps in a tight braid. Her only garment is a black silk robe which flows around her with even the slightest breeze.


Combat Tactics
Ileel is a sniper. She prefers to fight from the shadows with her bow. If she can locate an effective blind, she will use a turn to get there, enable her Dark Mantle to shroud herself in shadow, and then attack with advantage. Starting at Tier 2, she will track her sisters attacks on the combat plane knowing that her straight sword attacks cause the opponent to become vulnerable to her Necrotic energy laced arrows.


Ileel is staid and dry, but not without a sharp wit. She is, in fact, highly intelligent and perfers to observe with analysis rather than engage.  She has a dark, nearly morose, personality. Still, she is dedicated to a NG view of the world as she was raised to within the Wild Queens Forest Temple.


Ileel is ultimately is seeking to fulfill the promises made about her by the Goddess Meilikki. She and her sister will be prime members of a new forest guard – The Vandor Aegis (Meilikkis replacement for the Shadowiers)

Motivations and Temptations:

Ileel is motivated by new experiences and learning to become the very best Protector she can be.



Ileel was raised in a monastery deep within High Forest. The only other people she had any contact with during this time were other Wood Elves – all of them female. Nothing so far has really awoken any desires for other relationships. Primarily she sees herself as part of a sisterhood – especially with her sister Leely.



Traits: I live in the moment, but I know who I am becoming – a Protector
Ideals: (NG) Evil must be guarded against and even put down when possible. Necromancy is among the worst forms of evil in the realms
Bonds: My sister, Ileel, and I are one. Aylan is a close second
Flaws: I can stare down a hellhound without flinching. Probably because I have not realized I should be flinching…



Character backstory and such


Links out to sources about character class, race, etc.




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