Auglathla – The Ghost of Neverwinter Wood


[Scene Notes]
Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
Scene 13 (C01.S02.13) – Scene Notes
Credit Notes
[Setting Info]
Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
Forenoon  (First Shadow) of Day 09



] You four have just passed Barthens Provisionings and plan on traveling North thru the Darkwood Hill and on towards the Neverwinter Woods.  It is early morning – still First Shadow – and only Elmar Barthen is up and about, loading sacks into a covered wagon. You are with Sister Garaelle, L’Khifrey Albrek-Roethorn and Dayni Serpayko. The plan is to travel together until you reach the Triboar Trail and then split. Deynn, Roonoo and Khi-khi will head back to the Cragmaw hideout cave to try to communicate (via magic spell) with the goblins there, to discover where Gundren was taken and hopefully find him in time for a grand rescue. Leely and Ileel will travel East to a town of ruins called Conyberry with Sister Garaelle to “make a trade with a local legend” for some critical information.


] You had several hours of downtime last night… what did you do with them?


Deynn] After Khi-khi identified the Salamander Dagger for me, I spent time attuning to it and absorbing it into my skin. I also shared a meal with Dayni in a quiet corner of the Stonehill Inn. All that was after we briefed Sildar on the Redbrands and strange fact that a shapeshifter chose to look like Iarno Albrek in order to appear as Glasstaff… Is the real Glasstaff actualy Iarno? Or was the doppleganger really Glasstaff all along – but choosing a human form it had recently encountered (or worse… what if Iarno is now dead?). These questions will have to wait until we return safely with Gundren.


Roonoo] After meeting with Sildar at the Townmasters, I went to the Lionshield Coster across the way to pick up my new robes from Freda – the finest weaver this side of Neverwinter. I liked the purchase so much, I paid for an extra to be made… just in case. I spent time getting to know both Freda and Linene Graywind who runs the Lionshield. While I was there, Colt and Darsley returned with the stolen cargo. After hearing the whole story, Linene tried to reward me as well as the Half-elves she originally hired, but I rejected any payment with the understanding that, should I ever need it, I would have the friends discount at the coster. After this, I spent time at the town stables and secured 3 decent riding horses for us – well… 3 at first… then I thought it likely that Dayni would joining us so I paid for a 4th. Nevermind where the coin came from – it was not from the common purse anyway.


Leely] After finding Torbera and returning her Holy Symbol to her, I went back under the manor with her, Llowytt and Audwin to show them where we discovered their gear. They told me the story of how they were captured in a ambush by the Redbrands. One of their friends was killed that day, and another may still lay dying nearby – they intend to go out at first light today to try to find her – a Halfling named Euphma Greenflagon. Afterwards I checked in on Sister Garaelle. She did not wish to speak of her capture or the days that followed but I get the impression the Redbrands showed her the worst disrespect. I began to wonder to myself if mercy was the right approach.


Ileel] I found a quiet place among the older ruins of Phandalin to practice shooting. I remembered the ancient bow I found in the ruins of Conyberry and the curious ring above the riser. I took it to Khi-khi to find out if it was enchanted and what she might be able to learn about it. She told it the bow-ring ornament, Viffo’s Breath she called it, was indeed magically charged and it had quite a story. Viffo was an ranger from centuries ago – a member of the personal guard of the Moonlit King, a fey lord from another time and place. She showed me how to attune to the artifact which allowed me to remove it from the old bow and affix it to mine. Afterwards I went and practiced again – for a short while at least… because soon the target I was using was blown apart by the new enchantment. I spent the rest of the forenight purchasing any supplies we might need for today’s journey to Conyberry. I secured a new riding horse for Sister Garaelle along with a couple of saddle bags for gear (Explorers Pack) and some extra rations and water. I spent 100gp.








Next: Wave Echo Cave
Cycle One: The Iron Aegis


Appreciation & Collaboration


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