Cyrics Cudgel
Cyrics Cudgel is a band of Half-Orc bandits intent on freeing Cyric from his imprisonment. They are a recent re-formation of The Church of Cyric – intent on pillaging and marauding in the name of Cyric.
Why are they all Half-Orc?
Who is their true leader?
What are they planning – (if more than terrorizing small towns and travelers along The Trade Way)
We also meet a small band of Half-Orcs claiming to be “Cyrics Cudgel”… a cult dedicated to bringing back the Church of Cyric. They are also a bit isolationist, allowing only Orc kin membership. Why is unclear, perhaps we will find out later. Really they are just bandits and bullies wanting to pillage other folk. At any rate… they will be biting off more than than can chew. Perhaps they will learn their lesson and ensure they have better numbers next time…