Coin of Tymora and Beshaba

Item: Coin of Tymora and Beshaba

Type Wonderous Item (Coin)
Rarity Uncommon
Attune? No
Prereqs This coin must be gifted by a priestess of Tymora to have any power. If it is lost or stolen, subsequent owners recv no benefits from it.


Item Description

This coin has one face engraved with the the visage of Tymora, and the other of Beshaba, the gods of good luck and bad luck. As an action, you can flip this coin and allow it to fall to the ground (to represent a coin toss, roll any dice, even numbers represent Tymora’s face up, while odd numbers represent Beshaba).


– If the coin lands Tymora face up you can add current boon to any desired roll

– If the coin lands Beshaba face up – subtract  current boon from next roll (Attack, Skill, Saving)


The Coin will only land Tymora face up once per 24 hour period. Any subsequent flips during same period will always land Bashaba face up.


Note: DM may also decide to use results of the coin flip in ways that affect the surrounding world or story.

Item Levels

The awarded boon increases according to the users level (Proficiency Tiers)


Tier Boon
1 (lvl 1-4) 1d4
2 (lvl 5-8) 2d4
3 (lvl 9-12) 3d4
4 (lvl 13-16) 4d4
5 (lvl 17+) 5d4



Links out to sources about similar items or lore etc



Stone of Goodberry

Item Stone of Goodberry

Type Wonderous Item (Enchanted Stone)
Rarity Legendary
Attune? No
Prereqs None


Item Description
This small pocket stone is enchanted with the Goodberry spell.

Anyone holding one of the stones can cast the spell once per day by speaking the command words ‘Ela Mir’ (Sylvan for Fruit Food). Ten small berries will appear in your hand with the stone. Each restores 1 hp and provides sufficient nourishment for a 24 period.


Item Background
Five of these stones were enchanted and gifted by the Dryad Lysasra in the ruins of Conyberry on Day 10 of Mirtul, 1492.

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Moonglare Emblem

Item Moonglare Emblem

Type Wondrous Item (Amulet)
Rarity Rare
Attune? Yes
Prereqs Wood Elf


Item Description
Summon the Spirit Guardians of Woodland Elves to protect you (using an Action). They protectively  circle around the wearer of the emblem to a distance of 10 feet for the duration.

Affect: Any creature within (or entering within) the protective circle is Stunned for 1 full round and takes Radiant damage (2d8 +1). If the creature is Undead, damage is 2d8 +10

Duration: 1 min

Charges: 1 charge per day.


Favored Enemy: While the Spirit Guardians are active, they grant the caller a version of Favored Enemy as well. They are aware of the callers alignment, and aware of favored enemies.

You also have gain a +1 bonus to weapon attacks and damage against favored enemies while the Spirit Guardians are active.



Item Levels
For each full level attained while attuned to this item, add +1 damage to the roll (Max of 8)

For every three full levels attained while attuned, add +1 daily charge

This Moonglare Emblem was a gift from Ryliatha Cannowbrook. The artifact was her birthright and a family legacy.

Salamander Dagger

Item: Salamander Dagger

Type Weapon (+1 Dagger)
Rarity Legendary
Attune? Yes
Prereqs None


Item Description

Possessed by salamanders, the most basic and microscopic of fire spirits, this glowing weapon hums with a pleasant warmth, shedding bright red light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet when unsheathed.


This is a magic weapon which adds +1 to Attack and Damage rolls.


Wrath of the Salamanders. This weapon has 5 charges. When you expend 1 charge the weapon will deal an additional 1d4 fire damage to successful attacks for a duration of 1 minute.

The weapon regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Item Levels
For each level gained while attuned, add +1 to damage



Wand of Minions


Item: Wand of Minions

Type Wand
Rarity Rare
Attune? Yes
Prereqs None


Item Description

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend one of its charges to cause a “Tiny Beast” creature to enlarge into a Giant version of itself.

For example – A Rat (Tiny Beast) becomes a Giant Rat (Small Beast).

A Spider becomes a Giant Spider


The magically enlarged creatures are under the complete control of the caster (while they live).

Duration 1 hour. (afterwards they revert to Tiny size)

A number of creatures equal to 2x the casters Proficiency Bonus can be enlarged with a single charge.

For example – at Prof +2, Four Spiders can be enlarged. At Prof +3, Six Spiders can be enlarged.


The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.


Item Levels
This items power increases with the users proficiency bonus


Viffo’s Breath – Bow Ring


Item: Viffo’s Breath

Type Bow Ring
Rarity Legendary
Attune? Temporary
Prereqs Fey Ancestry


Item Description

When this beautifully engraved ring is affixed to a bow, each arrow fired from the bow has a possibility of becoming magically endowed with Viffo’s Breath – which adds additional Force damage to a successful strike.


Bow Ring requires attunement only temporarily – to magically affix the solid bow ring to the bow, the user must attune to it. Once attuned, it is a simple act of will to embed the bow ring. Only those with Fey Ancestry may attune to the Bow Ring.


When using Viffo’s Breath, on a successful attack, roll 1d6. If result is 5 or 6, Viffo’s Breath is activated. Add nd6 Force damage where “n” equals your proficiency bonus.


Item Levels
This items power increases with the users proficiency bonus

Viffo was an ranger from centuries ago – a member of the personal guard of the Moonlit King, a fey lord from another time and place. How it ended up dust-covered in a barrel in Conyberry is anybodies guess.

Chinpit’s Cudgel (Magic Item)

Chinpit’s Cudgel

Type Weapon (Club)
Rarity Legendary
Attune? No/Yes
Prereqs None


Item Description
This short club appears as wood, but is actually fashioned of an unknown type of metal. It is ‘carved’ with ancient runes. It was once a powerfully enchanted weapon, but something happened to its magic and today it is a weak shadow of its former power. It will only sometimes deploy its magical enchantment.


Fickle Magic. Whenever you successfully attack with this weapon, roll a 1d4 to determine if its magic will deploy.


1d4 Result
1-2 Nothing happens
3 1d6 Force Damage added
4 2d6 Force Damage added and target experiences uncontrolable fear of the cudgel and runs as far away as possible. (Recovers next turn)



Item Levels
This is how Item behaves in higher levels

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The Way of the Black Circlet

Subclass Name

This Monk Subclass is unique to a specific character – Ileel Roven’ris. Born deep within The High Forest on a Midsummer Night, the wood elf (along with her twin sister) were blessed by a goddess as they physically entered the world. Mielikki herself fashioned a Black Circlet to the forehead of Ileel and named her a Protector – a future member of the Vandor Aegis. The parents promised their twin daughters to the service of Mielikki and when they were weaned, gave them over to The Wild Queens Temple for preparation. Ileel spent the first 30 years of her life in the temple training. As she grows in strength and power, so does the Black Circlet affixed to her forehead. This subclass details the feats and magical abilities that result.


Sublime Weave Feat
(Level 3)

Ileel’s Black Circlet gifts her with the ability to weave enchanted cloth – specifically with silk materials. The resulting silk robes are attuned to the Black Circlet and acquire magical properties while connected.

The magical abilities are only available to the one wearing the Magic Circlet which created it. The strength of the magic depends on the type of silk used to create it.


Normal Silk (Tier 1)

AC Bonus +1

Chameleon – garments can color change and shape change at the will of their wearer – can be flowing robes or the material can draw skin tight for combat. At Tier 1, wearer has a bonus +2 to Stealth checks to hide.

Dark Mantle – The garment is able, upon the will of its wearer, to form a shroud of darkness as if affected by a form of the Darkness spell. The sheds a shadow with a 5-foot radius making the wearer nearly invisible in dim and dark environment.  Duration: until the wearer of the Black Circlet no longer wills it.


Ileel’s Bow (Level 3)

Weapon (Shortbow), Legendary (requires the Black Circlet given by Mielikki )

When Leely and Ileel were born in the High Forest, Mielikki was present and blessed them each with a magic circlet (embedded into their crowns as they were removed from the womb) and a special weapon. Ileel was given a bow fashioned of black mithril weaved into Onyxoak in an almost Celtic design. This makes the bow lightweight and strong – giving it the equal of a longbow.

The Mithril in the wood acts as a power bank of sorts. Ileel can fill the bank with necrotic energy using her Death Touch to a maximum equal to her current hit dice. This necrotic energy can be poured into any arrow when it is notched on the bow.  Example, at level 4, Ileel has 4d8 Hit Dice. When using Attack action she can add 1d8 Necrotic Damage to the arrow before firing. With a full ‘bank’ at level 4, she can use this ability 4 times. She can refill the bank by using an Action for Death Touch (10 seconds to complete). Each Medium-sized creature so touched will fill 2d8 of every store. (Large 4d8, Small 1d8)

As Ileel grows stronger in skill and strength, so does the magic of the black circlet in her crown, and the bow attached to it.

At Tier 1 (Levels 1-4)

Magic Weapon +1

Add 1d8 (HD) Necrotic Damage to Arrow

At Tier 2 (Levels 5-10)

Magic Weapon +2

Add up to 2d8 Necrotic Damage to Arrow

Creature which takes Necrotic Damage takes another 1d8 Necrotic damage at start of their next turn

Creature must roll Con Save (DC = Ki Save) or become Vulnerable to Radiant Damage after taking any Necrotic damage from bow

At Tier 3 (Levels 11-16)

Magic Weapon +3

Add up to 4d8 Necrotic Damage to Arrow

Creature which takes Necrotic Damage takes another 2d8 Necrotic damage at start of their next turn

Creature becomes Vulnerable to Radiant Damage after taking Necrotic damage from bow

At Tier 4 (Levels 17+)



Death Touch(Level 3)

Ileel has the ability to reduce any corpse to its material components, excellerating the process of decay to a matter of seconds (10). The intent is to prevent necromancy from ever having any power over the corpse. It also fills Ileels Bow with Necrotic energy, up to a max equal to her hit die. Death Touch can be used against the Undead as long as their total HP is equal to or lower than Ileel’s. Using Death Touch on an animated corpse requires a successful grapple action. If successful, the undead creature is turned to dust by the end of the second turn grappled.


Magical Companion (Level 3)

Mielikki’s Magic Circlets allowed the young twins to bring magical companions into being.

Ileel’s companion is a female Dire Black Panther (Nayla)

Her companion is are psychically linked to Ileel. Whether they appear as representations of some sentience within the circlets, or simply as an extension of the bearer is unknown. They appear at times to have their own will but never actually conflict with the will of the circlet bearer.

Nayla is not a combat companion and cannot inflict physical damage (at least not at Level 3). She is not physically material, more like an illusion… that is… to everyone except Iileel and Leely. The sisters can feel her and interact physically with Nayla. Ileel along can ride upon his back as a mount. (Speed 60ft)

The companion can been seen when they wish to be and can see their surroundings and communicate in emotional ways to Ileel.


(Leely and Ileel will learn to actually scry through the eyes of their companions at Teir2)




Silk Weave (Level 6)

Stronger, more exotic silk can be harvested used to weave cloth. This enhanced enchantment grants the wearer Uncanny Dodge.

When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.


FeatName (Level 6)

Feat Description



FeatName (Level 11)

Feat Descriptio

FeatName (Level 11)

Feat Description



FeatName (Level 17)

Feat Description

FeatName (Level 17)

Feat Description


The Way of the Blackthorn

The Way of the Blackthorn

Monks of the Way of the Blackthorn train relentlessly with wooden weapons, to the point that the monk is able to infuse their Ki into the wood, giving it magical-like properties. The monk has developed an affinity for wooden weapons – bo staffs, bows, short staffs, escrima sticks, etc, and refuses to use steel, iron or any other metal-based weapon because they are unable to connect their Ki to metal. Attempting to use any metal-based weapon is an awkward experience and results in -1 to attack and damage rolls.

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, your special martial arts training leads you to master the use of ki-infused wooden weapons. You gain the following features and benefits:

Bastón Weapons
(Level 3)

These weapons can be any simple or martial weapon as long as there is no metal. You gain proficiency in dealing damage with these weapons. Add your current Proficiency Bonus to your damage roll. (If you are using a weapon with any metal in it, subtract current Proficiency Bonus)

Aggression Tactics
(Level 3)

You can use Intimidate skill in combat to weaken an opponent’s resolve. If you do not already have it, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill and Intimidation checks outside of combat have Advantage. As a bonus action you can spend 1Ki and Intimidate the target (by performing some daunting martial arts movement or a battle cry etc) – they must save on DC saving throw against your Intimidation skill (8 +Prof +Chr). On fail the target becomes “shaken”. A shaken character takes a penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws equal to your Intimidation Skill bonus. If multiple smaller targets are within 10 feet of you, you may Intimidate multiple creatures as per table below. You can use this feature only once on each of your turns.  Size Matters: If opponent is larger than you, they gain advantage on their DC check. Is smaller, disadvantage. On fail, the larger are only Shaken for 1 round instead of 3 while the smaller is shaken for 1 min.

Size vs Size Table

2+ Sizes Smaller Disadvantage -2 | Shaken for 1 min | 3 Targets
1 Size Smaller Disadvantage | Shaken for 1 min | 2 Targets
Same Size DC Save  | 3 turns Shaken on fail | Single Target
1 Size Larger Advantage | 1 turn Shaken on fail | Single Target
2+ Sizes Larger Advantage +2  | 1 turn Shaken on fail | Single Target

Tiny     (Imp, Sprite).  Small     (Giant Rat, Goblin), Medium (Orc, Human)
Large     (Hippogriff, Ogre),  Huge     (Fire Giant, Treant)

Knuckle Buster
(Level 3)

After a successful Attack roll, a bonus action and 1 Ki Point can be used to target the hands of a melee weapon/ranged opponent. Target must DC save (8+prof+dex) else be disadvantaged on melee/ranged attacks for 1 min. The successful Knuckle Buster attack causes opponent to not be able to hold onto their weapon sufficiently. Only applies to weapon wielding opponents, melee attacks such as Claw, Bite, Kick etc are not affected.

Cosh Brutalis (Brutal Blow)
(Level 6)

After a successful Attack roll, with a ranged or melee wooden weapon, you can use a bonus action to cause the weapon to deal extra damage to the target – equal to your Martial Arts die roll. You can spend Ki points to use additional Martial Arts die (1 Ki per die). You can use this feature only once on each of your turns.

Copse Skin
(Level 6)

As a bonus action, you can transform your physical body into the texture and likeness of the Blackthorn bark. Cost is 2 Ki points. AC receives +1 bonus and you have resistance to physical damage types (bludgeoning, force, piercing, slashing) but you are vulnerable fire type damage while the effect lasts. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Vitalized Weapon Master
(Level 11)

You gain the ability to further augment your Baston weapons energetically with your ki. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki point to grant one wooden weapon you can touch a +2 bonus to attack roll. This bonus lasts for 24 hours. Weapon cannot contain any metal. This feature will stack on a magic weapon that already has a bonus to attack and damage rolls. (A +2 magic weapon will temporarily become +4)

Vitalized Weapon Attack Bonus Table

Level 11 +2 (+Dex +Prof)
Level 17 +4 (+Dex +Prof)


Improvised Baston
(Level 11)

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki points to cause any wooden object (which is longer than your forearm such as a table leg, tree branch, etc) to become infused with Ki, taking on the properties of a Baston weapon. The object must be touched to infuse Ki into it. This effect is permanent as long as the object stays within 5 feet of the monk who infused it.

Copse Skin AC
(Level 17)

Your Copse Skin feat now also increases your AC by +4.

FeatName (Level 17)

Feat Description

The Way of the Metalon Fist

Way of the Metallon Fist

Monks of the Way of the Metallon Fist have developed mastery of infusing their Ki with various metal substances (iron, gold, silver, copper as well as alloys such as brass and steel) and then absorbing the qualities into their fists. The monks fist will become visibly changed (affect depends on the amount and type of metal used) while focusing the flow. This allows the monk of the Way of the Metallon Fist to strike with hand or foot or even elbow while focusing the internal metal into the striking point.  

Metallon Fist (Level 3)

When you choose this monk tradition at 3rd level, your character gains the ability to absorb various metals into their bodies. This adds to the damage which can be done by unarmed attacks.
Absorbing the metal requires the use of Ki points (1 Ki per pound).
Time required is 1 hour of focused concentration per pound of metal. There must be at least 1 pound of metal and can be derived from nearly any source but a tempered weapon such as a dagger is an ideal source. Object is destroyed by absorbing it (cannot be recovered).
If a magical weapon is absorbed, the magical properties are maintained and added to the monks unarmed attack.
The monk can use the absorbed metal in any unarmed attack – directing the flow of the metal into hands and feet with their focus. Absorbed metal effects remain until replaced.

Add your Strength Modifier to your Damage Roll on successful unarmed attacks


Metal Strength (Level 3)

The monastic tradition provides +2 to the characters Strength ability per Metallon absorption level. (Max of 20 Str)


Strength Bonus Table

Level Amount of Metal Strength ABS Bonus
3 1 lb (Dagger) +2
6 2 lbs (Shortsword) +4
11 3 lbs (Longsword) +6
17 4+ lbs (Battleaxe) +8