Categories: LGFLs

The Song Moon Temple

The Song Moon Temple
The Song Moon Temple is the home of a Monastic Order in the mountains of Tethyr which is dedicated to the diety ‘Tel Aestar. It was originally founded in 1389 DR (Year of the Forgiven Foes) just shortly after the Spellplague Disaster. The Song Moon Temple was founded by Teacher Halanir (a Moon Elf from Arvandor). What is little known, even among the students and other teachers of the monastery, is that Halanir was following the guidance of Qynra Tylinra, the Moon Dragon which brought Halanir to  Abeir-Toril.



The Monastery is situated far up in the Starspire Mountains in the peninsula segment of the mountain range, West of the Mt Adlir Peaks. The monastery is physically isolated from the rest of the world – with no roads or trails leading to it from the lowlands. Only creatures capable of flying into great heights can hope to reach it. Qynra Tylinra has cast a ward over the monastery so that other dragons will not be able to see it.  She also created the stable portal between the monastery and the outside world. The portal is large enough to transport groups of students and even wagons. The portal leads to a hidden location on the North side of the Starspire Mountains, not from the Trade Way.


The Monastery “walls” are natural rock faces which form a large hidden plateau. There are no gates in or out, but there is a carved stairway leading up to tower overlooking Zazesspur and the Bay of Bormul. Most of the structures are actually carved into the mountain, though there are some small structures in the open training grounds of the monastery, most of the residences and common indoor areas are carved caves. Nothing is overdone but is kept simple and there is no sense of “high culture” as is often found in religious temples. There is, however, carved reliefs into the rock walls around the entire grounds. These reliefs are mostly artistic renderings of nature.


The Monastery teaches and trains Novices and Adepts of nearly any race or background. Most of the disciples in the monastery started life in the Song Moon Temple as Wards – infants or young children under the full guardianship of the temple. Very few adults are accepted into the fellowship of monks – in fact it has happened only twice since the monastery’s founding.
There are several martial arts traditions (or Ways) represented by the Teachers of the Monastery. Most Teachers are either Adept or Master rank, and a few are Grandmasters. There are 4 levels of student:Novice, Adept, Master and Grandmaster. Novices are trained and mentored by Adepts, Adepts by Masters, Masters by Grandmasters. Grandmasters become students of Qynra Tylinra herself. There are 4 rankings for temple members


Temple Rank PC Level Tier
Novice Levels 1-4
Adept Levels 5-10
Master Levels 11-16
Grand Master Levels 17-20


When a Novice has trained well for 10 years, they are given a sub-rank of Potential Adept. Many Novice’s never acquire the skill or discipline to reach even this level. Some leave the monastery at this point, others are pleased to remain at the Novice rank and live and serve in the temple as Stewards. Stewards are to be highly honored by all ranks within the temple and the Grand Masters ensure it is so.



In addition to the daily practice of martial arts, there are also daily prayers and teachings dedicated to ‘Tel Aestar.  ‘Tel Aestar is largely unknown as a deity within the realms of Toril. Qynra Tylinra introduced Teacher Halanir to O’Su O’Si Lyth Aestar years ago. O’Su O’Si Lyth means, in elvish, Father, Mother, Child and Aestar means Together. The god is move often referred to as “The Together” or ‘Tel Aestar as a way of recognizing that the deity is not a single entity but also not three separate entities. The foundational idea of community is essential to a belief and worship of ‘Tel Aestar.


On the full moon of each month (30th day) the moon dragon flies overhead, circling the monastery and singing a song to O’Su O’Si Lyth Aestar.  She expects all who hear her to sing with her. Some say she actually charms her listeners with song because no one ever fails to sing – but whether they feel compelled by magic or by beauty, they all sing along. Qynra Tylinra sings songs of worship to ‘Tel Aestar – The Together. First Teacher Halanir explains that the Diety praised of Qynra Tylinra is originally of another realm, but is present through all realms.



The temple does not have any aversion to magic, but neither does it place any emphasis on it either – at least not in the way most would speak of magic. The powers of the monks appear quite magical but are not gained from dusty tomes or deals made with deities – these monks learn that their very life force is an element of magic in this world, and train for years upon years to control its true capabilities.


The monastery teaches and holds to a strict Neutral Good stance however because they believe Chaos or Law is the domain of the gods. Evil is to be opposed however. Many would presume to do so by enforcing order. From the Grand Masters down, it is taught that Goodness should not answer to Order or Chaos… that, in fact, it often ceases to be truly good when under the claws of law.

(Notes on NG)



The thing has a backstory worth telling


The thing may not exist in isolation of other things



The thing includes these sorts of beings

Notable inhabitants

NPC01 was member of the thing


References and Notes

Links to related things

Categories: LGFLs

Cyrics Cudgel

Cyrics Cudgel is a band of Half-Orc bandits intent on freeing Cyric from his imprisonment. They are a recent re-formation of The Church of Cyric – intent on pillaging and marauding in the name of Cyric.

Why are they all Half-Orc?

Who is their true leader?

What are they planning – (if more than terrorizing small towns and travelers along The Trade Way)

We also meet a small band of Half-Orcs claiming to be “Cyrics Cudgel”… a cult dedicated to bringing back the Church of Cyric. They are also a bit isolationist, allowing only Orc kin membership. Why is unclear, perhaps we will find out later. Really they are just bandits and bullies wanting to pillage other folk. At any rate… they will be biting off more than than can chew. Perhaps they will learn their lesson and ensure they have better numbers next time…