DM Notes – Cycle One – The Everwelte Shield


From the start… let me say just this… I aint’ promising they will be pretty, these notes.In fact, that may sort of be the point in publishing them… to show the process ain’t always pretty, and it don’t have t’ be. Seriously… as I am thinking through how to run a session (or a scene) I ramble a lot. Maybe this might happen… perhaps the BBEG is behing this thing over here… what if this what if that… I write this stuff into DM notes. I use those stream of wondering type notes to put together the scenes and sessions.
Why publish them? Perhaps only because I want to journal the process of becoming a better DM and a better role player (along with a better designer and a better writer… I know… I have some work to get done… don’t be coy now)

Naming Convention
What matters in the name? These DM notes are specific to the scene I am playing and a scene is specific to party (what I’m calling a Shield of the Guild) and to an adventure (what I am calling a Cycle) I have three ‘Shields’ and increasing Cycles and Scenes. So maybe Cycle.Shield.Scene? Something like DM Notes 01.01.01?

DM Notes C01.S01.01

Yisi and Valea at Song Moon Temple

DM Notes C01.S01.02

DM Notes C01.S01.03

DM Notes C01.S01.04

DM Notes C01.S01.05

DM Notes C01.S01.06

DM Notes C01.S01.07

DM Notes C01.S01.08

DM Notes C01.S01.09

DM Notes C01.S01.10

DM Notes C01.S01.11

DM Notes C01.S01.12

DM Notes C01.S01.13

DM Notes C01.S01.14

DM Notes C01.S01.15

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