Frostfalls Pass (Part Two)

[Scene Info]
Cycle One: Shield of the Northern Towers
Scene 10 (C01.S03.10)- Scene Notes
Credit Notes
[Setting Info]
Spine of the World
Forecrex of Uktar 2 – 1491 DR
Snowing lightly



] You are with Shent, Samsam and Melthor on your way to Almsvar. You learned that someone named Shavisala lives there. She is like you, and is likely your mother according to the merchant who told. You carry a package from the merchant to deliver to Shavisala, a powerful artifact she purchased through Nim Bragos. Another package was sent over a tenday ago, to be delivered by a group of 5 adventurers who call themselves The Red Drakes. They have not returned and Nim fears the worse… his previous package has not been delivered. He asked that you keep watch for these adventurers and if possible complete their mission as well.


] Yesterday you set out from Bryn Shander to the foothills of the Spine of the World. After a brief encounter with some local Crag Cats, you portaled back to the Kirn Kuldhir which is docked in Fireshear to enjoy safe nights rest. Before first light, you did your normal Heaven’s Orbit practice (+2 Ki for the day) Before setting out, you made up some of Nim’s special ‘energizing’ tea (4d4+4 = 14 Temporary HP).


] Back in the foothills of the Spine, you followed the tributary upstream for another 2 miles where you discovered the location marked on Nim’s map. You ventured through the large crevasse marking the beginning of Frostfalls Pass and began climbing long slow switchbacks from there.


] The calm blue skies of yesterday have fled. Today you watch large thick clouds speed by overhead. The winds pick up tiny shards of ice from the ground and hurl them into your face. The temperature has dropped to well below freezing and continues to drop as you climb higher up the pass. Three of you are toasty warm however. Your new yeti fur cloaks are all they promised to be. Melthor, however, is obviously struggling with the cold.


] Samsam “I think Melthor needs a break.” She opens her cloak wide. “Come here Melthor, let me warm you!”


] Melthor appears all too happy to press himself against Samsam. She is well more than a foot taller than he and his forehead does not even reach her chin as she wraps up him inside her cloak.


Dawndra] “So Shent… you have never been here before?”


] Shent “No. Never had a client with a reason to enter Frostfalls Pass. I’ve heard of it, all the Spine Rangers have. There is a wide valley at the top which the tales tell is quite beautiful. There huge hanging spikes of ice lining the entire valley. Hard for me to imagine really, but that is what I’ve been told. They say that water columns shoot high into the sky at the peak. Dwarves have been killed by peering down into the holes at the wrong time.”


Dawndra] “And you say you’ve never had a reason to go there before? ”


] Shent “I don’t like to risk my life for a sight-seeing tour. I’ve heard that hunters and trappers do well here among the foothills, but I doubt the scale up to where we are going. Rumors that Frost Giants have taken Almsvar back are always being floated around. Most adventurers are going to keep clear of a keep full of Frost Giants.”


Dawndra] “Nim mentioned the rumors to said to disregard them – Shavisala, my mother, probably started them to keep folk away. … it is weird to hear myself say that… ‘my mother’. I can’t believe I am going to meet her!”


] Shent “She sure picked an odd place to live. Even if she started the rumors, the fact is… Frost Giants are likely to find their way back to Almsvar. The legends told among the Ironmaster clan say it was Dwarves that carved the castle into the stone and ice. Giants had enslaved them and forced them to do it, but being Dwarves, they could only do it with extravagant styling. I’m sure the beauty was lost on the giants.”


] You continue the long slow climb, stopping briefly at times to allow Melthor to nuzzle the warmth of Samsam. About five hours into the upward trek, you begin to hear the sound of falling water ahead. The trail opens up onto a large table in the side of the mountain which appears to be made of ice. The surface is a thin layer of flowing water that drips over the side of the plateau. If you were to look over the edge on the north side you would see a staggering drop of hundreds of feet of cliff face covered in ice from the dripping ledge. On the south side there is another cliff wall 50 feet high with a massive waterfall pouring tons of water into a deep pool. The entire rock face sparkles with years of ice formed from the spray of falling water.


] Shent “Where is all that water going? There must be a thousand barrels a second coming over that cliff, but look, there is only small amount spilling out of that pool. It must be going deep underground.”


] Samsam “Oh it is beautiful! Isn’t it beautiful Melthor? I’ve never imagined such a place!”


] Melthor “Spectacular, very much spectacular. And scary… are we just going to walk across this wet ice table? I mean… is there any stone beneath it at all or is the whole thing ready to flop down the mountain at any moment?”


Dawndra] “A valid observation melthor. It looks ancient… and we know Giants walked this path once but who knows how much weight it can take today. We should cross one at a time to be safe – I will go last.”


] You watch as Shent tests the surface of the icetable. He steps out and begins gliding across with controlled skating steps, as if he were a kid playing on a frozen ice pond.


] Shent “Seems plenty stable!” he yells back to you.


] Melthor goes next, but with less grace. After several flips and falls, he just scoots his way across on hands and knees. Samsam decides on a different approach, she gets a running starts and then hits the slick wet ice with a strong stance and simply slides most all the way across to where Shent and Melthor wait.


Dawndra] “Very impressive Samsam!” I am not feeling quite so brazen… But I want to know what the wet ice feels like so I remove my boots and step out on the ice tentatively to test my weight.


] You experience a strange sensation as your barefeet come in contact with the thick ice. It feels as if each step is secured – as if your feet have grown roots which sink down into the ice. Without the slightest slip, you walk calmly across the surface as if it were a paved road. The cold energy radiating up through your feet makes you feel stronger.


] Samsam “She is just pretending that it is not slippy ice… right? How is that working for her?” she says while hugging Melthor against her body vigorously.


Dawndra] “I’m not sure how, but my bare feet feel connected to the ice. It was not slippery at all.”


] Shent “I’ve seen stranger things. I don’t try to explain any of them. Shall we continue on?”


] The trail wraps around the cliff face and then switches back, leading up towards the source of the massive waterfall. The trail opens to a much larger plateau area backed by much largers cliffs. The area is roundish and about 160 feet wide. The river splits the tableland almost perfectly in half, from the icy cliff over and down to where you just were. It is flowing fast and hard and is about 40 feet across. Where the trail leads across the river, there is no bridge but you see two large stepping stones… the kind only giants could safely use to cross.


] Shent “Hold back.” he says before you step out into the open. “I think I saw movement along the cliff wall there.”


] The wind is loud against the rock formations but you barely can hear what sounds like the moaning of a wounded beast. A rock flies from somewhere above and lands on the far side of the river and there is an angered but almost frightened cry from bushes where the rock landed.


] Melthor “What the zhok? Did you see…”


] Shent “Quiet. Wait…”


] More rocks fly across the river to the same bushes, and again you hear a response. One of the rocks flew from a spot you can see from where you stand and you notices there are caves all along the cliff face – most of them 40 or 50 feet up. A white creature appears from a cave and hurls a rocks and then ducks back inside the mountain.


Dawndra] “What was that? A Yeti?”


] Shent “No. Too small to be a Yeti or a Troll. Best guess? Snow Apes. Mischievous beasts…. They can be dangerous… depending on how many are together. In small numbers… they are cowardly… you can scare them off with a stick… but in a pack they become ferocious and deadly.”


Dawndra] “What are they throwing rocks at? Did you hear the cries?”


] Shent “I did, but what they came from? Maybe a Crag Cat?”


Dawndra] “Samsam – use your bow trick to take a closer look!”


] Samsam “Oh, I forgot!” She pulls the blindfold over her eyes and draws back on the empty bow, aiming towards the bushes where the rocks are falling. “There is a large bear hiding in the bushes… big as a polar bear but different… it doesn’t have fur like a bear… it has… feathers? Could that be right?”


] Shent “Owlbear!”


] Samsam “Something else… its eyes… oh Mother! It has no eyes!” She drops the bow and pulls the blindfold off. She hunches like she is about to hurl. “Just awful it is… something tore its eyes out.”


] Shent “A blind Owlbear is still mighty dangerous… they hunt by smell as much as by sight.”


Dawndra] “Yes, but remember, our cloaks mask our scent.”


] Shent “Right. Well they sure proved to be warm…. I guess you are screwed Melthor.” he laughs


] Samsam yanks Melthor over to her and shoves him inside her cloak. “I’ve got you Melthor!”


Dawndra] “How are we going to cross this river. Those stepping stones are probably slick with ice – jumping over them will be treacherous.”


] Shent “And you can bet your fancy that we will be targeted by those Snow Apes.”


Dawndra] “We need a bridge, maybe with enough rope we can make a rope bridge?”


] Samsam “Is there a way around the river? I don’t really like getting my hair wet.”


] Shent “Do you see a way around? ”


Dawndra] “I think maybe I do… look – the caves. What are the odds they are all connected by tunnels? If we could reach one, maybe we can just walk around the river?”


] Melthor “But the Snow Apes!” he says muffled against Samsam’s chest.


Dawndra] “I think I might be able to safely leap across those stepping stones. Then secure the rest of you with my rope. You might fall in, but I can stop you from falling over. Or we can try the caves. What say you all?”


] Shent “I’m with Samsam on this one… I don’t like getting my beard wet… I say we brave the caves.”


] Samsam “But Melthor is afraid of the apes! I say we jump across.”


] Melthor “I am not afraid of the apes… I was just… well… okay, lets jump across.”


Dawndra] “I have an idea about our packs… we don’t want them weighing us down – especially if we fall in.” I pull out the pouch used to contain my cloak. “Ma Akana Bino” I place my boots and pack inside – except for my rope. “Ma Akana Sima”


] The pouch magically compresses the pack into a pouch sized sack you can wear around your neck.


] Shent “Brilliant! I can’t believe we have been lugging our packs this entire time! Just when I start to think I’m smart…” He does the same, repeating the command works to open and close the enchanted sacks.


] Samsam follows you. “Melthor, see if we can fit your pack in here as well. Maakana Sima!” she says, but the sack does not close. “Won’t fit! What do we do?”


] Melthor “I guess we just throw it across. ”


Dawndra] “I will go first and throw the rope back across. Tye yourselves off before you attempt to cross. And… Watch that the owlbear doesn’t charge me from behind will you?” I get a running start and attempt to jump barefoot over both stepping stones.


] As you suspected, your barefeet somehow have unnatural traction on the ice-coated stones and you skip across the river with ease. Before you can throw the rope back across however, a large rock splashes into the river just a few feet from you. The Snow Apes have spotted you. After you throw the rope back across, Samsam ties herself and with no sign of fear or hestitation, leaps the crossing rocks [()] successfully. Shent ties himself and goes next [()] but on the first rock his feet disappear from under him. He falls into the river [()] but you and Samsam are easily able to pull him across. More rocks fly at you [()] and one hits you in the back Dawndra while you are pulling Shent to his feet (dmg 3)


Dawndra] “Kak! They are strong to throw that far… and across the wind! Samsam… see you can scare them back in their holes with an arrow or two.”


] Samsam “I can try!” putting her blindfold on she draws back an arrow. “It won’t even come close. I don’t get the target thingy.”


] Shent “Hurry it up Melthor!” He yells. “I am suddenly very very cold. I guess this magic wool won’t work wet?”


Dawndra] “Here swap with me for a min to get warm.”


] While Melthor is tying himself to the other end of the rope, you remove your cloak for Shent to wear. More rocks fly – at you and at the Owlbear nearby [()] but they miss everyone. As soon as you remove your cloak you hear a screeching cry from the Owlbear. It has smelled you and is now charging your direction.


Dawndra] “Gutt! Gutt! Gutt! I forgot.” I hand the rope to Shent “Here, get Melthor across and I will lead the Owlbear away. I ready my weapon and begin to run closer towards the cliff wall thinking I might let the apes help distract this beast. I look to see if it is following my scent.


] The owlbear is successfully tracking you and follows after you. You can hear the excited Snow Apes as they throw more rocks [()] missing you and [()] hitting the owlbear. It howls in frustration but keeps charging. It’s speed matching yours.


Dawndra] I run up to the cliff and try to find a spot I can climb up [Athletics Check]

2d20a Athletics 13 +4 = 17 [Success]


] You successfully climb up to a small cave about 20 feet above ground. Below, the owlbear has started bashing into ice-coated wall. It is also getting pelted with rocks from the Snow Apes. It is a pitiful sight… anger, fear, frustration… all personfied by the owlbear empty, bloody eye sockets.


] Shent yells to “Come on back Dawndra!”


] You notice that Melthor has [()] safely made it across the river. They are all standing ready for a fight. Suddenly you hear a loud howl that sounds like it came from below the nine hells. As it echoes around the cliff walls, you notice all of the Snow Apes scurry out of sight. The owlbear also panics and runs [()] straight into the river. You watch as the strong currents wash the terrified beast away.


Dawndra] I climb back down and rejoin the group. “What was that!?”


] Shent “I don’t know, but something tells me we should be very afraid. Hurry, lets get out of the open.”


] You continue following the trail as it scales higher up the mountain. You find a shallow cave with enough shelter to start a fire and warm Shent and Melthor. The material of Shent’s cloak dries quickly near the fire and he is able to feel it producing its magical warmth again..


] Shent “I judge we have enough daylight left to climb perhaps another quadday. I think we just might reach the summit before the dark of Nhyx. How is everyone feeling? Ready to climb or would you prefer to call it a done-day here?”


] Everyone agrees to cover some more distance while there is daylight. As you are putting out the fire, you again hear the otherworldly howling echo through the mountain range. It chills you in a way that even the most bitter cold is unable to.


] Melthor “On second thought…”


] Shent “Whatever it is, it sounds farther away. We are hearing echoes now, back at the river crossing it was really close.”


] You climb another two hours. The wind gusts are stronger now, the sound can be deafening at times and you have to cover your eyes to prevent the ice blasts blinding you. After trekking along the mountain face for a long distance, the path widens into more switchbacks. Ahead about 50 feet you see what looks like a body in a red cloak dangling from a rope tied to barren tree.


] Shent “Hold. That there is what you call suspicious… Let me scout ahead just a bit.” [()]


] You watch as Shent crouches and slowly steps forward, hyper aware of each step. He gets within 10 feet of the hanging cloak and then backtracks a bit, looking along the uphill side for something. He finds a frozen branch and returns to the red cloak. He uses the branch to look under the cloak and then begins poking the branch into the snow underneath it. You hear a loud clanging metal snap! Shent jumps backwards as large hidden bear trap is triggered, shattering the branch into many bits. The loud metal clang echoes up the mountain side. As Shent turns back towards you, you see him smiling wide. His face drops a second later however, as you once again hear the fiendish howl in the distance. It is now clearly uphill from you and not far away. Shent waves you forward.


Dawndra] “What did you find Shent? Besides the leg snapper…”


] Shent “It’s an animal carcass… a reindeer, or whats left of one. All its legs are sawn off. Someone is obviously trying to catch bigger game.”


] Melthor “Maybe someone is trying to catch whatever is making that howling.”


] Samsam “Or maybe the howling fiend is trying to catch us! Did you think that maybe?”


Dawndra] “I’d like to take a close look at the red cloak. Part of our objective is to find a group called the Red Drakes… and it seems a bright red cloak would be just what they would be wearing.” I approach the hanging trap careful and remove the cloak and inspect it.


] The red cloak is frozen stiff in parts where it soaked with blood. There is a breast pocket with something within it. You also note at the botton inner corner of the cloak there is a familiar emblem of an abstract loom circled by the words- Norli The Weaver.


Dawndra] “Look here. This is one of Norli’s cloaks. It must be from the Red Drakes!”


] Shent “Could they be the hunters who set the trap?”


Dawndra] “Could be, but I assume this cloak has enchantments like ours… who would leave it like this. There is something in the pocket as well.” I shake the cloak.


] You hear the sound of gold coins inside a pouch. Opening it up you find 52 gp and a green gem which has a faint magical glow to it.


Dawndra] I pull out the green gem and look more closely at it.


] It feels slightly warm to the touch and you feel an odd instinct to squeeze it in your palm. After squeezing it for 6 seconds, the magical glow from within the gem is transferred to your hand and you suddently, magically, know that this is a Gem of Aid.


Dawndra] “Wow! Here… quick… Melthor, Samsam… Shent… let me share this before it fades.” I touch each of them with my green-glowing hand.


] They each receive the boon of the Gem of Aid.


] Melthor “Hey, that feels warm and nice.”


Dawndra] I tuck the gem back in with the coins and stash it in my own pockets. Then I hand Melthor the cloak “Here Melthor. I don’t know exactly what this cloak does, but it is likely enchanted from our friend Norli. Sorry about the blood…”


] From uphill, you hear a slight rustle and then, as if out of nowhere, a huge white-furred beast descends on the hanging carcass and begins viciously tearing at it. Seemingly unaware of you still, it turns its back towards you as it feasts.


Dawndra] I want first strike on this beast

2d20a Attack 16 +7 = 23 [Hit] Dmg 7 +5 = 12
2d20a Attack 11 +7 = 18 [Hit] Dmg 3 +5 = 8


] With a graceful leap, you pull your weapon and strike, driving the piercing tip deep into the lower back of the beast. You extract and attempt to sweep the legs. The Yeti does not fall, but turns on you. [Initiative Rolls]


] Melthor is suddenly beside you before the massive beast, his sword jolts forward and upward [()] opening up its belly with a squishing sound. It fixes it eyes on you Dawndra, fierce and murderous [Constitution Save]



1d20 Con Save 13 +3 = 16 [Save]


] It’s claws attempt havok on both of you [()] Dawndra you take a dangerous slashing blow but manage to push Melthor out of reach of the attack. An arrow from Samsam’s bow whistles behind you [()] and sticks into the upper chest of the Yeti. Shent has meanwhile circled the monster and attacks from behind [()] his battle axe severs the spinal cord and the Yeti goes limp. It folds to the ground and rolls over – its eerie eyes darting, searching. Shent drives a dagger through its throat and up into the skull to finish it.



Init Character AC ATK HP
20 Melthor 16 +6 1d8+4 47
19 Yeti 12 +7 1d6+4 51 31 22 13 1
15 Dawndra 18 +7 2d4+5 41 33
10 Samsam 16 +5 1d6+5 40
8 Shent 16 +6 1d8+4 (x2) 76


] Shent “Good work everyone. I’ve never seen a Yeti attack end so quickly, so smoothly, and I’ve see many Yeti attacks. You okay Dawndra?”


Dawndra] “Yes, I will be fine. So this is a Yeti? What is the difference between a Yeti and a Frost Troll?”


] Shent “Well… One difference… we would not have killed a Frost Troll so easily. But they do sort of look alike… sort of… That actually gives me an idea Dawndra… The final challenge of the Fray Games, assuming we get that far… will be to get past the poachers… there is always waiting to snatch away your prize as you return to Easthaven, someone unable or unwilling to actually fight a Frost Troll. The rules don’t forbide it, so there are always those without honor who will ambush you for your prize head. What if… we just let them have our “prize head”… Eh?”


Dawndra] “I’m not quite following.”


] Shent “What  we have here is a dead Yeti head… Assuming we bag ourselves a real Frost Troll head, we could hide it in one of them fancy magic sacks. Then… we have a big sack with this head in it. The prize poachers will want to steal it, and we can just let them. Can you imagine… pulling out a Yeti head at the finish line! It would be a hoot to see. Here, help me carve off the horns. They would be a giveaway since trolls don’t often have horns.”


] Samsam “Often? You mean sometimes to do? I’ve never seen a troll… or a yeti until now. They are as fearsome as the stories say.” Her demeanor changes, rises… “We are more fearsome!” she yells.


] Something about Samsam’s boast fills you all with inner strength. [Inspiration]


] Shent finishes harvesting the head, the horns and the claws of the Yeti. “Here, feel the claws Dawndra. They will remain that cold – even if you carried them into Calimport, they would keep a flagon of ale chilled. The horns too. We can probably get 50 gp for them.”


] You bury the Yeti head nearby to keep it hidden until you return. Then you continue to climb the switchbacks to the summit. The winds seem to calm somewhat the higher you go. Last Shadow is not far away when you finally stop ascending. The trail opens up into a large valley between massive mountain ledges. The valley is about 200 feet wide and appears to stretch East for nearly a mile. A fresh blanket of snow covers the ground. All along the cliff sides there are colossal icicles. Not far ahead, along the South cliff wall sheltered by handing ice, you see a red tent.


Dawndra] I point at the tent “Perhaps we have found the Red Drakes?” I cautiously approach the tent with weapon ready.


] Beside the tent, partially covered by snow, is the body of a human dressed in black leathers. He faces the sky eyes wide open, blood caked around his gaping mouth. You notice his teeth and his tongue have been removed forcibly.


] Samsam “Ahg! What horrible thing did this!?”


] Shent “Not a beast. That seems sure.”


Dawndra] “We saw an owlbear with its eyes cut out and now a man with his tongue cut out.”


] Shent “Don’t forget the deer carcass with its legs removed.”


] Melthor “Could they all be related?”


Dawndra] “Seems likely right? Lets search inside the tent for Nim’s package.”


] There is no one else inside the tent but you see four thin bedrolls and four packs. Alongside one of the bedrolls is a maul with intricate dwarven design. Inside the packs you find basic supplies and rations and several healing potions. There is a single coin purse, filled to the brim with 548gp. You do not find Nim’s package to Shavisala.


Dawndra] I hand the maul back to Shent “This might interest you. Looks Dwarven to me.”


] As you are passing it back,  you think you hear a someone yell “Hey!”.


Dawndra] “Who was that!?” I climb back out of the tent and search the area.


] You see nothing except Shent smiling at the maul you just handed him.


] Shent “That was Verna here.” He is still looking at the maul. “Pleased to meet you Verna. I am called Shent and this is… what? No, I’m sorry I do not know where Brallga is – or even who Brallga is.” The look on Shents face turns to consternation. “No… you what?! … No!” Then he drops the maul into the snow. “Boy is she barmy! The weapon is sentient… Verna. Her mate is someone named Brallga – one of these drakes I suppose. She does not like being handled by anyone but Brallga … I mean she really does not like it.”


Dawndra] “Can Verna tell us what happened here? Where the rest of the Red Drakes are?”


] Shent “I don’t think so – she thought I should know… But you can pick it up and ask her yourself if you feel plucky.”


] Samsam “Can Verna hear us? She has no ears… or eyes… or nothing… I don’t understand.”


] Melthor “I knew a man, my fathers brother, who had a sentient sword. It saw through his eyes and heard through his ears, but only when he held it. This thumper is probably the same way I would think.”


] Shent “Well I don’t want to touch it again.” He kicks snow over it.


Dawndra] “It looks like there were four together. One lies dead, perhaps the other three still live?”


] Samsam “Where? We didn’t…”


] She is cut off by the horrifying howl you have heard twice before. It echoes through the valley and you are confident the howler is close by – in the valley with you, or perhaps along the ridges. Shortly after the howl ceases you hear a large gurgling sound. Across the valley and further east a little ways you watch a giant gush of steam and water shoot into the sky 30 feet or more. The column lasts several seconds before disappearing. A massive cloud of steam is caught by a wind and sweeps down into the valley before freezing and falling to the ground as tiny ice crystals.


] Samsam “That… was… amazing! Did you see that!? Amazing!”


] Melthor “Yes, amazing…” he says staring at the face of Samsam. “I mean… wow you are right Samsam, that was beautiful. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”


] Shent “I wonder how many geysers there are. Look at all the ice formations – all that water came from a long ways underground. I will have to bring my father here… he would love this. But first… we find the rest of the Red Drakes and then get Dawndra to her mother in Almsvar.” He kneels and begins searching the ground. “Look… unnatural divits in the snow… they lead directly across the Frostfalls Valley.”


Dawndra] “I fear they lead directly to our hell-howler too… keep keen.” I extend my ice pike to full length.


] Samsam “Yeah… keen as the Rime Hawk. I don’t want to lose my teeth, or my tongue… or my eyes!”


] You walk directly across the valley following the slight divits in the snow. Before you reach the other side, you see the tracks lead to a cave – mostly hidden behind long thick columns of ice. As you approach the entrance, the smell of sulfur and wet fur fills your sense. Looking inside you see bones, cracked and split, and large brown feathers littering the floor. The cave is about 15 feet wide and appears to open wider a ways back.


] Shent “Hold back, let me scout the cave first. Mind our hind will you? We are being stalked and this may be the trap.” He enters in stealthily. He returns momentarily. “No beast, not a living one anyway. There is another body wrapped in a red cloak against the back wall. This one has boots. Come see.”


Dawndra] “I pick up one of the bones near the cave entrance and I cast Light on it.”


] You enter into the cave with a brightly glowing bone. The tunnel widens to about 30 feet across and extends nearly a hundred feet back from the entrance. You step around years of Owlbear offal to see, laying against the far back wall, a figure in a red cloak. As you get closer, you see the backside of the head of a Dragonborn


Dawndra] In a low voice I say “Do you live?”


] There is no response.


Dawndra] I get closer and feel for breath.


] Shent whispers urgently “Remember the last body in a cloak was booby-trapped!”


] You can feel the warmth of breath coming from Dragonborns nose.


Dawndra] “She lives. Faintly.”


] Shent “Let me check.” He gently searches around the body and within the cloak. “I don’t see any traps. I will try to heal her.” He casts Cure Wounds.


] Within moments the red Dragonborn scrambles to her feet and is facing you with fierce determination.


Dawndra] “Are you with The Red Drakes? We are sent from Nim Bragos. We would help.”


] Dragonborn “Yes, I am with The Red Drakes, though I fear I am the only remaining. I am Thavila.”


] Samsam “I am Samsam! This is Melthor… and Dawndra… and Shent.”


] Shent “We found one poor fellow at your camp whom we could not heal. I was fairly confident we would find the rest of you in this cave.”


Dawndra] “Can you tell us what…”


] You are interupted by the echoing howl of your otherworldly stalker, seemingly at the cave entrance.


] Samsam notches an arrow “Its here!”


Dawndra] I turn and take a ready stance.


] Moments pass in heightened silence. Nothing enters the Owlbear cave. Shent creeps back towards the entrance then returns.


] Shent “Nothing to be seen. It is toying with us like a Crag Cat with a Skia Rat.”


Dawndra] Without turning away from the entrance, I say “Tell us what happened Thavlia.”


] Thavlia whispers “That thing was stalking us too, all the way up the mountain. But we never saw it. We made camp here in the Frostfalls Valley, must have been two days ago now. Lorvus had first watch. I awoke that night to putrid smell of some kind of toxin. Garlvan and Brallga were pulled from our tent by this cackling woman and her two… well I don’t know what they were… constructs of some kind, ghastly… and powerful. I fought them until my last hope was to run. I returned at First Shadow to find Lorvus dead, the others missing. Tracks led to this cave but I must have triggered a trap. The last thing I remember is that sickly smell and then you waking me.”


] Melthor “Trap? Why trap an empty Owlbear cave?”


Dawndra] “Exactly the question Melthor. It must be more than it appears.” I look around for hidden passages. [Investigation Check]

1d20 Investigation Check 3 -1 = 2 [Fail]


] You find nothing but rock walls. Thavila is also searching, but around the ground.


] Thavila “My staff… I am certain I had it when I entered but it is missing.” says with concerned quiet, then collapses against a side wall.


] Shent “We found only that horrible Dwarven maul.”


] Thavila “Right, Verna can be cranky I’ve heard. We’ve never met.”


] Shent “Wish I could say the same.”


] Samsam walks back and forth and around the cave “If I were a secret door in a smelly cave… where would I be? I know!…” She pulls the blindfold over her eyes and searches around the cave while drawing an empty bow. “Right there!” She runs and then slams a shoulder into the wall. A small section depresses and then swings inward.


Dawndra] “Well done Samsam. Norli knew didn’t she. I don’t know how but she knew we needed you.” We enter cautiously into the opened area.


] You see a tunnel leading both to the left and right. There are vials of glowing liquid handing from rock nails along the walls giving enough greeen-tinted light to see. To the left, the tunnel leads about 25 feet before turning right and there is a room off of to the left of the turn. Westerward to your right the tunnel opens up into a large cavernous area with high ceilings. Your keen sense of smell is overwhelmed with the heavy scent of blood from both directions.


Dawndra] I nod my head towards the cavern area and walk westward.


] You see large chunks of meat hanging from hooks along the far walls of this area. Along the south wall you see a closed wooden door. There is another tunnel heading east beyond the door. As you walk closer, you see some of the hanging meat appears to be Reindeer parts but others are unmistakably humanoid.


] Thavila whispers “Please don’t let that be Garlvan… or Brallga…” She appears to be near collapse again. Samsam notices and hurries to shoulder her up.


] Shent points at the door and motions for you to hold position. He walks catlike to the door and listens against it. After a few moments he returns. “There is at least one person in there, I hear a faint talking, sort of like a flat chanting.”


] Thavila “Garlvan! He is praying!” she says in a smokey whisper.


] Shent “The door is bolted from the outside, but still – be ready when I open it.”


] You all walk over to the door. Shent slowly pulls the bolt back and opens the door. The stench of death and shit assaults you. Inside you see several large cages. Most are empty. One large cage contains the rotting corpse of a hippogriff. In another cage, you see a red Dragonborn sitting crosslegged in the center. His eyes are closed and he chants the same few words over and over and over.


] Thavila runs over to him “Garlvan! You’re alive!”


] The chanting Dragonborn does not appear to have any outward awareness, he just keeps chanting with his eyes closed. Thavila tries pulling at the cage door but it will not open.


Dawndra] “The toxins have weakened you. Allow me to try.” [Athletics Check]

1d20 Athletics Check 17 +4 = 21 [Success]


] You successfully snap the locking bolt and open the cage door. Garlvan remains as he was.


Dawndra] “Stay here with him Thavila. We will try to find Brallga.” I quietly look to see if the package from Nim Bragos is in the room.


] You do not see any sign of the package. You leave the cage room and turn right. About 40 feet south and east you find another door leading directly south. It is hanging half open and you can hear what sounds like boiling water from within. The light has a green tint like the vials hanging about walls of the tunnel, only much brighter. Looking in, you see a large glass vat filled with water and some sort of creature you cannot describe. You also see part of a large table in the center of the room. There is someone lying on it but you can only see their boots.


Dawndra] I motion to Samsam to stay here and use the doorway as cover. Then I decide to play this boldly and motion to Shent and Melthor to also stay out of sight… I will walk in like I belong there and see if I can free Brallga without a fight. I push the door fully open and walk casually in.


] As you enter the large room, the rank alchemical stink of the place is nearly overpowering. You see a female Dwarf is lying on the center table. She is stripped from the waist up and has tubes and wires connected to her which lead to the large bubbling vats. You see five of them total, each with a strange malformed creature within. They begin to stir as they become aware of your presence. You notice that some of their organs are exposed or completely outside their torso, floating in the green liquid. A kneeling human woman in a cowl is untangling a nest of tubes which is connected to one of the vats. She has her back turned towards the door and is still unaware of you.


Dawndra] I walk up to the woman. “My name is Dawndra, and I am here to collect my friend and her things.”


] The woman spins around coming to her feet. “What! Who are you!?”


Dawndra] “I just said woman… my name is Dawndra and I am here to collect my friend Brallga. Let her free and no one need bleed.”


] Mad Alchemist “What are you?” she begins to walk around you, looking you up and down. “You are no Goliath, and certainly not one of the Barbarian wenchs from Reghed.”


Dawndra] “I still do not know what I am, but I know I am going to stop what you are doing to my friend.”


] Mad Alchemist “You might be just the thing I need for my Starters to survive this time. Let’s deal, your friend can go free and you take her place.”


Dawndra] “The only deal is, you release us all and you can keep breathing this stank-air in peace.”


] Mad Alchemist “Brave and mighty this one!” she cackles like an ancient hag. “You give Tarina a thing to think on – you do… yes indeed, you do.” she turns slightly away from you and then spins, throwing down a glass vial she pulled from a vest pouch [Constition Save]



1d20 Con Save 13 +3 = 16 [Save]


] Thick toxic fumes surround you but fail to poison you as intended. You jump back out of the cloud and see Tarina ducking behind one of the vats.


Dawndra] “No wonder this place stinks. Maybe if we spray some of your blood over everything it will smell better.” I chase after her and attack.

1d20 Attack 5 +7 = 12 [Miss]
1d20 Flurry1 14 +7 = 21 [Hit] Dmg 4 +5 = 9
1d20 Flurry2 9 +7 = 16 [Hit] Dmg 3 +5 = 8  +6 Cold (23 total)


] Your first piercing lunge with your ice pike is deftly dodged, but you follow up with a side-strike followed by a blunting with the bottom end of your weapon. Tarina grunts from the blows and then is suddenly gone. As you spin to locate her, you see another glass vial flying towards you [()] but you quickly jump and roll out of the way. It hits the ground right near the vat and explodes in fiery chaos. The large vat bursts, flooding the area with water. A malformed beast with 3 arms and one and a half legs falls to the ground. The explosion lets Shent and the other know it is time to fight.


[Initative Rolls]


] Samsam fires an arrow at the mad alchemist from the entry [()] but misses.


Dawndra] “Watch for flying vials! They are deadly!” I chase her down to end her madness

1d20 Attack 8 +7 = 15 [Hit] Dmg 6 +5 = 11
1d20 Attack 20 [Crit] Dmg 4 +4 +5 = 13


] Your ice pike spears Tarina’s leg and you use the leverage to push her off balance. You step in bring the backside of your pike against her chest, striking a glass vial and driving her body backwards as the vial explodes in her chest. [+12 dmg] Her cloths catch fire and she turns to escape but Shent is already there. He attacks [()] but the flames leaping from her make the task difficult. Melthor has meanwhile flanked her [()] and brings his blades crashing down on her shoulder. The Mad Alchemist reaches into the flames and pulls another vial from her burning vest. Shent and Melthor are quickly enveloped in the toxic gas. [()] Melthor falls to the ground gagging and choking while Shent has lept free of the poison. Tarina is once again out of sight.


] Behind Dawndra, the malformed “Starter” has hobbled its way into striking range [()] it slashes out with razor claws drawing blood from your leg. Samsam has been tracking Tarina with her enchanted archers blindfold and sees an opportunity to release her arrow [()] right on target.


] Tarina “Yeild! I yeild! Take your friend and go!”


Dawndra] “That time has passed you crazy hellrunt!” I intend to kill

1d20 Attack 20 [Crit] Dmg 7 +8 +5 = 20


] With all your weight and strength, you advance on the Mad Alchemist. The tip of your weapon pierces her gut as you drive upwards. Tarina is lifted up off the ground and her frenzied and flaming body slides down your giant ice needle. Her screams are a mix of terror and laughter until she falls into slumped silence.


] Shent attacks the released vat creature [()] hacking at its exposed organs. It tries to fend off Shent [()] drawing blood from the Dwarven Ranger. Melthor is meanwhile writhing on the ground, his stomach retching. Samsam has dropped her bow and is racing to help Melthor.


] Samsam “Melthor! Oh! What can I do!?”


Dawndra] I join Shent in ending this pitiful creatures life.

2d20a Attack 14 +7 = 21 Dmg 6 +5 = 11


] You spear the beast and hold it down while Shent hacks away with the advantage. Within seconds it is motionless. The other creatures in the vats are watching in panic but appear unable to release themselves.


] Samsam “Dawndra! Shent! We need to help Melthor!”


] Shent “I see a number of other vials over here, maybe there is a antidote.” He hurries over to the table on the far eastern side of the cavern.


] Before he can start looking, the entire cavern begins to tremble and you hear the sound of a powerful geyser explode just beyond the cave wall. You notice that there are wires and tubes threading into the rock where the rushing sound is loudest. All of the four remaining vats begin to surge with violent bubbling and you witness an exponential growth of the creatures within… they form new appendages and finish growing half ones. Their torsos form more completely and scales burst from their heads and backs. [()] They all begin thrashing about inside the vats, pounding and kicking from the inside to get violently out. Two of them succeed.


] Samsam “What the pifflehole!?!” She sees the escaping creatures and takes up Melthors blade. [()]  and slashes one of them (Starter04)


Dawndra] I see Samsam endandering herself with melee combat and rush to attack the creature standing before her

2d20a Attack 12 +7 = 19 [Hit] Dmg 5 +5 = 10
2d20a Flurry1 11 +7 = 18 [Hit] Dmg 4 +5 = 9
2d20a Flurry2 8 +7 = 15 [Hit] Dmg 3 +5 = 8 +6 cold (total 33)


] You unleash a torrent of successful strikes and before the monsterous experiment can stick a claw in young Samsam, it is dying with a death-screech.


] Shent goes after the other escapee [()] with some success. It retaliates, cutting Shent up but not enough to stall him. Samsam is taken by mania and runs with Melthors sword overhead [()] and bringing down on the scaled skull of the Starter facing Shent.


Dawndra] “Are you determined to get yourself dead Samsam? Ugh!” I hurry to distance her from the creature by taking its attention if I can

2d20a Attack 14 +7 = 21 Dmg 7 +5 = 12
2d20a Unarmed 20 [Crit] Dmg 3 +4 +4 = 11


] You push the vat monster sideways with your pike and then deliver a crushing thrust-kick into its unfinished chest. Guts go flying as the thing falls backwards into stillness.



Init Character AC ATK HP
17 Samsam 16 +5 1d6+5 40
16 Dawndra 18 +7 2d4+5 41 33 26
12 Shent 16 +6 1d8+4 (x2) 76 67 60
10 Starter04 13 +5 2d4+3 (x2) 39 33 00
06 Melthor 16 +6 1d8+4 47 31
05 Starter02 13 +5 2d4+3 (x2) 39 30 23 11 0
03 Tarina 14 +6 4d6 90 67 43 31 22 17 10 -10
01 Starter01 13 +5 2d4+3 (x2) 29 18 0


Dawndra] “Now… Samsam… You have to stop getting into the fray. I will teach you to swing that sword with defense, but right now, you are vulnerable. I would miss your face if it got eaten by a vat monster… and I know for a fact that Melthor would!”


] Samsam “Melthor!” She turns to look towards him.


] Melthor is kneeling and trying to get to his feet. “I am better. Still weak, but better.”


] Shent “Here, there is a whole pouch of vials marked Lesser Restoration.” He opens one and smells “Smells right…” he touches a finger to the liquid and tastes it. “Yep, tastes right too. Here Melthor, drink this.”


Dawndra] I go to the body on the table “I think we need one for Brallga here too.” I begin removing the tubes and wires from her body. “Do you see her clothes anywhere?”


] Shent finds a large sack with gold-hued plate armor and a tunic. Within the sack there is another sack which matches the description Nim Bragos gave you of the special delivery The Red Drakes were carrying to Almsvar. There is also a familiar red cloak in the sack. You drape her naked body with the cloak before Shent casts Cure Wounds and touches her arm.


] Brallga awakes with Shent staring into her dim eyes. “Wha? Where am… Who?”


] Shent “Relax Brallga, you are safe and among friends. Here, drink this restoration potion, you will feel better…. At least until Verna has her words with you.”


] After you catch Brallga up enough on the events, you return to Garlvan and Thavila. The restoration potions live up to their label and soon you are all across the valley at their campsite. You all join together in carrying stones to cover the body of Lorvus Hookint – famed Rogue of the Red Drakes. Shortly after the last stone is placed, you all hear the terrifying howl of the stalking creature echoing through Frostfalls Vale, but you never catch sight of its source.


] The remaining Red Drakes are determined to finish their assigned task and go with you to Almsvar. The seven of you squeeze into difficult sleeping positions within the Kirn Kuldhir after Shent opened a portal for you.




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