Frostspawn Ramstone
Item Name Frostspawn Ramstone
Type | Wonderous Item (Amulet ) |
Rarity | Rare |
Attune? | No |
Prereqs | None |
Item Description:
This amulet was made from the tip of the horn of a Dragon-kin beast called a Frostspawn Ambusher. It does not require attunement, but the wearer does need to know how to trigger the magical effect.
Freezing Burst
The amulet radiates extreme cold in a 10-foot radius. Each creature within the burst must make a DC 12 Dex Saving Throw, taking full 3d10 Cold damage on fail or half on success.
Casting Time: 1 Action
Casting Technique: The user must mimic the movement of the Frostspawn Ambusher, holding the amulet and raising it slowly upwards. It takes some practice
Charges: 3 /day
Item Levels:
It is possible, but not likely that this item will change behavior as its wearer increases level.
Ambush Drake
Bluespawn Ambusher