Moogwa the Bog Witch

“Something evil something wet something something dead.” (in Bullywug).


NPC Basics:

Race and Size Bullywug – Medium
Alignment NE
AC |  HP 15 | 30
Speed | CR 20 (Swim 40) | 2


Ability Scores:

Str 12 +1 Int 08 -1
Dex 12 +1 Wis 10 +0
Con 12 +1 Cha 16 +3


Skills, Senses, Languages:

Saving Throws: Saving Throws
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth +3
Senses: pPerception 10
Languages: Bullywug, Common



Weapon Attack Damage Type Extra
Unarmed +4 1d4 +2 Bludgeoning Melee
Sling +4 1d4 +2 Bludgeoning Ranged  30/120
Dagger +4 1d6 +2 Slashing Melee
Shortsword +4 1d6 +2 Slashing Melee
Short Bow +4 1d6 +2 Piercing Ranged 80/120



Amphibious. The Bullywug can breathe air and water
Speak with Frogs The Bullywug can communicate simple concepts to frogs and toads
Bog Camo The Bullywug has advantage on Stealth checks made when hiding in swampy terrarian
Standing Leap The Bullywugs long jump is up to 20 feet and high jump up to 10 feet



False Life. Bolstering yourself with a necromantic facsimile of life, you gain 2d4 + 4 temporary hit points
Grim Harvest Once per turn when a living creature fails a saving throw against or is harmed by one of the necromancer’s Necromancy spells of 1st level or higher, the necromancer regains 4 hp.
Animate Dead This spell creates an undead servant. Choose a pile of bones or a corpse of a Medium or Small humanoid within range. Your spell imbues the target with a foul mimicry of life, raising it as an undead creature. The target becomes a skeleton if you chose bones or a zombie if you chose a corpse.


Stoneskin This spell turns the flesh of a willing creature you touch as hard as stone. Until the spell ends, the target has resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
Blight Necromantic energy washes over a creature of your choice that you can see within range, draining moisture and vitality from it. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. The target takes 8d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.


Mage Armor The Bullywug targets itself and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action Details
Maybe Another?  


Combat Tactics
Moogwa the Bog Witch prefers to fight with the corpses of the dead she has raised around her.


Moogwa speaks a broken tongue, similar to something from Haiti (just to give her a voodoo feel). She sees everyone as her “grubs” – if they are not her undead, they soon will be – and she will be their queen. You might say necromancy has gone to her head


Moogwa is a frog-like humaniod. She is slender and carries a staff with a large black spiked symbol. Her attire a just a thin red tunic



Background and Motivations:

Moogwa the Bog Witch is a voodoo-like spell caster with necromantic tendencies

Items Inventory
The things in the pack and on the back


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