Moonglare Emblem

Item Moonglare Emblem

Type Wondrous Item (Amulet)
Rarity Rare
Attune? Yes
Prereqs Wood Elf


Item Description
Summon the Spirit Guardians of Woodland Elves to protect you (using an Action). They protectively  circle around the wearer of the emblem to a distance of 10 feet for the duration.

Affect: Any creature within (or entering within) the protective circle is Stunned for 1 full round and takes Radiant damage (2d8 +1). If the creature is Undead, damage is 2d8 +10

Duration: 1 min

Charges: 1 charge per day.


Favored Enemy: While the Spirit Guardians are active, they grant the caller a version of Favored Enemy as well. They are aware of the callers alignment, and aware of favored enemies.

You also have gain a +1 bonus to weapon attacks and damage against favored enemies while the Spirit Guardians are active.



Item Levels
For each full level attained while attuned to this item, add +1 damage to the roll (Max of 8)

For every three full levels attained while attuned, add +1 daily charge

This Moonglare Emblem was a gift from Ryliatha Cannowbrook. The artifact was her birthright and a family legacy.

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