Moonglare Emblem
Item Moonglare Emblem
Type | Wondrous Item (Amulet) |
Rarity | Rare |
Attune? | Yes |
Prereqs | Wood Elf |
Item Description:
Summon the Spirit Guardians of Woodland Elves to protect you (using an Action). They protectively circle around the wearer of the emblem to a distance of 10 feet for the duration.
Affect: Any creature within (or entering within) the protective circle is Stunned for 1 full round and takes Radiant damage (2d8 +1). If the creature is Undead, damage is 2d8 +10
Duration: 1 min
Charges: 1 charge per day.
Favored Enemy: While the Spirit Guardians are active, they grant the caller a version of Favored Enemy as well. They are aware of the callers alignment, and aware of favored enemies.
You also have gain a +1 bonus to weapon attacks and damage against favored enemies while the Spirit Guardians are active.
Item Levels:
For each full level attained while attuned to this item, add +1 damage to the roll (Max of 8)
For every three full levels attained while attuned, add +1 daily charge
This Moonglare Emblem was a gift from Ryliatha Cannowbrook. The artifact was her birthright and a family legacy.