Rasi (Olilrasi Arrodon)

“Sleeping dragons never wake up…

unless you hit them.”

: Olilrasi Arrodon
Rasi is a young Female Dragonborn – just 16 years old. She is a Novice Monk at the Treyvigg Monastery, though she has lived there since she was an infant.

Rasi is an anomaly among Dragonborn, and therefore an outcast. For starters, she has a tail, which many Dragonborn consider a deformity or worse… an ill omen. She is also without color in her hide and scales. Only her eyes have any color, and they are pink. Another anomaly… her pink eyes are blind. This does not make her helpless… if anything, her teachers believe she will one day excel because of her blindness.


Rasi is young but not naïve. She has learned wisdom from the Guides of Treyvigg, and she is likely to repeat the Passages of The Books from time to time, usually when appropriate but sometimes not. Being one herself, she has empathy for the outsider and the outcast. Though she cannot see, she

Objective and Motivations:

Rasi wants to be a Guide for other student in the monastery. She knows she will not have much of a life outside of the community that saved her and cares for her and is motivated to return was was given.


Elder Arrodon is the one who found Rasi. She was not yet half a year old when she was found nearly dead and washed up along the Methmere lake by Elder Arrodon himself. It was unclear to Arrodon exactly what Rasi was, but he healed her and cared for her, eventually bringing her back to the monastery and accepting her as a student. She carried only a few words from her life before Arrodon – none of which she knows the meaning of… but the phrase “Olilrasi” was prominently jabbered in the early days, so everyone decided that must be her name. Since she had no clan, took the name of the man who saved her. Given her deformities, it is likely that her clan dumped her in the lake to be rid of her.

Combat Tactics
Rasi is the Blind Swordsman. Her walking stick is her sword, Nodachi style. (Long Sword).
Items Inventory
The things in the pack and on the back

Links out to sources about character class, race, etc.







NPC Basics:

Race and Class Dragonborn Monk (3)
Alignment LG
AC |  HP 17 | 27
Speed | Prof 40 | +2


Ability Scores:

Str 14 +2 Int 10 +0
Dex 18 +4 Wis 16 +3
Con 12 +1 Cha 13 +2


Skills, Senses, Languages:

Saving Throws: Str +4 Dex +6
Skill Proficiencies: Ath +4 Acr +6 Slieght +6 Stealth +6 Perc +5
Resistances: Lightning
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, pPerception 15
Languages: Common



Weapon Attack Damage Type Extra
Long sword (Nodachi) +6 1d8 +4 Slashing Melee
Unarmed +6 1d4 +4 Bludgeoning Melee
Dagger +6 1d4 +4 Slashing Melee



Breath Weapon Bronze Ancestry – Lightning (5 by 30 ft. line Dex. save)
You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation. When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your draconic ancestry. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level.



MagicThing.  When/How the magic thing happens. Include magical items.



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