Salamander Dagger

Item: Salamander Dagger

Type Weapon (+1 Dagger)
Rarity Legendary
Attune? Yes
Prereqs None


Item Description

Possessed by salamanders, the most basic and microscopic of fire spirits, this glowing weapon hums with a pleasant warmth, shedding bright red light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet when unsheathed.


This is a magic weapon which adds +1 to Attack and Damage rolls.


Wrath of the Salamanders. This weapon has 5 charges. When you expend 1 charge the weapon will deal an additional 1d4 fire damage to successful attacks for a duration of 1 minute.

The weapon regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Item Levels
For each level gained while attuned, add +1 to damage



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