Session Notes – C01.S03.12

Cycle 01 Shield 03 Session 12 Notes



What happens in this scene?


Party has left Alzvar on Uktar 4 and lets assume they arrive in Bryn Shander late on Uktar 5. There are still 15 days before the Fray games begin. I am itching to get to the main event of this cycle… but much can happen in 15 days… it hasn’t even been 15 days since we started in Luskan.


What remains undone?

The Ice Rune killer

The hag in cliffs of Xover


Dawndra does not know why the burnt halfling is so intent on destroying her… but Pakbak will be in the games


Kildar Dalar has yet to surface – but he appears in the first round of the games – which is probably next sessions


The kidnapping of Rolller won’t happen until after the games


I probably need to go back and rewrite the package from Nim… it seems extraneous to have two packages… I should change that bit and have Nim ask Dawndra just to find the Red Drakes and help them deliver their package to Alzvar (rather than introducing a second package). This is not critical – maybe save it for a rewrite.


Perhaps what happens next is a recap of 15 days and then go straight to the opening ceremony in Bryn Shander. Someone in that ceremony is found dead shortly afterwards – ice rune dagger  in their chest. Maybe it even happens during the ceremony. Who is it? A major contender Maybe an Artic Dwarf? Shent will know him of course. Gornrik Snowguster.


There is a brawl… Dawndra will see Pakbak initiatie it. When the dust clears, Gornrik lies dead with an Ice Rune Dagger thru his heart.


Also, I think Kildar will be seen but perhaps not yet ‘play’


Kofa makes a quick appearance – sober friendly towards Dawndra “Friend Dawndra! We still must spill cups yes?”. She may still be under Pakbak ownership, but is genuinely pleased to see Dawndra. Is Kofa competing as well? No. Kofa is to Pakbak what Shent is to Dawndra – except that she is a slave – an unwilling guide and assistant.


What else? Maybe nothing else is needed?


Gather in Bryn Shander for Opening Ceremonies

Introduce some in the crown there – Saarvin, Tronk, Kildar, Gornrik, Kofa, Yazga (Axe! Pax!)

There is the reading of the rules. Shortly before it is finished, the brawl breaks out

Gornrik is discovered dead

Confrontation with Torg’s Merchantry


At some point, the Ice Rune killer comes after Dawndra – perhaps right before Round Three. But it is this session where Torgga Icevein is encountered and her thugs (minus Sephek Kaltro) are fought.


Easthaven hosts the Games after the Opening Ceremonies (which are, not surprisingly, held in the market to draw coin from the participants and those who travelled here to watch the games.) So after the confrontation, there is another trip to Easthaven.


Should I introduce Elarilka? Perhaps Shent and Dawndra share a transport sled with Elarilka and her husband, Tungvald. Use the same bit… their sled, they discover eventually, is not traveling to Easthaven directly but the driver has been paid to take them elsewhere. There is a young boy in the transport who carries a big skin filled with liquid. As they near a forest area, the boy stabs the skin and sprays blood over Dawndra and the others in the transport and then jumps from the sled, along with the driver (his father). The sled runs uncontrolled into the forest where there is a tribe of Vampire Gnolls (pg 292 of frostmaiden)


Depending on how long this session goes… maybe the vampire gnoll encounter is pushed to next session? There is time between opening ceremony and the first event. It takes a half-day via transport to get to Easthaven – the days 21 and 22 are intended for provisioning (aka spending your gold in tentowns) but must of the spending happens at the taverns. There are also a limited number of transports so contestents can either walk (8 hours) or take a transport somewhere between day 20 and 22. As of crex on day 20, the pot is full, so dirty play ensues.


Games Schedule

It takes place the last tenday of Uktar each year.

Uktar Day 20 is Enrollment at Bryn Shandar (500gp per entry)

Uktar Day 23 is the first event – The Stones Throwdown in Dougans Hole

Uktar Day 25 is the second event – Ice Pit Riot in Good Mead

Uktar Day 27-30 is the final event -Frost Troll Head Roll. All contestants must return to Easthaven before nhyx on Day 30 else be disqualified-

The following day, on Moonfest, the winners were announced and rewarded in Easthaven.


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