Sildar Hallwinter
“It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered.”
NPC Basics:
Race and Size | Human, Medium (Fighter) |
Alignment | LG |
AC | HP | 20 | 50 |
Speed | CR | 25 | 3 |
Ability Scores:
Str | 18 | +4 | Int | 14 | +2 |
Dex | 14 | +2 | Wis | 16 | +3 |
Con | 16 | +3 | Cha | 12 | +1 |
Skills, Senses, Languages:
Saving Throws: | Con +5 Wis +5 |
Skill Proficiencies: | Skill List |
Resistances: | Fire |
Senses: | Darkvision 60ft, pPerception 15 |
Languages: | Common |
Weapon | Attack | Damage | Type | Extra |
Great Sword | +6 | 1d8 +4 | Slashing | Melee |
Unarmed | +4 | 1d4 +2 | Bludgeoning | Melee |
Dagger | +4 | 1d6 +2 | Slashing | Melee |
Short Bow | +4 | 1d6 +2 | Piercing | Ranged 80/120 |
Brave. | Sildar has Advantage on saving throws against being frightened or intimidated |
Multiattack. | Sildar makes two Great Sword attacks per turn. |
Parry (Reaction). | Sildar adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, Sildar must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. Once per turn. |
Combat Tactics:
Sildar was a member of the Griffon Calvary. He maintains still, very high ideals about combat and war. Life has value and honor demands we recognize that value. He will not move to make a killing blow, in fact, he might even block one against his enemy if he senses some moral capabilities.
I like to imagine Sildar as somewhat like Worf from Star Trek. Speaks much of honor, but also does much from honor and never speaks of it. LG to the core.
This is how NPC appears to others – read-aloud text. (include picture – or link to picture – here)
Background and Motivations:
This is where NPC comes from and what motivates PC
Items Inventory:
The things in the pack and on the back
Links out to sources about character class, race, etc.