Categories: Characters

Rattle (Brognom Crunkir)

“Drifting off now and then isn’t so bad. Helps me jump past all the boring bits.”

: Rattle
Brognom (aka Rattle) is a male Barbarian Dwarf – known among his allies as a peerless Chainsmith.


Level 03

Rattle stands just over 5 feet tall. His long hair and longer beard is the precise color of dirt in Dambrath – or so he says. He earned the nickname ‘Rattle’ by the long thick chain that is always wrapped around his neck – unless he is actively wrapping it around the neck of some goblin or ghoulie.


Combat Tactics
Rattle prefers to be the lead into any battle, and looks forward to any fight against evil. In another life, he could have been a Paladin had he been a noble rather than a blacksmith.

Character can be roleplayed this way


Character ultimately is seeking this thing or this accomplishment

Motivations and Temptations:

Character is motivated by this but tempted by that


Character has these relationships, or desires these relationships





Character backstory and such


Links out to sources about character class, race, etc.



Categories: Characters

Prela Tenkettle

I like stories about women behaving badly, because women behave badly just like men, and we’re not always adorable and cute about it.”

: Prela Tenkettle
Prela is a Halfling Sorceror. As she was being born, her parents noticed slight designs forming in her skin. As she grew, she learned how to charge the runic designs with power.


Level 03

Prela is just over 3 feet tall with long fiery-blond hair that reaches her waist. Her eyes are the same bluish color as the Runic designs that form on her skin. She wears golden tunic laced up the front with leather cord.


Combat Tactics
Prela is a spellcaster. She will seek to stand out of the way of swords and axes while casting her spells upon enemy forces.

Prela is a natural leader. She will attempt to guide the actions of the party until some alternative tactic is agreed upon. She can be overly serious, but those close to her look forward to those rare times when she loosens her humor and laughs with the gusto of a drunk dwarf.


Character ultimately is seeking this thing or this accomplishment

Motivations and Temptations:

Character is motivated by this but tempted by that


Character has these relationships, or desires these relationships





Prela was born in Highmoon in the Dalelands, where her parents still live. While barely a teen, she was kidnapped by a wizard who had discovered her natural gift for storing and using magic. Her parents felt helpless to do anything to save Prela but they knew Araxina Summerwhisper, the Elven Cleric of Cadona (Goddess of Hope) in Highmoon. Araxina happens to be a close friend of Tey Emberjaw – twin-sister of Marlonmir Emberjaw, leader and founder of the Wardens Guild of Heroes Gate. A Shield was sent out before the end of the day and Prela was returned home inside a tenday.


Fearful that she would continue to be a target, they decided to relocate her somewhere she would be safe and protected and could learn to control her powers. Tey Emberjaw was able to help in this regard as well, contacting a dear friend of hers in Ravens Bluff. After several years of learning and growing in Ravens Bluff, Prela decided she wanted to become a member of a group such as the Protector Shield which saved her life.


Links out to sources about character class, race, etc.
