Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S02.09

Scene Notes (Spoilers Ahead)


What happens in this scene / session?


I skipped over Yartar and Triboar… perhaps the two large cities were uneventful? Abarissi was to sent a message to the Harpers about the events witnessed in Calling Horns… lets assume that did happen. There is no reason to draw out the journey any further… the mystery has been introduced. Unless… is there reason to have an encounter with Lady Tamalin in Yartar? It is a big city… such an encounter would not be random… but Leely did find evidence that Lady Tamalin and all of her guards were expected in Yartar. It could be innocent enough – why would anyone suspect it was part of a conspiracy to allow the village to be gathered into an army of the undead? I’d say that the guard at Calling Horns was likely well-skilled in fighting off trolls… so the conspiracy makes sense… pay to have the people unprotected – easy fodder for the unwitting killers who would also join the undead. The same scenario will repeat itself. Our party needs to hear of at least one other such occurrence, perhaps two (The Rule of Three Clues) so that when something similar begins to take place in Phandalin, the party recognizes it and fights to prevent it.


What Moogwa is in the Yartar – Evermoors region, Nezznar is to the Triboar – Neverwinter region… and there are others. The Twisted Rune wants the Sword Coast… the entire Sword Coast. And they want an army composed of all its dead inhabitants. Bowgentles Spellbook is critical to their goal as is the Wave Echo Cave. The Harpers are all concerned about the Red Wizards… as they should be perhaps… but it is a red herring to our story. The real threat is the Twisted Rune. Stopping Nezznar and securing both the Wave Echo Cave and the spellbook of Bowgentle is critical to the block – beyond what any of our heroes will be able to discover until much later.


Side note… perhaps there is a tie between Everwelte and Iron Aegis in this dragon of the Twisted Rune? Perhaps Sharpfangs knows Sapphiraktar and goes searching for the dracolich… why? Idk yet… Sharpfangs probably wants a body like she had lost to the stone beneath Treyvigg Monastery. But I was going to tie Sharpfangs to the opening of Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and perhaps I should. Afterwards… in her new Blue Dragon body… Sharpfangs seeks Sapphiraktar in Memnon.


But back to our current scene…


Leely, Ileel and Abarissi arrive in Conyberry to meet Sister Garaelle and then go on to Agatha’s Lair.

Abarissi is carrying a relic for Agatha – it was her asking price for information regarding the whereabouts of Bowgentles Spellbook.


Sister Garaelle is not found. What happened? My first thought is that she had an encounter with the Redbrands and it locked away in the cellar of Tresendar Manor along with a few other townspeople. Perhaps this is where Deynn and Roonoo meet the Roven’ris sisters… Abarissi sends them ahead to Phandalin to find out what happened to Garaelle?


The relic which Abarissi plans to swap for information is the black pearl that goes into the scepter which controls the Taros Hoop –  a relic (thought to be destroyed) that could move someone through the planes of existence. Abarissi and her fellow Harpers had confidence that the Taros Hoop was not functional so they assumed Agatha wanted the pearl for other reasons – perhaps only sentimental ones.


Our party arrives in Conyberry and does not find Garaelle… what do they find? Should I add an encounter here before going on to Agatha’s Lair? If they do not find Garaelle, perhaps they dare not attempt to meet with Agatha?


But the encounter with Agatha must happen. The Spellbook is a critical plot component. Agatha sold the spellbook to Tsernoth the necromancer – perhaps she needs the black pearl relic to peer into the dimensions to see where the spellbook is. He lived in the Iriaebor region. He was a gnome, originally from Silverymoon. He studied the Spellbook for years in an underground lair near the unassuming village of Asbravn and discovered what no one else had… Bowgentles theory of a magic to prevent necromancy could be used to strengthen it beyond reason. A weapon forged of iron and copper with the Wave Echo Cave could be so enchanted that merely being killed by it invoked a necromantic spell. The plot is to produce thousands of such enchanted weapons and equip the army of the undead with them so that anyone they kill joins the ranks within minutes – no necromancer needed to be present.


Tsernoth learned the theory and told someone with connections to the Twisted Rune (or perhaps he himself had connections) what he was working on… but before he could actually implement it he was killed. (The Riders suspected Tsernoth of being a Zhentarim agent and brought him to justice) The knowledge location of his underground lair, and the spellbook hidden there, died with him. The Twisted Rune has been searching for the spellbook ever since. And it is true that the Red Wizards seek it as well… but only because they learned that the Twisted Rune were seeking it. They did not learn why, only that they were investing a lot to find it, which meant it was valuable.


Now about that encounter. I threw in a note about the forest area leading up to Conyberry having been destroyed by fire (I probably need to enhance this… sight, sound, smell, sensation… and more on area of effect.. Forest beyond to the North is intact, likely because of the cliff wall that separates the town from the Neverwinter forest) and so I began wondering what kind of monster might be attracted to a cinder forest… dryad I thought, a twisted dryad… one who fed on the cinder forest like a crack addict on… well… crack. A Cinder Dryad… It is paranoid and highly irritable… perhaps too focused on getting a fix to really notice the party at first. A regular Dryad is only CR1… Like meth can hyper drive the adenaline of a junkie, the Cinder Dryad is amped up… double the HP of a Dryad and an extra attack. Tree stride works on smaller, burned out trees.


It has the ability to summon Mephits to it from other planes (3 or 4 per hour?). Use Dust Mephits (or smoke?) but these are different… they are, of course, Cinder Mephits. (or would Sooty Mephits be better?) or maybe a Smoke Mephit is already the thing… this one in particular.  There are tactics offered for mephits. The Monster Manual characterizes them as “tricksters”. They like to ambush their victims… but…. enjoy combat and rush headlong into it, slashing with their claws. If a smoke mephit can draw its opponents to within 20 feet of its position, it uses its spell-like abilities to create an ember storm. they lead with Cinder Breath, which, like dust mephits’ Blinding Breath, can blind opponents in its cone of effect.

A smoke mephit stands about 4 feet tall and weighs about 2 pounds. They are generally lazy, but quick to anger.


How to introduce? Party looks for Garaelle but does not find her… they will wait for a time… but Adalissi says that they should on their way before Last Shadow. (It is over 100 miles between Conyberry and Phadalin so they will have to sleep outdoors again. )


While they wait… one of them hears a scratching sound, like a critter, perhaps, biting off chunks of cinder bark from the burned trees to the south of town


Maybe… something different?

Maybe another adventuring party arrives – full of false confidence… here to destroy the famed witch ghost of Neverwinter…


Use the cinder dryad later – upon return – but hint at her presence somehow

Pick 4-5 of these

Maybe all half orcs? Or mostly? Grog Strongjaw!

They show up in Conyberry to kill the ghost of Neverwinter

They are all drunk and brash

Bragging about how they are going to kill the famous Agatha

Adalissi does not want them to jeopardize the mission so a tough choice must be made

They will not listen to reason and one even draws a sword on the high priestess – leely jumps in and initiative gets rolled


Add the tabaxi bard

A sober one, well kinda… He tries to calm things down

Perhaps he will return as npc later? Perhaps several will?


Maybe use a couple of the essentials kit premades?


Ransor’s Rally

A new adventuring party from Triboar. Andlen Roedatch is the Captain. He grew up on stories (mostly false) about the heroic adventures of his grandfather Ransor Roedatch. (While Ransor did indeed have some combative adventures… most they were just with small handfuls of hungry bandits on the Long Road while transporting goods from Waterdeep for his provisions shop in Triboar). Andlen is gifted with charm but is not the brightest lad… and he is even dimmer when he drinks… which he does more often than not. One recent day while lazying about the newly renovated Talking Troll, he somehow managed to gather four adventurers into his drunken reverie and they decide to form Ransor’s Rally. They spent weeks talking about how to make a name for themselves in the Dessarin Valley.


Brin Axetooth

Hill Dwarf Fighter (2)

AC 19 HP 28 +5 1d8 +3 Battleaxe



Dragonborn Fighter (2)

AC 14 HP 22 +5 1d12 +3 Great Axe


Stitch in a Sock (Stitch)

Tabaxi Bard (College of Swords) (4)

AC 14 HP 18 +5 1d8 +3 Rapier


Nekari (The Gale-Hand)

Half Elf Monk (2)

AC 16 HP 14 +5 d6 +3 (Short Sword)


Andlen Roedatch (Grandson of Ransor Roedatch)

Human Fighter (2)

AC 16 HP 28 +5 1d8 +3 Longsword





Leely and Ileel Reach Conyberry


[Scene Notes]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
  Scene 09Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
  Forenight of Day 06


] You have been traveling west on your way to the ruins of a small named Conyberry. You are on your first official mission out in the world and away from your monastery in High Forest. Your teacher, Eldera Aeri, arranged for you to travel with a High Priestess of Selune – Abarissi Garvett – as a guard and assistance. After witnessing the slaughter of a waystop town called Calling Horns, you made your way further South, through Yartar and Triboar. You have spent two nights sleeping outdoors since leaving Triboar and now Conyberry is just a few miles ahead.


] Abarissi says “There are some… details… about our next task which I have been reluctant to share with you. We will be meeting Sister Garaelle from the temple of Tymora in Phandalin… as I told you before… but we will be joining her to meet with another…  Agatha. It will be dangerous for all of us… Agatha can be moody I am told. Sister Garaelle assures me that if the price is right, she will barter peacefully and give us the information we need about the last known location of Bowgentles Spellbook.”


Leely] “Who is Agatha? She doesn’t sound dangerous…”


] Abarissi “Agatha is a ghost… well… more than that… a banshee. A quite powerful banshee. Sister Garaelle has been exceedingly brave to meet with her twice already in order to discover her price. It took many Mooncirc’s to track down the relic she demanded as payment. I now carry this relic – a black pearl that is used to control a very powerful magical device – one that has been missing for a long time. We can only assume Agatha has this device, else why would she want the missing pearl, but we do not know what she might do with it. We do know, however, what the Red Wizards will do with Bowgentles Spellbook should they achieve it.”


Ileel] “It sounds like we best keep our arrows in their quiver? Or should we be ready to fight this Agatha?”


] Abarissi “We all should keep our weapons and our tongues in their sheathes. Honestly, I do not know how much damage your arrows could do. A Banshee is not fleshly, though magical weapons might possibly affect her. If possible, stay in lit areas… if she attempts to persuade us into darker shadows, do not follow… she is weaker in daylight. If she wants us in darkness, it is only because she plans our destruction. If it comes down to violence, I would ask that the two of you prioritize getting Sister Garaelle to safety.”


Leely] “But we were sent to protect you!”


] Abarissi “You were sent to help me, and you certainly have done that… You were also sent to learn how to be a protector and one important lesson about being a protector is knowing who needs the protecting most. Sister Garaelle has already risked much for our welfaring, I dislike asking her to risk any more. Besides, if any of the four of us stand a chance of surviving a violent conflict with a Banshee – it is probably me.”


Ileel] “You said we should also keep quiet and not speak?”


] Abarissi “Sister Garaelle brokered this bandy… we are meeting her because she believes Agatha will only honor the agreement if she mediates it. We would risk not only losing what we seek, but possibly also our lives if we say anything out of turn. We will meet her in the ruins of Conyberry and then travel together into the forest to Agathas Grove. It is a mile or ”


] After another hour of travel, you turn Westward off of the the Triboar Trail towards the Forest of Neverwinter. The overgrown trail narrows and begins to gain some elevation upward. The surrounding forest suddenly transforms into a graveyard of thick tree trunks blackened by fire into standing corpses. The devastation appears fairly recent, there is barely any sign of recovery in the area. As you traverse the area, you notice the silence as if it were screaming. Up on a hill side ahead, you see the ruins of Conyberry with a bold 50 foot cliff face as a backdrop. The forest is thick and green atop the granite wall. Many of the wooden buildings appear to have been caught up in flames. You see a channel running through the town, a dry river with its rock wall boundaries still standing. There are a few stone structures still standing but blackened and open to the sky. You can smell the aftermath of fire strongly as you approach the first remnants of the village.


Leely] “What happened here!?!”


Ileel] “I assume you mean besides the fire…”


Leely] “No… I mean the fire. What happened, I wonder, to start such as devastation?”


] Adalissi “Sister Garaelle has said nothing of the town ruins being destroyed by fire. I would only be guessing, but it looks like the surrounding forest was ablaze and engulfed what was left of the village. Sometimes these things are started naturally, by lightening perhaps… but often they are the result of campfires left to burn.”


Leely] “Or dragons!?”


] Adalissi “Or dragons… or their ilk… but usually people… We are behind schedule but only by a few hours. Sister Garaelle was expecting us early on this day, and we arrive as shadows stretch. My guess is that we will find her in one of the stone foundations.”


Ileel] We explore the ruins. I keep my bow in hand – “I feel like this place would be the perfect home for the worst kind of monster.”


Leely] “I would say that your feelings are right on mark sister. Dare we call out for Sister Garaelle?”


] Adalissi directs her mount to a slight gallop and begins down the main road of Conyberry. She calls out “Sister Garaelle!” several times.


Ileel] “Sister Garaelle!” I call out as I ride Nalya around the left side of Conyberry towards the cliff wall.


Leely] “I guess we are spliting up then… Sister Garaelle!” I ride Aylan around the right side, along the border between the town and the burnt-out forest. My sword is unsheathed and ready for conflict.


] It takes only a few minutes to circle the blackened ruins. There is no sign of anyone or anything living in the village. You gather back together near a stone town on the back side of the town. The square structure is about 25 feet high. Its outside walls have been licked by flames. If there had been a door, there is only now an open entrance. There appears to be enough of a parapet on top to view the entire area.


] Adalissi “No sign of Garaelle. It is likely she also is just late. We should wait a while for her.”


Leely] “Do you think the ghost did this? Destroyed the village?”


] Adalissi “From all historical accounts that I read, Auglathla was a fierce protector of Conyberry, and its people respected her. But as I said… she is also known to be a particularly moody one, so who knows. Her grove is several miles into the thick from here but she is known to appear anywhere in Neverwinter Forest.”


Ileel] “I wonder if this tower can still be climbed? Perhaps it would be a decent lookout to watch for Sister Garaelle.” I look inside the tower.


]  It does not appear the fire found its way inside. You see a series of aged wooden stairs leading up to a wooden platform at the top of the tower. Along the walls you see the remnants of a small bygone armory. You see scattered pieces of heavy armor – most of it rusted away. There are a few useless swords and a long pike with a steel needle still affixed. In the far corner there is a barrel with half a dozen unstrung bows – which may or may not survive another stringing. There is an old practice target next to the barrel – the center circles still visible. There are some crates lining one wall. Several have been bashed open but a few remain sealed and stacked atop a long narrow crate.  The staircase is quite aged, but you see no indication that it would not hold your weight.


Ileel] “I’m going up to take a look around.” And I enter and begin climbing the stairs – carefully… mindfully.”


] The structure is solid under your slight weight. At the top, you can see the entire town ruins and the burnt forest to the South and East. To the West you see acres of blackened hillside farmland that also appears to have been caught in the recent blaze. You see no signs of life anywhere except to the North above the cliff wall. You can see there are a few plateaus in the cliff where small homes still stand. You also identify a pathway leading upward beyond the plateaus that looks like it travels to the top and into the deeper Forest of Neverwinter.


Ileel] I go back down to the others. “No sign of anyone. I think I found the path into Neverwinter Forest from here – it wraps around the cliff wall that way.”


] Adalissi “Good. We have just a couple hours of daylight left. We should wait for Garaelle no more than an hour and then start to head back to the Triboar Trail. We want some distance between us and Agatha before last shadow.”


Leely] “What is Sister Garelle went ahead from here? Maybe she is already at Agatha’s Grove?”


] Adalissi “Unlikely. Our communication was quite clear. We meet in Conyberry at Forenoon of Day Six in The Melting. She was the one who arranged the specifics and told me not to go further without her – else we risk the outcome.”


Leely] “That makes sense. Wait we shall then.”


Ileel] “If no one minds, I will get in some practice while we wait. I found an old target board in the armory. Its been days since I spent any time in practice.” I pull out the target and its stand.


] Inside the base of the tower, you retrieve the target. You notice that there is also a full quiver inside the barrow holding the unstrung bows.


Ileel] I inspect the arrows to see if they are good enough for practice.


] The arrows are thick with dust, but the flights appear to be in good shape still. While you are lifting the quiver from the barrow, something catches your eye. On one of the unstrung bows you notice an ornamental ring just above the grip and riser. It appears to be ancient design and made of an unknown metal.


Ileel] “Nice.” I say to myself. I pull the bow with the fancy ring from the barrel. I carry it, the quiver and the target outside and begin to practice.


Leely] “Since we have some down time…” I pull out the Moonglare emblem given to me by Ryliatha.  “You said you might be able to teach me something about this emblem?”


] Adalissi “If it is what I think, it can summon your Spirit Guardians to protect you. As a Priestess of Selune, I have learned from the Silver Queen herself how to do this without the aid of a magical item. I expect you will have to spend some time in meditation with the emblem… Did your Lady Aeri teach you this?”


Leely] “Yes, we have had some practice in this. Where do these Spirit Guardians come from?”


] Adalissi “There is much mystery there – but they are bound to your bloodline. The Spirit Guardians I call upon are far different from the ones you might call upon. Your childrens children will have the same guardians – assuming they will be able to call them. Your mothers mothers and your fathers fathers would have all had access to the same Spirit Guardians as well.”


Leely] “I don’t remember our father or our other. Eldera Aeri knew very little about them – only that they brought Ileel and myself to the Wild Queens Temple at the directive of Meiliki herself. I suppose the magical circlets embedded in our infant foreheads meant no further questions needed to be asked.”


] Adalissi “Yours is quite a story, and I am honored to be a small part of it. There is another thing  or two which you need to be aware of… if you call upon the Spirit Guardians in a true time of need, they will appear in force and show no mercy to any threats against you and protect any who are with you. If you call upon them friviously… you, your sister, or anyone else, will not be protected from the damage they can do – so choice carefully when to call upon them. Also… they reflect something of your own nature. I fully expect, should you ever need to summon them, that they will appear as beings of immense beauty and light. Some in this world, however, will only summon dark monsters if that is what reflects off of their heart. ”


Leely] “Wow, you were not exagerating when you said this was a powerful emblem. Ryliatha is going to be sorry she gave it to us.”


Ileel] Overhearing the conversation… I say with a bit of a snipe… “I imagine her father will be more sorry.”


] Adalissi “It was a beautiful act… Ryliatha knew you gave her the most precious gift – her own life – and I think it was right of her to return that gift with something precious. Still… I suspect you may want to one day seek her out in High Forest and place the gift back in her hands – if only to offer another precious gift… friendship.”


Leely] “Sometimes I forget you are a High Priestess… and then you say something like that. I am truly favored to be able to hear your wisdom Adalissi.”


] The next hour goes by rather silently from there except for the repeating ‘thunk’ of Ileel’s arrows sinking into the wooden target. Occasionaly the three of you hear an odd sound out in the burnt forest. It sounds like a critter, or perhaps a bear, clawing at the blackened bark of the remains of a tree. The sound is dim, as if fairly far off from the village and you never see any sign of a living creature.


Ileel] “I will take another lookout from the tower… and then I think it will be time to go.” I return the target to the base floor but keep the quiver of arrows and the bow with the fancy ring around it. Then I go up and look across the area to see if there is any sign of Sister Garelle. [Perception Check]


Result Table

1-10 No sign of Sister Garaelle.
You see nothing beyond what you noticed last time you viewed the area from the tower.
11-15  No sign of Sister Garaelle.
You once again hear that faint scratching and clawing sound in the burnt wood. You cannot see the critter responsible, but you do get a better sense of where it is coming from. As you look in that direction, a large chunk of charcoled bark falls off of one of the trees about a thousand yards from the edge of the town ruins.
16+  No sign of Sister Garaelle. You once again hear that faint scratching and clawing sound in the burnt wood. You cannot see the critter responsible, but you do get a better sense of where it is coming from. As you look in that direction, a large chunk of charcoled bark falls off of one of the trees about a thousand yards from the edge of the town ruins.
As turn to go back down the stairs, you hear the faint sounds of horses galloping somewhere back towards Triboar Trail – perhaps even heading up the narrow trail towards Conyberry or, more likely, the horses are traveling the Triboar and the sound of their pace is carrying.



(1d20) Perception 9 +5 = 14


] No sign of Sister Garaelle. You once again hear that faint scratching and clawing sound in the burnt wood. You cannot see the critter responsible, but you do get a better sense of where it is coming from. As you look in that direction, a large chunk of charcoled bark falls off of one of the trees about a thousand yards from the edge of the town ruins.


Ileel] I return to the others and tell them what I saw and heard.


] Adalissi “We best be on our way. I fear something has happened to Sister Garaelle and we must hurry to reach Phandalin and discover what.” She mounts her horse and starts back towards the Triboar.


Leely] “Aylan!” I call my magical dire wolf to me.


] Aylan appears as if he had just been around the corner of one of the buildings. Nalya also appears. As the three of you are just about to the the ruins behind you, you hear the sound of galloping horses coming towards Conyberry up from the Triboar Trail.


Ileel] “Riders! Heading our way fast.”


Leely] “Could it be Sister Garaelle?”


] Adalissi “Maybe – but we were not expecting her in group of 4 or 5.”


] Just as Adalissi finishes saying this, 5 riders come into view downhill from where you are. They are racing through the burnt wood – a single right in front and two by two behind.


Ileel] I feel suspicious rather than trusting and look for a place within range to watch with my bow ready.


] There is burned out home just 30 feet to your left. The stone foundation remains and rises about 5 feet above the ground.


Ileel] “I am behind you.” I say as I try to duck into the burned out home without being noticed by the oncoming riders [Stealth Check]


Result Table

1-5 You successfully enter into the burned out home but manage to bump into a charcholed frame timber. It falls into the dirt and dust within the foundation, sending a small cloud into the air which was likely seen by the oncoming riders
6+ You successfully enter into the burned out home without being seen.



(1d20) Stealth 9 +8 = 17


] You successfully enter into the burned out home without being seen.


Ileel] I draw an arrow and hold an action to fire if the riders prove a threat.


] Within moments the riders are charging up to Leely and Adalissi. The lead is a male human – he draws a polished longsword and holds it high in the  when he reaches you and yells “We are Ransor’s Rally! And we are here to kill…” he looks back and forth at the two of you.. “Which one of you are Agga Tatha the Winter Witch?”


Leely] I draw my sword and stand poised in front of Adalissi. “Neither one of us Ser Scrag!”


] The lead rider looks confused. From nearly 10 feet away, you can already smell the heavy weight of alcohol on his breath. The other riders have pulled alongside. To his right there is a cat-person with a holstered rapier and a stringed instrument of some kind on his back. He wears a bright velvet tunic on his torso and a curious look on his face. Beside him there is a female Dwarf, a warhammer slung across her back. She looks like someone just told her a joke – her eyes squinted and her mouth stretching upward towards her ears. On the left side of the human you see a female half elf with long darkhair in a thick braid and dark serious eyes. She is drawing a short sword from her hip. Beside her is a large redish-orange reptile sort of humanoid with two large horns protruding over his head from above his eyes. He also looks amused, but childlike… you get the impression of him, frightening as his appearance may be, as that of a little boy riding a pony at the fair. Both of his large weapons, a Great Axe and a Greatsword remain holstered.


] The Tabaxi speaks up “These girls aren’t even dead Andlen… and they have done nothing to us. Put your sword away friend.”


] Andlen “We are here to kill the Ghost of Neverwinter Forest! Tell us where the banshee is or we will start with you.”


] Adalissi “We too are here to find the Ghost of Neverwinter Forest! We did not! And so we cannot tell you what we do not know!” then she leans forward to you Leely and whispers “These drunken fools are going get themselves dead in a hurry if we don’t stop them… help them”


Leely] “We are protectors. From the sight and smell of you, we have some work to do here. Turn back ye knap sacks and save yourselves from ruin!”


] Andlen barely seems to understand you, but picked up on being called a knap sack… “How dare you little girl!” and he kicks his mount to charge you – leading with the point of his longsword.


Ileel] I release my nocked arrow and taint the ammo

(2d20 Attack) 17 +7 = 24 [Hit] (1d6) Dmg 4 +5 = 9  + (1d8 Necro) 8 = 17… 11/28 [Massive Dmg roll 2]



] You see Ileel’s arrow strike Andlen square in the chest – a streaking trail of black essence lingers and the human falls backward. [()] The horse spooks and rears, throwing Andlen to the ground in a heap.


] The Dwarf with the short black hair laughs loudly seeing Andlen take an awkward fall. “Block Noggin! Can’t ya stay in yer saddle!?” she yells coursely, drunkenly. The Tabaxi is startled and concerned – “Andlen!”. He draws his rapier and leaps down of his horse to stand between you and this fallen friend. The Dragonborn hiccups loudly and begins to unmount his horse, though it is not clear he is aware of what is happening. The Half Elf in the purple body wrap looks angry. She puts her feet on the saddle under her and leaps towards you Leely – sword arm cocked. [()] She miscalulates the maneuver and tumbles to a kneeling position right in front of you. [Opportunity attack for Leely]


Leely] I step back, using Dodge in case she attempts another lunge. “Wait!” I yell. Recognizing that the Tabaxi is the only one really sober enough to reason with, I make eye contact with him…”Wait! We don’t want to hurt anyone else!” I say it loudly enough to know Ileel heard me. I step towards the cat-man. “Let me heal your friend while I can? Please?” I sheathe my sword but keep it in hand in case I need to defend. “Please?”


Ileel] I ready another arrow.


] The Half Elf has gotten to her feet and has stepped to the side of the Tabaxi. “What think you Nekari?”


Leely] “My sister is just waiting to fire another death arrow- but she is waiting on you…Lower your blades if you want to live. ”


] Nekari the drunken Half Elf is insensed beyond reasoning “How dare you!” and she makes a striking move forward leading with her blade.


Ileel] Seeing another charge, I loose another tainted arrow

(2d20a) Attack 18 +7 = 25 [Hit] (1d6) Dmg 3 +5 = 8 (1d8 Necro) 5 +8 = 13 Total 13/14 [Massive Dmg]


] The arrow strikes dead center in the chest of the Half Elf and protrudes out her back by several inches. The Dwarf stops laughing when she sees her friend skewered.  She spins with surprising grace and stops with her battleaxe unsheathed and ready for combat. She steps towards you Leely, dropping the axe around and behind her – its momentum swings overhead and comes crashing down towards you. [()] You step, almost absentmindedly, out of the way and the axe clangs off a large rock.


Leely] I step right into the Dwarf and attempt to place my hand over her face, releasing light into her eyes

(1d20) Attack 16 +6 = 22 [Success] (1d8) Dmg 5/28 Radiant


] You successfully blind the black-haired Dwarf. She yells and grabs at her eyes with both of her hands, dropping the Battleaxe.


Leely] I turn back to the cat man. “Put your blade away now! My sister surely has you marked for her next death arrow.”


] The Tabaxi throws the rapier to the ground and raises both hands. “I yield!” he yells out into the ruins. “No more death arrows! Please!”


Leely] I step over the Half Elf to see if she is yet alive.


] Nekari’s eyes look up at you. There is still a crateful of anger on her face. She is losing blood quickly.


Leely] I use Healing Touch to try and stablize her

(1d8) Healing 6 HP


] The wound magically knits and the blood stops flowing. (7/14) Nekari falls unconscious.


Leely] “She has a chance. Now let me see to this one…” I try to heal the human

(1d8) Healing Touch 4 (5/28)


] There is no visible sign of success in the unconscious face of the young man, but he is still breathing. The Dwarf, meanwhile, has started running off in a panic. “Brin!” The Tabaxi yells. “Calm yourself Brin!” and he runs after her. The Dragonborn has his head down on the saddle of his horse – he appears to have passed out.


] Adalissi “Well that could have gone better… but you handled yourself well Leely. ”


Leely] “They really thought they were going to go up against Agatha and not die?”


] Adalissi “Alcohol muddles the mind, making reality seem unreal and unreality… real. You were right to protect them from their own folly.”


] The Tabaxi is guiding the Dwarf back towards the horses. She remains blind but is calmer.


Ileel] I am content to stay hidden with an arrow nocked for now… this party is too difficult for me to trust still.


Leely] I go over to them the Tabaxi and the Dwarf “How is she?”


] Tabaxi “Blind! She is blind!” he says with a bit of a slur, revealing his own intoxication. “Why would you blind her!?!”


Leely] “I am certain you would rather be extracting her axe from my skull right now… but I would rather her blind. It was a small burst – should be temporary.”


] Adalissi “These two little girls gave you all a good cracking.”


Leely] “Yeah! You have been blessed by High Priestess of Selune – seeing how she did not have to release her strength to stop you!”


] The Tabaxi halts and looks to Adalissi “High Priestess…? Of Selune…?” he drops to a knee and begins begging forgivenness of her.


] Adalissi “You appear to be the only one of five to retain your senses. Who are you?”


] “Stitch” the Tabaxi says quickly. “Stitch in a Sock… my mother calls me Socks but to everyone else I am Stitch.”


Leely] Curious about the instrument he carries, I walk around him and ask “What is this thing on your back?”


] Stitch “My instrument? It is a Mandolin. It makes music. I am, or rather, I was… a student at Wintertalon. My mother, she reveres the Silver Lady greatly. That I have offended a High Priestess of the Moon Maiden… mother will never forgive.”


Adalissi] “And who is your mother?”


] Stitch “Teacher Elmtree. Elm Tree by a River is her full name, but I’ve only ever heard her called Teacher Elmtree. She is Head Schoolmistress of Lore at Wintertalon.”


] Adalissi “I will not tell her what has happened… but your shame will not be for having offended me but for letting your friends die stupid. You should hurry them to aid. These two both need to have a deep arrow extracted. We will help you get them on their horses but then you must race them to a temple. Triboar is as close as any that I know of. Save your friends Stitch… I will want to learn did all to that end.”


] Last Shadow is near as you help get Andlen and Nekari strapped to the back of their horses and they depart. The Dragonborn has fallen to the ground and cannot be awoken, even with swifts kicks… the blind Dwarf has agreed to sit with him until he revives.


Ileel] “We probably have less then an hour to gain distance from Conyberry and find safe place to rest.”


Leely] “I can keep going through the night… if you do not think it unwise in these parts.”


Adalissi] “Generally… it hardly ever safe to travel by night… but then we are in a rush. The Nightsky Queen shine upon… and we may be able to travel covertly. The Triboar Trail is well-traveled so we need not fear losing our way.”


Ileel] “We will be fine. Let us get moving.”




Next: The Trolls of Evermoor
Cycle One: The Iron Aegis


Appreciation & Collaboration


Into the Cragmaw Hideout


[Scene Notes]
Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
Scene 08  – Scene Notes
Credit Notes
[Setting Info]
Triboar Trail
Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
Forenoon  of Day 07



] The two of you were escorting a wagon of supplies from Neverwinter to Phandalin. Along the way you met a Half Elf Drow named Koza and agreed to travel the distance together. Sildar and Gundren travelled ahead of you to the mining town in need of some haste – the result of some political matter they did not yet share. On the 3rd day of your travel you turned Eastward on the Triboar Trail and several hours later you discovered the scene of a previous ambush – two dead horses, where you were yourselves ambushed by several Goblins of the Cragmaw tribe. In questioning one of the Goblins, you discovered that Sildar and Gundren were taken captive and were being held in the Cragmaw Hideout – deep in a hilly region of Neverwinter Wood. Along the way you met a small group of adventurers who were seeking to recover a lost shipment of goods for the Lionshield Coster of Phandalin but instead lost half of their party. Wahler Rishian was found dead in a Goblin spike pit and Deyni Serpayko remains missing. You agreed to keep a watch for Deyni as you continued to the Cragmaw hideout. Outside the hideout cave, you successfully took out the guards (who were distracted by lunch). From within the cave, you began to hear the barking of alarmed dogs.


] You press against the rock face next to the cave entrance, planning to ambush any Goblins which exit in response to the alarm. The barking continues, it sounds like several large dogs, maybe even wolves. [()] After several minutes of barking, nothing exits the cave. The barking continues.


Roonoo] I take a peek inside the cave.


] You see the trail continue into the cave alongside the right bank of the running stream. It looks and sounds like the barking is coming from a large open chamber on the right about 100 feet into the cavern. Several hundred feet further, you see the stream bend around to the right, further into the hillside.


Roonoo] I whisper… “I think the barking is coming from a room just inside the cave. Since they are not charging us, I assume they are caged. The cave goes back much further beyond this room however… maybe we will get lucky and find Gundren keeping the puppies company. Let’s go”


] A few uneven steps lead up into the chamber. The stench of animal shit assaults your noses as you reach the opening. Inside, you see 3 wolves chained to spikes which are driven into the base of a stalagmite. The barking and snarling intensifies as the wolves see you.


Deynn] “I have an idea. Be right back.” I go back and grab the sack full of meat which was on the platform with the Goblins. I show Roonoo and Koza when I return… “Wolves are always hungry right?” I go back into the chamber with the wolves and try make friends with the Goblins lunch. [Animal Handling check]


() 2d20a Animal Handling 12 +4 = 16 [Success]


] The wolves calm down after eating the food you gave them. They look at you with suspicion still and occasionally bare their teeth your way, but they are no longer fighting to break free of their chains to attack you. In the far end of the chamber you notice a steep fissure that leads to a natural chimney opening. At the base you see a large pile of rubbish that looks to have been thrown down through the fissure.


Roonoo] “Well… plaguedust! No Gundren here. I knew it wouldn’t be that easy.”


] Koza “I scouted further ahead…” As she enters the kennel chamber you realize that you had not even noticed she left. “There is another guard – a single Goblin – keeping a lazy watch from a makeshift bridge right around the corner. There are at least several others beyond that from the echoes I hear.” Deynn, your passive insight again tells you that Koza is ar more skilled than she has let on.


Deynn] “You are really in your own element now, aren’t you Koza.” I say with a smile. “I was just considering whether it is worth trying climb through that fissure up there, but with your skills, perhaps the direct approach is best. What say you Roonoo? Climb through a garbage shute or take the straight-on?”


Roonoo] “You would never get me into that smelly hole Deynn, and you know it!”


Deynn] “Straight-on it is. Care to lead the way Koza?”


] The three of you continue a little further into the cave alongside the stream.


] Koza “Hold back, let me take out the guard.” She nocks an arrow and positions herself. [()] Her arrow flies. She waits a half a moment then turns back to you with a sly smile. “Ready?”


Deynn] We follow Koza further into the cave.


] You approach the ricketdy bridge, made of odd bits of mishaped wood and held together by fraying ropes. You see a dangling Goblin leg off to the left – Koza’s arrow was quick. The bridge connects two dark tunnels about six feet above you. Just beyond the bridge the stream is running down a rocky incline and making a good deal of noise. You begin to hear what Koza’s ears picked up from a distance – Goblin speak. It sounds more like Goblin squabbling actually. It is coming from further upstream.


] Koza whispers back to you… “There are at least 3 Goblins beyond that slope, maybe more. One sounds larger than the others. They argue about alliances… I think… One says he is ferocious… the other says he is a coward… cruel… but cowardly”


Deynn]  “You understand Goblin?” This Drow girl is surely a mystery, I think to myself.


] Koza ignores the question. “We can charge up there blind, or we can try to draw them down to us.”


Roonoo] “I am ready either way.” I say as quietly as possible as I spin my blackthorn staff before me.


Deynn] “How might we draw them down with fully alerting them?”


] Koza “I have an idea… ready?” She makes a quick motion with the fingers on her right hand and four small lights appear behind you. They all submerge into the running stream and then, one by one, they travel upstream slowly, causing the water to take on an eerie glow in the dark cave. Three of them remain in the streams incline while one flows gently around the bend towards the sound of Goblin voices [Deception Check]


Result Table

1-10 The lights in the water alarm the Goblins and there is a ruckus. Suddenly you hear the sound of an immense amount of water gushing and huge wave comes flowing down stream at you.
11-15 Three Goblins appear from around the bend at the top of the incline, staring curiously into the water of the stream. As they round the bend, they see you.
16+ Two Goblins appear from around the bend at the top of the incline, staring curiously into the water of the stream. As they round the bend, they seem fascinated with the lights and do not even notice you.


] Koza

() 1d20 Deception 15 +7 = 22


] Two Goblins appear from around the bend at the top of the incline, staring curiously into the water of the stream. They walk down the crude steps alongside the stream, fascinated with the phenomena and never even see you.


] Koza looses an arrow [()] which spears the Goblin (02) furtherest from you.


Roonoo] I leap towards the other Goblin (01) and attack with my staff

() 2d20a Attack 20 Crit


] The first Goblin hears the arrow whiz by and thump into Goblin behind it. As it turns back to understand what it heard, your blackthorn staff comes crushing straight downward into its head. The crack of skull bone echoes through the cavern as the body tumbles down the remaining stairs to rest at the feet of Koza. She gives it a brief kick to test for life – there is none.


] Koza readies another arrow and points ahead. You see the magical lights raise to hover on the surface of the water and begin to vibrate. You see two more figures come to investigate, a Goblin and a Hobgoblin. Koza shoots another arrow – at the larger of the two (Hobgoblin01) [()] and it strikes just above the waist.


Deynn] I attack the Hobgoblin, rushing up the stairs to deliver a leaping uppercut

() 2d20a Attack 20 Crit


] You see Koza’s arrow sink into the Hobgoblins belly as you rush forward. The Hobgoblin starts to make an angry yelling noise but is silenced as your fist drives up under its chin, snapping its neck backward unnaturally.


Roonoo] I attack the other Goblin

() 2d20a Attack 7 +7 = 14 [Miss]

() 2d20a Attack (kick) 2 +5 = 7 [Miss]


] The smaller Goblin panics at the realization of what is happening and scrambles to get back up the steps. Your staff barely misses, striking rock instead, and your attempt at a follow-up kick finds only air as the Goblin skitters away. [()] Before Koza can nock another arrow, the Goblin disappears  from sight around the cave wall ahead.


Deynn] I chase after the Goblin


Roonoo] I give chase as well


] As you turn the corner, you see a large pool of water that has been dammed up by large collapsible walls. The Goblin has started yanking at the supports, trying to release the water.


Deynn] I race to grab him and pull him away from the trap. [Athletics]

() 1d20 Athletics check 17 +4 = 21 [Success]


] You successfully pull the Goblin away before it can release the water trap. You spin the Goblin around to face the incoming Roonoo


Roonoo] I attack and try not to hit Deynn in the process

() 2d20a Attack 11 +7 = 18 [Hit]


] You send the end of your staff into the chest of the Goblin like a spear, crushing its ribcage. The Goblin goes limp in Deynn’s hands.


] The large cavern contains two massive pools of water that appear to be fed from an underground source – you see a stream falling out of rock above the pool on the far Eastern side. The sound of the falling water is quite loud in the large chamber. A fieldstone wall serves as a dam to separate the pool into two sections. A wide exit from the cavern can be seen on the far South-East side of the cavern from which you can see the waving light of a large fire. To the West there is a small tunnel which obviously leads to the bridge crossing.


Roonoo] I whisper “Wow, there is a thing unexpected. That much water would nearly fill the passage below. Anyone else feel like seeing this water trap release? Preferably, of course, from above and not below.”


] Koza “I might guess that makeshift bridge would not survive… we might need it still.”


Roonoo] “Right you likely are… still… how fascinating it would be yes?…”


Deynn] “Gundren and Sildar may be just ahead where the fire is. We should try to get a look inside before we charge in… I have an idea. Hold back for a moment – and you might watch that tunnel.” I slip into the pool of water and swim to the East side and try to peer over the rock barrier into the area with the fire.


] You successfully reach a position where you can see into the fire-lit chamber. You can see two more Hobgoblins standing just inside the entrance. It appears to be another large chamber. On the far side of it you can see stacks of crates and barrels. The fire is just out of sight but you see a small Goblin dressed in rags walk towards it carrying a large chunk of wood to feed it. You hear a loud bellowing and witness the Goblin bounce backwards and fall to the ground. It scrambles on hands and knees back to the East side of the room and out of your sight.


Deynn] I swim back to the other side and climb out of the pool. “There are at least three large combatants within the chamber. Two stand guard just inside the door. The third, I might guess, is their chief… what was the name we got?”


Roonoo] “Glark… I think… or Glarg… something like that. How do you want to play this one? More trickery?”


Deynn] “We have had good luck so far with the trickery… The water is deep enough to hide in… if you don’t mind getting wet, maybe we can distract the two guards, get them to chase Koza’s lights down stream to where they will find the other bodies. With continued luck they will search further down towards the kennel, giving us time to take out their chief. What say you?”


Roonoo] “Tricky indeed. And I could probably use a bath anyway.”


] Koza smiles at you “Yes, yes you could.” She climbs into the pool and starts to swim quietly.


Deynn] I get back into the water as well and swim back to the far side.


Roonoo] I join them


] Koza again motions with a hand and four glowing lights appear. “Watch this… I’ve been praticing this one…” The lights come together and vary their intensity. They vaguely resemble a humanoid in shape. The lights begin to move and pulse, nearly simulating walking.  “Now, throw a rock or something near the entrance and get out of sight.” [Deception Check]


Result Table

1-10 The two Hobgoblins inside the fire-lit chamber do not notice anything and do not move
11-15 The two Hobgoblins hear the sound of the thrown rock and exit the chamber to investigate. Koza causes the Dancing Lights to begin to run away back down the steps into the cave passage below. One of the Hobgoblins follows after the lights but the other stands at the entrance and keeps watch
16+ The two Hobgoblins hear the sound of the thrown rock and exit the chamber to investigate. Koza causes the Dancing Lights to begin to run away back down the steps into the cave passage below. Both Hobgoblins give chase and disappear around and down the turn in cave passage.


] Koza

() 1d20 Deception 10 +7 = 17


] The two Hobgoblins hear the sound of the thrown rock and exit the chamber to investigate. Koza causes the Dancing Lights to begin to run away back down the steps into the cave passage below. Both Hobgoblins give chase and disappear around and down the turn in cave passage. You hear a large gravely voice yelling something in Goblin from the fire-lit chamber.


] Koza steps out of the water and says to you “I’ve got another idea. Fifty-fifty it goes our way…. Let us hope he is not actually ferocious. Wait ready just outside the chamber and watch for the other two. I will signal you for help if I need it.” Within a step or two, you notice that Koza’s entire demeaner changes. Suddenly she seems an entirely different woman – tall, commanding, with the feminine swagger of a queen. She sets her bow and quiver against the cave wall of the chamber entrance and boldly walks in. You hear her speaking loudly in Goblin. The gravely voice responds, quiet and submissive-like. There are a couple short exchanges – difficult to hear over the subterrainean waterfall behind you.


] Moments later, Koza reappears dragging a bare young Half Elf girl roughly by the hair until she exits the chamber. She smiles when she sees you… “Not fericious… coward… but we may still need to kill him. This, I think, would be the sister Deyni. I know where Sildar and Gundren are as well.” She picks up her bow and quiver. “The other two should be returning in just a second – do not turn your back on Klarg while we fight them.” She tells Deyni to hide in the pool until it is safe. “Here they come.” She turns and looses an arrow before you can even see her target. [()] Just as the first Hobgoblin steps around the turn of cavewall,  it walks right into Koza’s arrow. The other Hobgoblin runs right into the first as it jumps back – an arrow stuck square in its chest.


Deynn] “Roonoo – help Koza. I’ve got Klarg.” I position myself on the far side of the entrance to Klargs chamber. I Ready an action – if Klarg comes out, I will attempt to Grapple him.


Roonoo] I move down to the West side of the pool chamber and attack the Hobgoblin (01) Koza hit

(2d20a) Attack 18 +7 = 25 [Hit] (1d8) Dmg  8 +7 = 15

(2d20a) Attack (kick) 14 +6 = 20 [Hit] (1d4) Dmg  2 +4 = 6


] You deftly close the distance to the Hobgoblins. An overhead strike with your Blackthorn staff breaks the Hobgoblins face. You take a jump-step of the cave wall and deliver the edge of your foot to the side of its head. It staggers a few steps and falls dead into the cavern stream.


Init Char AC ATK HP
21 Koza 18 +8 1d6 +5 40
13 H01 18 +4 1d8 +2 28 18 0
13 H02 18 +4 1d8 +2 28 18 10  0
12 Roonoo 17 +7 1d8 +7 33 27 6 4
7 Klarg 19 +6 1d8 +4 (*2) 60 36
2 Deynn 17 +6 1d4 +6 27


] Koza fires another arrow at the other Hobgoblin (02) [()] but misses. She then positions herself along the Southern cave wall near the tunnel and looks to you Deynn. She gives you an odd sort of nod.


] The other Hobgoblin recovers from the surprise quickly and draws its longsword on Roonoo [()] With a powerful thrust of the large blade, it draws blood (Dmg 6).


Roonoo] “Ogre Bells! That must be repaid.” I return the attack

(1d20) Attack 15 +7 = 22 [Hit] (1d8) Dmg 3 +7 = 10

(1d20) Attack (Kick) 4 +6 = 10 [Miss]


] You hear bones crack as your staff connects with the armored rib case of the Hobgoblin. The beastly humanoid yells something Goblin that echoes thru the chambers.


Deynn] I hold my action, Ready to grapple Klarg still.


] Koza takes one large step away from the wall and down to one knee while simultaneously drawing her bow towards the Hobgoblin [()] Her arrow flies true, skimming the top of Roonoo’s head, it sinks into the shoulder of the beast. It rages with the pain and attacks Roonoo again [()] but only succeeds in striking the rock of the cavern wall.


Roonoo] I continue

(1d20) Attack 12 +7 = 19 [Hit] (1d8) Dmg 3 +7 = 10


] You manage to strike the Hobgoblin in the same spot, sending splintered ribs shooting through its internal organs. Blood spurts from its nose and mouth as it drops to knee.


Roonoo] I deliver a killing blow with a hammer fist “The Black summons you Kakniffr!”

(1d20) Bonus Attack (Punch) 18 +6 = 24


] You bring your hammer fist down onto the back of it head and it crumples into a ball and slowly rolls to one side.


] Just as Roonoo is sending his opponent to the deepest pit, Klarg emerges from his chamber with a longsword in hand – looking Westward toward Roonoo and the dying Hobgoblin.


Deynn] I attempt a Grapple and, if successful, a pindown

(2d20a) Grapple 18 +4 = 22 vs 15 +3 = 18 [Success]

(2d20a) Pindown 17 +4 vs 5 +3 = 8 [Success]


] The large bugbear never even sees you as you grapple him from behind. You lock his arms and bring him down to the ground. You are both Restrained currently.


Deynn] “Roonoo! Bring that big stick of yours!”


Roonoo] I turn back to see Deynn wrapped around a Bugbear. “Gladly! I will bring my weapon too!” I move over to Deynn and Klarg and attack

(2d20a) Attack 13 +7 = 20 [Hit] (1d8) Dmg 4 +7 = 11

(2d20a) Flurry of Blows (1) 18 + 4 = 22 [Hit] (1d4) Dmg 2 +4 = 6

(2d20a) (2) 16 +4 = 20 [Hit] Dmg 3 +4 = 7 (Total 24 )


] The Bugbear chief of the Cragmaw tribe grunts under your barrage of undefendable blows. It struggles to break free of the grapple

1d20 Athletics 6 +3 = 9 vs 10 +4 = 14 [Fail]


Deynn] “Nice try my smelly friend.” I hold the pindown.


Roonoo] I spear the chief with the end of my Blackthorn

(2d20a) Attack 17 +7 = 24 [Hit] (1d8) Dmg 6 +7 = 13

(2d20a) Attack (kick) 13 +6 = 19 [Hit] (1d4) Dmg 4 +4 = 8 (Total 21)


] Klarg continues to struggle even as Roonoo is beating the life from him

1d20 Athletics 18 +3 = 21 vs 18 +4 = 22 [Fail]


Deynn] “There now… Calm yourself… Why strain your seams? Speak Common? Want to live?”


] “Klarg speak.” He says. “Want live.”


Roonoo] “Don’t tell me we would let him go! ”


Deynn] “I don’t suppose we should. But Klarg speak… Klarg wants to live… Got your rope handy Roonoo? Let’s tie him up while we decide what to do.”


] The Half Elf who was hiding in the pool jumps up out of the water. “Kill him! Better… Let me kill him!”. She stamps over to you, sheer naked and dripping wet, and [()] plants a heel kick into Klargs skull.


Deynn] “Wait! Just wait friend. We need information.” I spin the pindown around to block any further blows with my own back


Roonoo] I grab a rope and begin tying him.


Deynn] “Koza, you said you knew…”


] You look over to where Koza was positioned but see no sign of her.


Deynn] “Koza? Hey!” I yell… “Where did you go?” With Klarg tied, I release the grapple and stand up to look around.


] Koza is not to be found.


Deynn] “Did either of you see where she…”


] You hear loud screaming coming from the tunnel that leads to the bridge. Seconds later, a handful of Goblins rushes into the chamber, scimitars ready for action.


Roonoo] “More Goblins! Ready yourselves!”


] The attacking Goblins ignore you and begin hacking feverishly at Klarg. His blood sprays and paints the Half Elfs bare skin red as she stands close – watching the violence with a slightly giddy look on her face.


] The Goblins begin dancing around the shreded corpse and chanting something in Goblin. From the tunnel emerges a stripped and bloodied Sildar. He is favoring one leg and holding a twisted arm.


Deynn] “Sildar!” I run over to help him. “Thank Firemane! You still live!”


Roonoo] “What of Gundren? Is he still with you?”


] Sildar struggles to speak, but slowly tells you that Gundren was taken away early this morning – he does not know where. One of the Goblins, taller and larger than the others and wearing brand new chainmail armor, drops his sword at your feet and begins saying something in Gobin speech.


] Sildar “That is Yeemik. I believe he is thanking you for making him the new chief of the Cragmaw tribe. He actually protected me – prevented Klarg from killing me.” When the Goblin hears his name, he brightens a bit and touches his face “Yeemik!”


Deynn]  I thank the Goblin with a nod and a smile.


] Yeemik returns your smile with a distorted grin. He looks to Sildar and Deyni and then begins directing the other Goblins into action. Several run into Klargs chamber and return with clothes and Sildars armor and weapon. They also bring a thick cloak of deep blue color to the Half Elf.


Deynn] “You are severely injured Sildar. Let me try to heal you some.” I grab my pack and remove both flutes. I play my Willow flute and heal (4d4) all within hearing.


] Sildar appears to stand a bit straighter. You hear a splash as Deyni jumps back into the pool and begins washing the blood from her skin. Sildar explains what just happened… “I was being held in the chamber on the side of the bridge – guarded by Yeemik and these others. A Drow came and begin speaking with Yeemik. I could not understand what they said, but she seemed to rile them up to fight. I thought I was going to be slaughtered but then they all ran from the room. She untied me and told me to go find my friends.”


Deynn] “Did she say anthing else? Did she tell you where they took Gundren?”


] Sildar “No, at least I don’t think so… she just said ‘I have a date with a king’ and was gone in a blink. Who is she?”


Deynn] “That is a very good question – one I hope to to answer someday. We met her at a waystop – Peldons Passerthru – just last night. I think she got herself beaten up by a group of Half Orcs just to embed herself in our party… its hard to explain. I could not see any motive so I took her at her word. Now it appears she was seeking something… something she just learned I assume, which is why she is gone. I hope to see her again… but perhaps I should not.” I turn towards the Half Elf woman.


] You catch sight of the Half Elf is climbing gracefully back out of the pool. She sees your eyes upon her as she picks up the blue cloak and, with no hurry, covers herself in it.


Deynn] I take the other flute that belonged to Wahler over and hold it up for her. “You must be Deyni? Your sister is searching for you.”


] Deyni “Wahlers flute!? How did… what.. What has happened to Wahler?”


Roonoo] “I’m sorry to tell it lass, but we found his body on our way here.”


Deynn] “My name is Deynn K’Vyll. This is Roonoo and this old man is our dear friend Sildar.”


] Deyni “Well met everyone. I thought you dead Sildar, they way they dragged your body out of here earlier.”


] Sildar “I feared for what would happen to you young miss. I’m sorry I was powerless to halt the cruelty – against us both.”


Deynn] “We shall see you both safely to Phandalin for a good long rest. L’Khifrey should already be in town with Belteb and Darsla and Colt will meet us on the way.”


Roonoo] “What of Gundren? Can we not yet learn where he was taken?”


Deynn] “Do any of us speak Goblin? Or have the magic to understand Goblin?” I look around at my companions.


] Sildar and Deyni shake their heads.


Roonoo] “Don’t look at me… never crossed my mind to speak to a Goblin before I met you… do not you know…”


Deynn] “It is a first for me as well Roonoo…” I look to the Goblins… “Common? Any of you speak Common?”


] The Goblins are mostly unaware you are even speaking to them. A couple look at you and tilt their heads like a puppy dog trying to understand what the master wants. None reply.


Deynn] “Then there is little to do except trust Koza to find him.”


Roonoo] “Unless Koza is trying to kill him. Remember… I saw the drow before and thought she was watching Gundren.”


Deynn] “Oh, I am almost certain she was. And I am fully certain she is something other than she says… something more skilled… and more dangerous. But we do not know what motivates her… maybe it is this ‘king’ she said she has a date with.”


] Deyni “Are you talking about the drow that just pulled me by the hair like a dog?”


Deynn] “Yes… and that is another thing I am curious about… did you see the exchange between Koza and Klarg? We only overheard… can you describe what you saw?”


] Deyni “I could not understand any words, but she came in and started commanding it, talking down to it. Klarg cowered almost immediately. I got the impression she was his boss. When she pointed at me, her face was angry, scalding angry. Klarg let me out of that dretchin cage and she started dragging me out. You saw the rest.”


Deynn] “Before she walked in there, she said she had a 50/50 gamble and told us to wait outside. It was really odd, but her entire demeanor just shifted into another person… her posture, her facial expressions, even her walk changed – like she was putting on another person.”


Roonoo] “It was a clever ruse… and she did save you girly. It might not have appeared so at first, but she got you out of harms way. She knew we were on the lookout to help Darsley’s sister and must have recognized you. That whole situation could have gone down very differently were it not for the Drow.”


] Deyni “Clever indeed. Give her my thanks if you do see her again. And I owe the same each of you .” She walks over to Sildar and gives him a kiss. “I saw your concern for me in there. I could not stand to watch the violence done to you. I am glad you still live.” Then she turns to you Roonoo and gives you a kiss. “And thank you master Dwarf. My kind are often not even allowed eye contact from your kind… and yet I am alive and free because of your actions.”


] Then she steps over you Deynn “And my thanks to you as well.” she opens her arms and embraces you with a tight hug before kissing you as well. Then, before you can offer any response, she turns back and says “I found what we were looking for, the Lionshield Coster shipments. This cloak proves it… look at the Lionhead emblem – this is from the stolen shipment we were being paid to recover. I have no idea how I am going to transport it to Phandalin, but at the very least I can return to Linene Graywind with the knowledge of its location.”


Deynn] “Darsley and Colt will meet us down at the Triboar, but you are right, you will need a larger force to move all these crates down through the hills… you will not get a wagon up here. Speaking of moving down the hill, we should begin to make our way.”


] Sildar has been putting the last of his armor on… “Don’t you want to take a moment to explore Klargs trove in there? There is much more than just the Lionshield Coster shipment. And theres more across the bridge where the drow girl found me.”


Deynn] “I have what I need, thanks. These were all stolen goods anyway. Perhaps the rest can eventually be returned.”


Roonoo] “Are we just going to leave these shit-eaters alive to ambush more shipments tomorrow? To kill more horses?”


Deynn] “Good point Roonoo… I do not know. Goblins are what they are in this part of the world… bandits and killers looking for fresh victims… but I cannot see us just murdering them. Any ideas Sildar?”


] Sildar “These few Goblins are not the full remainder of the tribe. I’d say there were about a dozen more that left when they took Gundren. Most of them were of the larger variety. I’m with Deynn though, I will not be a party to an outright slaughter. Unless they decide to attack us on the way out when they think our backs are turned… I say we let them be for now. When we get to Phandalin, I will message my fellows in the Lords Alliance for some guidance.”


Deynn] “Agreed. And I think we all know better than to turn our backs on them. Shall we make our way?”



Next: Leely and Ileel Reach Conyberry
Cycle One: The Iron Aegis


Appreciation & Collaboration

Categories: Notes

DM Notes – C01.S02.06

Note on Notes

Rewriting this scene…

First of all… I need to power up the goblins a little here… first time thru it was two against four. It was still an easy fight, but this time we have Khi-Khi and Koza with the party.

Koza will not do well… probably on purpose. First, it is outside in the daylight and she will probably struggle to see well… (Do I give her Drow attributes or half-elf attributes? Technically she is half-elf… but half-elves do inherit some things from elvish line… instead of disadvantage in daylight, perhaps just -1 to attack in daylight? ) What will Koza do? She wants to find Gundren as much as the others because he is her lead to Nezznar at the moment. Perhaps during the fight with Klarg, she puts an arrow or two into him and then disappears. When the party finds Sildar tied up, Yeemik is already dead. He relates the story how a drow took out several goblins and then questioned Yeemik in Goblin-tongue before killing him. She tells Sildar “your friends should be along soon…” she cuts him free and then disappears down the tunnel. Koza then goes to the Cragmaw Castle. She will free Gundren as well… but rather than return to Phandalin with him, she follows Vyrith the doppleganger to Wave Echo Cave. Maybe the party finds her there… perhaps once again beaten and nearly dead… next to a dead doppleganger. (Does Vyrith have any part in module after Cragmaw castle?)

Before I really get into this rewrite, I have some ToDos…

– Build stat blocks for Koza and Khi-Khi (if not full character sheets)

– Beef up the stat blocks for the goblins – maybe add in a hobgoblin or two

– Where is Sildars gear (incuding his new shield?)?

Now about the dead horses…

It has been 2+ days since party left Neverwinter. Sildar and Gundren went ahead of them with the expectation that they would arrive in Phandalin. It is 60 miles from Neverwinter to Phandalin… according to some accounts, Fast Travel would allow 6 miles per hour which means 10 hours of travel… Perhaps they made it all the way to Peldons Passerthru the first night (party made it the second night) and then early that morning started down the Triboar where they were ambushed. If that is the case, their dead horses have been blocking the road for over 24 hours by the time the party arrives. Is it reasonable to assume that no other traffic has tried to make it through here in 24 hours? Probably not… which means others have been ambushed as well. Perhaps they were on foot or mount and the goblins left them alone as they walked around the dead horses. But if any wagons came this way… Suppose then another wagon of supplies was ambushed here the forenight before the party arrives… heading east… merchants probably… with some guards. The wagon would be left on the road to increase the ambush opportunity. Maybe they even prop up a dead cart driver for appearance sake? Perhaps this wagon was the Lionshield Coster supply? Then that quest will be more apparent. The dead horses will not immediately be thought to be Sildar and Gundren’s mounts… but Roonoo will know. Or is this just complicating matters too much? Maybe I just run it as written – you see two dead horses in the road ahead.

Before the ambush… should I have more social interaction between Koza and Deynn? Do I want to strengthen their relationship before she disappears? Give Deynn a reason to help her later?

Ileel and Koza will have similarities… do I want to delve much into relationship and romance and such things? I cannot decide. I had thought about exploring writing some “adult-only” sections just to see what it was like to write it… I think Deynn and Koza would make an interesting match-up. Would Ileel have an interest in Deynn? Or the other way round? Should I invite a conflict between Koza and Ileel based on the attentions of Deynn? Or perhaps they just will not like each other because they are too much alike? Or maybe Ileel and Koza are where the real relationship is to be found? I plan on Dawndra and Kildar being intimate partners – if only alluded to. Yisi and Valea have an awkward tension there… they have a strong sybling sort of bond… will either risk it in order to express their more intimate feelings towards each other? Yisi will be tempted by Zoony perhaps… or at least… attracted enough to cause Valea some feelings of insecurity which will need to be resolved? Part of me thinks the whole relationship aspect will be hard to get right… but probably only because I’ve never done it before… likely it is going to be poorly done at first – should I not do it then? Or should I explore with the intent of developing some skill at it? Relationshp and romance are a part nearly every adventure novel – to some degree or another. I’m certain there are D&D sessions that have taken this idea far enough to make a very memorable session which no one openly talks about… How far can that be taken in Textplay? Is there room for the erotic? Is there need? Do I want to include it even? For now… lets just leave it at “maybe”.

Back to the scene…

Scene 06 and we are just getting to the very first scene of the published module. I actually quite enjoyed designing the opening to LMoP with this depth. It introduces some NPCs which will have a recurring role. That said… I feel this scene is weak and needs something more… maybe it is a spark of romance between Deynn and Koza, or Deynn and Khi-Khi. (Though neither of them is really in a place where they might be seeking romance… Khi-Khi is all about her studies on the way to becoming Lore Master. The death of her husband, while sad, creating a freedom for Khi-Khi which she values now. Koza is, perhaps, cold inside. Trained to be so, and enforced by trauma and anger and revenge… she is also not in a place for romance. While Khi-Khi has a long term path away from such things… Koza actually has a long-term path towards relationship. Will she keep working for the assasins guild once this job is complete? I see her like the character from ESO – the assasin from Morag Tong Naryu. She pops in here and there with information or a side quest. For IronAegis… she may be pursuing the same BBEG as the group but largely in the background.

Right now, she is playing the part of the helpless outcast. Once her true intentions are known by Deynn and Roonoo, she will change… perhaps into a snarky and snubbing elite killer? Or a sassy and seductive tease? Something that will make her future returns enjoyable. All that has a foundation in this scene… she will soon vanish… I need to draw some more connective tissue between Koza and the PCs here. Or maybe not… perhaps since she is in disguise right now, real connections are not possible… just mystery. How can I increase the mystery of Koza in this scene?

The Trolls of Evermoor


[Scene Notes]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
  Scene 07 – DM Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Evermoor Way
  Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
  Forenight of Day 11


] You are currently traveling west on the Evermoor Way, skirting the northern edge of High Forest and the southern edge of the Evermoors. You are accompanying Addalisi Garvett, high priestess of Selune, on a mission to Conyberry to discover the whereabouts of a powerful artifact – the spellbook of Bowgentle – before the dark forces of the Red Wizards can. Addalisi is traveling on horseback and the two of you are riding your magical companions, Nalya and Aylan. The days Last Shadow is fast approaching. Several miles ago you passed a turn-off to the south with a sign marked Noanar’s Hold. Addalisi suggested pushing on to a waystop village named Calling Horns rather than seeking shelter in the hold.


] Addalisi “The White Hart Inn, I have heard, is a beautiful place and I would love to visit someday… but there have been too many rumors of troubles in that place and we must hurry our way. The Calling Horns is merely a stopover village with the most basic accomodations, but it is right on the Evermoor Way. We should reach it very shortly after nightfall.”


Leely] “Maybe someday when you visit White Hart, we can join you!”


] Addalisi “I would like that.”


Ileel] I look to my left… “High Forest has pulled away from the road quite a distance… otherwise we could have just found a safe tree for tonights shelter.”


] Addalisi “I think I would prefer a hot meal and then a warm bed with a nightcap –  if it be all the same.”


Leely] “What is a nightcap?” I ask


] Addalisi “I mean only a strong drink. It helps me sleep.”


Leely] “Oh… I see. It is like putting on a sleeping cap… only in your head instead of on it… right?”


] Addalisi smiles at you Leely… “I suppose that is as accurate an idea as any could provide. Yes… it is like a sleeping cap inside my head.”



Leely] “A warm meal sounds wonderful right now. Maybe some chunk bread with warmed butteroil and toasted clayfruit… yum-yummy. ” I cast Light Shroud to brighten the surrounding area as we travel.


] Your silk robes begin to glow with radiant light, brightening your immediate aura intensely and an area with dim 40 feet around you.


Ileel] “Ouch! That is brightful! Thanks for the warning Leely…” I push Nayla forward a little to escape the blinding presence of my sister.


Leely] “Oops! Sorry! I forget still what an assault that can be on others eyes. I have learned how to stretch the light further out than I used to…”


] Addalisi seems impressed by your white silk robes. “That is quite a garment Leely. I noticed earlier how it shaped itself tight around you but I didn’t suspect magic. Can your black robes do the same Ileel?”


Ileel] “Yes. But not exactly…” I cast Shadow Shroud.


] A dark aura hides you. If it were not for Leely’s light, you would be functionally invisible.


] Addalisi says “Wow – that is quite a trick. Where did you find these garments?


Leely] “We made them! Our circlets showed us how. Sort of… I mean, well… it is hard to describe really. But this is just normal silk from the forest. Lady Aeri told us to search out some Firesilk from silkworms that live deep within mountains that still flow with fire. If we can find enough Firesilk, who knows what we can make – Lady Aeri says it is magical to begin with… combined with our circlets it could be most powerful.”


] Addalisi says “So Aylan and Nalya… are they somehow connected to your circlets as well?”


Ileel] “We believe so, yes. We were born on the Day of Meilikki’s Wild Ride. The story we have been told is that she witnessed our births… and that she touched our foreheads as they emerged from our mothers… from her… er… belly. Anyhow these crowns appeared. Mine black and Leely’s white. Meilikki told our mother to wean us and then dedicate us to protect her temple in The High Forest, and until now, we have lived only there at the Wild Queens Forest Temple.”


Leely] “We are going to be protectors!” I say with all the giddy glee I can muster.


] “I might say you have already proven to be so…” Addalisi says. “I am glad your Lady Aeri reached out to me. I was going to hire some sellswords to protect this mission, but I have a feeling Meilikki herself had other ideas.”


Ileel] “I have a feeling you can take care of your self quite well Addalisi. You appear to be our age, yet no one, I suspect, becomes a high priestess in their twenties. You carry yourself like one of our revered elders – not our peers – so I assume there is more to your story. Not that I am being nosy… just observing really.”


] Addalisi “You are perceptive Ileel. I was born nearly 70 years ago… in Hillsfar, on the on the southern coast of the Moonsea. Half of my life I spent in… well let me just say I spent it somewhere else. Here in the Realms, I am truly about 30 years old give or take some.”


Leely] “As High Priestess you must know Selune personally right? I mean… is that how it works? What is she like? I mean… is she nice to talk to? like you? ”


] Addalisi “I do have some stories I can tell, but perhaps at another time. Look – I think those lights are coming from our waystop.”


] Still a few miles ahead, you see a small grouping of buildings backlit with torches.  As you get closer, just within a mile of the small settlement, you begin to hear screams accompanied by the sounds of a desperate battle.


Leely] “Trouble!” I speed up Aylan


Ileel] “Wait! Leely! Keep your head!” I chase after her on Nalya.


] Addalisi speeds up her mount and follows. Ahead on the road you see a small group of people running away from The Calling Horns. In the town light you can make about about 5 people scrambling your way. You see then a very large creature exit the town behind them. With surprising speed it catches up to the fleeing villagers and  cuts them down. Then it begins to run east on the roadway towards you. Within seconds you can see a large troll, over 9 foot tall, enter into the light being spread by Leely’s garment.


Init Character AC ATK HP
19 Addalisi 20   110
12 Ileel 18   24
10 Troll 15 +6 2d6+3 84 67 60 70 64 47 57

43 31 16 26 06 00

8 Leely 18   24 13


] You hear Addalisi evoking a spell and in-between you and the troll, you see a large spectral-silver chain appear, floating in the air. It lashes out at the charging troll. [()] The massive chain whips at the charging troll and the force impact halts it. The chain then wraps around the troll, restraining it.


Ileel] As soon as I am within range, I release an attack against the troll

() 2d20a Attack 11 +7 = 18 [Hit] Dmg 2 +5 = 7


] Your arrow flies true and plants itself into the chained-up troll.


Ileel] I look around for a blind within range


] There are no trees within your combat range. There is, along the left side of the roadway, a grouping of boulders jutting from the ground – the largest rock reaches about 7 feet high and is 25 feet away from the troll currently.


Ileel] I use the rest of my movement to position myself, with Nalya’s help, on the boulder blind.


] You successfully position yourself. The 9 foot troll struggles against the massive spectral chain restraining its movement [()] but does not manage to break free.


Leely] I draw my Serpier blade and attempt to run the thing through

() 2d20a Attack 6 +7 = 13 [Miss]

() 2d20a Attack (Kick) 13 +6 = 19 [Hit] Dmg 2 +4 = 6


] Addalisi holds the spiritial weapon in place and casts Bless on the both of you.


Ileel] I loose another arrow, this time with some necrotic taint added

() 2d20a Attack 12 +7 = 19 [hit] Dmg 5 +5 = 10 +7 (necrotic 1/3) = 17


] The troll, arms and legs wrapped in a ghostly chain, tries to bite at Leely who is now within range [()] and is successful (11 hp dmg). It remains restrained.


Leely] “Kak! That hurt! You dretchbag!” I attempt another stabby-stabb with a kick and then circle around and out of the range of it teeth

() 2d20a Attack 15 +7 = 22 [Hit] Dmg 4 +5 = 9

() 2d20a Attack (kick) 18 +6 = 24 [Hit] Dmg 1 + 4 = 5


] Your flexible blades snakes its way into the flesh of the troll and as you withdraw it, you spin back and land a heel kick near the entry wound. You successfully escape the range of its bite.


] From her right hand, Addalisi conjures a short sword made of moon light and attacks the troll. [()]  The blade slashes through the rubbery troll flesh, spilling green guts and angering the giant. “Fire! We will need fire to defeat it!” She yells at both of you as she pulls back out of range of the monster.


Ileel] I fire another arrow

() 2d20a Attack 17 + 7 = 24 [hit] Dmg 5 +5 = 10 +5 (necrotic 2/3) = 15


] The raging troll does not seem to notice the additional arrow plunge into its body. It thrashes about trying to break free [()] but cannot get its arms or legs out from the magical chain.


Leely] “I will get fire!” I yell as I pull a torch from my pack and attempt to light it.


] You manage to successfully light the torch. You can see the open flesh of the troll heal together as it struggles in the binding chain [()]


] Addalisi strikes again with her silver blade of light, hoping to keep the wound open or create a new one [()] and she does critical damage to the troll. She ducks and swings around the troll to step near Leely. “Set its guts on fire Leely! It will never die otherwise!”


Ileel] I aim another arrow, seeking an open would to target.

() 2d20a Attack 11 +7 = 18 [Hit] Dmg 7 +5 = 12


] Your attack found a vulnerable spot was successful enough to drop it to the ground.


] Addalii says to Leely “Quick, while it is down! Burn it! Burn it now!”


Leely] I charge in with the lit torch and attempt to burn the troll at it gaping rubbery wounds



] You successfully set the guts of the troll aflame. You watch as it begins to burn from the inside out. As you are all about to breathe a sigh of relief, you suddenly recognize that there have been continued screams coming  from the small village.


] Addalisi “There must be other trolls still in town!”


Leely] “Others! I barely survived one troll.”


] Addalisi “Right! We were lucky as it was. I can only use that chain against one… an unrestrained troll just might enjoy us for dinner.”


Ileel] “Let me scout ahead first! With some idea of what we are up against, we may be able to help them still.” I call Nalya and leap from my rocky perch to her back. Then we race towards town stealthily.  [Stealth Check]


1-5 Another troll was chasing behind the other one. You run smack face right into it as it is running towards your party.
6-14 You ride up onto the main entrance of Calling Horns. You see two other trolls searching for more villagers to kill. One of the trolls begins to sniff in your direction. Seconds later it bolts towards you like a rampaging gorilla, swinging off its knuckles.
15-20 You ride up around the northern side of Calling Horns, away from the main entrance. You see one troll searching for more villagers to kill. It seems to be searching with its nose, shiffing into buildings and alley ways. There are bodies all around the village center. You hear just a few more screams from the other side of town, and from the sounds, you assume other villagers were found by another troll.



() 1d20 Stealth Check 12 +8 = 20


] You ride up around the northern side of Calling Horns, away from the main entrance. Peering over the rudimentary stone wall that surrounds the small village, you see one troll searching for more villagers to kill. It seems to be searching with its nose, shiffing into buildings and alley ways. There are bodies all around the village center. You hear just a few more screams from the other side of town, and from the sounds, you assume other villagers were found by another troll.


Ileel] I race back to Leely and Addalisi and report what I saw. “If there are any villagers left to save there is very little time for them. Not sure we would have a chance against two at the same time.”


Leely] “Maybe I could draw one of the trolls away while you two take down the other?”


] Addalisi “Risky… and pointless if there is no one left alive in the village. Perhaps they will just move on soon. Lets get closer and watch their movements.”


Ileel] “We must stay downwind… they seemed to be searching with their smellers. And douse your light Leely. ”


Leely] I douse Light Mantle and follow the others closer to the village.


Ileel] “This way, around to the north end.”


] This time you see two trolls. They seem to be circling around the well in the center of the small village – hunting someone or something by smell – almost frenzied in their search. The place is littered with corpses and pieces of corpses. You judge at least 40 people have died here, maybe more. Among the corpses, you see one very large corpse. It appears to be smoking as if embers burned inside of it.


] Addalisi whispers “Look, another troll lies dead. The villagers put up a fight it seems, but we are too late to save any.”


Leely] “Now what?” I whisper


Ileel] “They are still searching for something. Could someone be hiding in the well? Look how they circle it.”


Leely] “If there is, we should do something!”


] Addalisi “An attack would be unwise. We would only join the dead.”


] As Addalisi is still whispering, you feel a short surge of wind on your faces. It reeks of blood and shit and something else you cannot describe, something pungent and foul… your eyes begin to sting.


] Addalisi “Ahg! Do you smell that?  What it is?”


Leely] “Its awful whatever it is.”


]] Ileel] The foreign stench mingled with blood triggers a memory. I was out gathering springberries with Eldera Alnineen. She was teaching me how to forage in the forest… what to look for and what to avoid. I was still very young and had rarely stepped outside the boundary of the forest temple. I heard a sound like thick cloth ripping, as I recall, and I darted towards it to explore. Before Eldera Alnineen could call me back I found myself slipping into a small pool of red mud. In the branches a above, a Hunting Griffon was tearing at some large prey it had just killed. Blood dripped down into my face as I looked up into the tree, trying to understand what I was seeing. The Hunting Griffon surely noticed me but was content with the meal in its claws. Eldear Alnineen was only seconds behind me. I remember hearing her sword pull from its shealth as she came into the scene. She pulled me up and backed us slowly and silently away from the forest predator. Once a safe distance back, she asked if I was ok. I wiped blood from my face … “What is this red juice?” I asked. Eldera Alnineen spent the afternoon teaching me about death. It seemed unreal to me, as I recall. To be a living being and then to just not be… to be dead… it just seemed unreal.


] As you watch two Trolls continue to search for… you assume more victims, there is movement that catches your eye to the left of the Calling Horns Lodge. Another Troll lumbers into the village followed by four people. No, five, another crawls behind them. Their movements are slow and uncoordinated, unnatural. As they pass through the light of a fire, you can tell some are missing arms.


Ileel] “Necromancy…” I whisper amazed


] Adalissi “It is the Troll we just put down, but you are right… it is not simply regenerated… it is dead and not dead. Moon Mistress shelter us.”


Leely] “What do we do?…” I reach to unsheath my blade and lean forward. “We must destroy them right?”


] Adalissi “Let us be patient Leely. Let us be hidden and watch. One Troll alone is a fair match – we would certainly not survive a charge into that fight.”


] The incoming Troll jerks into an attacking run towards the other two Trolls, as if someone had yanked on its leash. The humanoids follow.  Within seconds the other two Trolls are under attack. As you watch, there is more movement near the lodge. Several of the villager corpses lift themselves and stumble with speed towards the combat. Ten seconds later another small group of corpses exit the lodge and join the others. Soon the two living Trolls are deluged with clawing corpses.


Ileel] “That can only mean a Necromancer is here… Right?”


] Adalissi “It can only mean that. We are not safe even hidden here. We must away ourselves.” She begins to move back away.


Leely] “Even I know there is a line between brave and stupid.” and I slowly pull back away from my perch.


Ileel] “Single file. Keep me between yourselves and the village so my Dark Mantle hides you.”


] Before you get too many steps away, you hear a loud voice from the village. “Rise me grubs… rise fer Moogwa, dhy soon queen. Lift dey dead corpseys in wershap fer Moogwa de Bog Witch.” The accent is foreign, nearly obscure. Taking a quick glance back, you see five more figures walking into the center of the village. Four large creatures of bone – the size of trolls, but with hardly any flesh. Between them is a Bullywug wearing a sheer cloth around her waist. She carries a tall scepter with a spiked circle affixed atop. You hear her frogish cackle as she motions more corpses to rise from the ground.


Leely] “The Necromancer!” I exclaim a little to loudly


Ileel] I quickly shush my sister. “Hurry! But carefully!”



] There is no indication that anyone in the village heard you. You successfully sneak away from Calling Horns, back to where Adalissi secured her horse in the outskirts. “Remain in whispers. Voices may carry with the breeze and we dare not be discovered now.”


Leely] “Well, so much for wearing nightcaps inside our heads tonight.”


Ileel] “We are retreating from a Bullywug with a small army of undead… and you are worried about missing out on drinks?”


Leely] “Not really sister… not really. My head swims with shock and fear actually.”


] Adalissi whispers “As does mine friend. We are still far from safety.”


Ileel] “What do we do? If this Moogwa and her undead remain in Calling Horns, we dare not travel any further East. Perhaps we retrace our steps back? Perhaps this White Hart Inn?”


Leely] “Shouldn’t we warn them about what we saw?”


] Adalissi “We should continue to watch for a time and see what we might see. You are correct, if they stay in the village, we will have to retreat, or find a long way round. If they move on – I would like to observe their direction at least, so let us find a high spot to watch from.”


Ileel] I look around in the dark for some high ground.


] Just to the North, deeper towards the Evermoors, you see a shadow of large boulders that might provide some vantage.


Ileel] “There. Those rocks. It may not be much but those rocks may be the highest ground around.” I lead the way there.


] As you crawl up to the tops of the rocks, you can see but the still burning fires, just hints of movement inside the village. Adalissi casts Owl’s Wisdom on the both of you to enhance your ability to perceive what is happening. Suddenly you can sense movement within the dark landscape directly to the North of Calling Horns.


Leely] “They are walking straight into the Evermoors, there. Their movement is Northward. Adalissi, would you know if there are any other towns or villages North of Calling Horns”


] Adalissi “I do not. In our maps, there is nothing known North of here until you pass the Evermoors… Nesme is on the Northern edge of the Evermoors, along the River Subrin. It is far off I believe… and Orcs have control there last I heard.”


Ileel] “Wild Queen help us all if this Moogwa adds an army of Orcs to her rot-gang.”


] Adalissi “When we reach Yartar, I will get a message out warning others of what we have seen here tonight.”


] The entire number of undead villagers disappears further into the moors beyond your enhanced perception. The light from the fires within Calling Horns is also dying down.


Leely] “I say we wait a little while longer then go in to explore the town, see what we can learn.”


Ileel] “I will scout ahead once again – just to ensure no danger remains.” I ride off on Nalya to circle the town.


] With the exception of a few dancing flames, Calling Horns is still and silent. You do not see any corpses whatsoever – all have walked or crawled away under the mighty necromancy of Moogwa the Bog Witch. Adalissi and Leely soon join you just outside the lodge of Calling Horns


] Adalissi says “Someone will come along sooner or later and loot any valuables left behind here. It might as well be us. There may not be much to find, but let us look around.”


Leely] “I’m going to look around inside the lodge. See if I can find anything… maybe a clue to what happened here.” I enter cautiously, sword drawn.


Ileel] I investigate what I can in this village


] Investigation Roll Table

1-10 You find only makeshift weapons scattered on the ground where the villagers fought for and lost their lives just a short while ago.
11-15 You find some common jewelery and a few small coin pouches, totalling 48gp.
16-20 On the back side of the provisioner shop you locate a supply wagon – still covered with a canvas tarp. Under the tarp you discover full crates and barrels of supplies. There is food and drink still unloaded along with various other provisions… wool blankets, several lengths of rope, torches, etc. There are no weapons or ammunition.
20+ It occurs to you that none of the weapons you found scattered on the ground are “professional grade” like a guard would certainly wield, leading you to wonder where all the guards were – or if there even were any guards present



2d20a Investigation 20 +5 = 25


] None of the weapons on the ground are worth anything – mostly improvised from tools. You do not see any shields or weapons which might have belonged to guards… Perhaps Calling Horns did not have a hired guard? Inside some of the structures you find seven common looking rings and jewelery and a few coin pouches with close to 50 gp in various coins. Behind the provisioner shop, you find a covered wagon full of common supplies – still unloaded.


Ileel] “Do you notice? There are many weapons left behind but none of any significance… It is as if Calling Horns did not have any guard in place.”


] Adalissi “Coud it be that these weapons remain with the bodies of the undead?”


Ileel] “Possible… My suspicion may mean nothing whatsoever.”


] Leely enters the Inn at Calling Horns, which is the largest building in the village. The main room of the bottom floor is like a rustic lodge with multiple fire pits and cushioned seating all around. There is a bar on the North side of the room. The place is empty and mostly in order – it appears little violence entered here.


Leely] I look for papers or books or any such thing to discover what I can.


] You discover from records that someone named Lady Tamalin is the owner of the Inn at Calling Horns. You also find a small rolled note informing Lady Tamalin that the accommodations in Yartar for her and her guard of 11 men has been secured. Behind the bar you find an unlocked coin box with 80 gold. There is also a cudgel next to the coin box. It appears to be wood with intricate carvings. (Chinpits Cudgel)


Leely] I pick up the cudgel and take a closer look.


] The surface is designed as if it were wood, but you can feel it is actually metal. There are no blemishes or marring on the weapon, as if it were brand new or never actually used as a weapon, but you sense the object has a deep history beyond discovery. The short club is heavy in your hand and feels well-balanced. There is a leather strap at the handle.


Leely] “Curious thing… I like the feel of it.” I say to the empty room. Then I go outside and tell the others what I found.


] As you rejoin the others you overhear talk between Ileel and Adalissi about the town guard.


Leely] “Oh there is a guard. They are in Yartar with Lady Tamalin – the proprietor of the lodge – probably runs the whole town I might guess. If this note I found means anything, she left the village unprotected for some reason. I also found a coin box – not a very heavy one… but look! Isn’t this just interesting! Where do you think these designs come from?”


] Adalissi takes a glance at your new cudgel. “Dwarven, most likely. My first guess is Shield Dwarves, maybe from Mirabar or Mithral Hall. It is fine craftsmanship. It might even be enchanted. Keep a hold of that and we will try to get it identified further.”


Leely] “There are plenty of clean empty beds in the lodge… dare we sleep in the site of such a massacre while the blood still seeps?”


Ileel] “What other choice do we have. I will take first watch.”






Next: Into the Cragmaw Hideout
Cycle One: The Iron Aegis


Appreciation & Collaboration

On the Triboar Trail


[Scene Notes]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
  Scene 06  – DM Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Triboar Trail
  Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
  Forenoon (Waking) of Day 07



] You have been traveling The High Road from the city of Neverwinter to settlement of Phandalin for over 2 days. With you is L’Khifrey Albrek-Roethorn, the daughter of Iarno Albrek of the Lords Alliance, and a Half-Elf Drow woman named Koza who you saved from being beaten to death by a couple of half-orcs in camp last night. A Half-Elf named Belteb is the owner of the cart hauling supplies. You expect to reach your destination by nightfall and meet up with Gundren Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter. The Triboar Trail is slow going compared to The High Road as it winds through rocky areas in the far-foot of the Sword Mountain. For the past 4 hours you have seen one ambush opportunity after another – it is a perfect terrain for bandits to do what they do to travelers and supply carts like yours. You have been on high-alert all day, stopping frequently to scout ahead.


] Currently, Roonoo is standing on the back of the cart keeping watch from behind and to the sides. Daine is walking along in front of the cart. The cart driver, Belteb, is more focused on his own feedbag than the two Oxen pulling the cart. As you round a bend you see trail blocked ahead of you by two dead horses. You can see each appears to have arrows sticking out of it. The terrain on either side of the Triboar Trail here is raised with dense high thickets leading into a forest on the North side and some rocky areas on the South side towards the Sword Mountains.


Deynn] I turn back to Belteb “Hold the cart! The road is blocked ahead. Could be an ambush spot. Best take some cover while I check it out.”


Roonoo] I move crates and barrels around so that Khi-Khi, Koza and Belteb can take cover in the back of the cart. Then I ready my shortbow – ducking behind a barrel (3/4 cover).


Deynn] I slowly walk towards the horses blocking the road, keeping close watch on the thickets to the North and the South.



] You do not see or hear anything on either side of the trail. As you get closer to the horse corpses, you see both have several black-feathered arrows sticking out of each. The horses seem familiar to you, one a large tan-colored Palomino and the other a small black mare. The saddlebags have been looted and tossed. You also notice leather cylindrical map case empty and lying on the ground.



] A barrage of arrows comes at you from either side of the trail. One of the attackers is clumsy about it and gives away it’s position in the thicket as it fires an arrow. Most of the arrows miss you entirely but two find their target


Deynn] I use my Reaction to catch one of the arrows (Deflect Missiles) and hurl it back at the attacker that gave away it’s position.

() 1d20 Attack 1  [Crit Fail]


] You instinctively snatch one of the incoming arrows out of the air and spin to fling it back at the creature you saw firing. It misses its target however and the maneuver allowed another arrow to graze you (5dmg)


Init Character AC ATK HP
22 Roonoo 17 +7 1d8+7 33
19 G01 15 +4 1d6+2 9
19 G02 15 +4 1d6+2 9
17 G03 15 +4 1d6+2 9
17 G04 15 +4 1d6+2 9
13 Deynn 17 +6 1d4+6 27
12 G05 15 +4 1d6+2 9
12 G06 15 +4 1d6+2 9
09 HG01 18 +3 1d8+1 15 04 00
09 HG02 18 +3 1d8+1 15 08
08 Koza 17 +7 1d6+5 24
08 Khi-Khi 14   24


Roonoo] I fire an arrow at the same attacker which gave away its position (G02)

() 1d20 Attack 15 +6 = 21 [Hit] Dmg 4 +6 = 10


] Your arrow evokes a death squeal from the thicket. You all hear a few brief words of fright. Roonoo, you recognize the language as Goblin but do not understand the words. There is the sound of a small body falling into the thicket. Another round of arrows fly.



] Two arrows are launched towards Roonoo but miss, thunking into the wooden crates. Three more arrows attack Deynn from the North side and you both see a Goblin step out of cover to make the shot. (G04) One of the arrows hits you Deynn.


Deynn] I use a Reaction to catch the arrow and fling it back at the Goblin out of cover.

() 1d20 Attack 18 +6 = 22 [Hit] Dmg 4 +6 = 10


] You hurl the caught arrow at the visible Goblin and it pierces its throat, spraying blood over the surrounding area.


Deynn] I use my Movement to run into the North side thicket and look for the other attackers. I yell to Roonoo “Stay with them – watch the South side”. Once inside the wooded area, can I see any other Goblins?

() 1d20 Perception 18 +6 = 24


] You see two other Goblins on the North side. (G01, G03) When they see you, they both panic and pull back into the more heavily wooded area.


] The Goblins on the South side (G05, G06) both fire towards Roonoo, but both arrows strike the Oxen. One glances off the shank of one Ox and the other is stabbed in the side. The Oxen begin pulling forward to escape the arrows.


Roonoo] “We are about to lose our cover!” I crouch down, dropping both the shortbox and my robe and picking up my Blackthorn. As the cart pulls closer to our attackers, I tell Belteb to stay down then I leap into the thicket on the South side.



] You jump from the moving cart. The close distance of the attack did reveal the hiding spots of two Goblins (G5, G6) They are crouched in the thicket about 15 feet apart from each other.


Roonoo] I rush after the closest Goblin (G6) and attack with my staff

() 1d20 Attack 14 +7 = 21 [Hit] Dmg 2 +7 = 9


] The goblin falls under a single powerful blow.


Roonoo] I use the rest of my movement to rip thru the thicket towards the other Goblin to engage it in combat and I use my Bonus Action for Aggression Tactics



] You successfully Intimidate the Goblin (G05 Crit fail) and it drops its shortbow and makes a high-pitched squeak. Seconds later you smell the unmistakable reek of Goblin shit.


] The panicing oxen continue to jerk the cart forward and Belteb tries to regain control with the reins. From the roadway just beyond the two dead horses, two Hobgoblins rush towards the cart. “Look!” yells Khi-Khi, “more coming at us!” Koza fires an arrow at one of them (HG01) [()] but the hobgoblin bats it away with its sword. Khi-Khi fires off Magic Missle at the same (HG01)


Deynn] I note the direction the two escaping Goblins are running thru the forested area and I try to calculate where I might stop them using Tree Stride. [Insight Check] I reach behind me to touch my flute and cast Tree Stride.


Result Table

1-5 You zig left while the Goblins zag right… they are lost from your sight
6-13 You successfully determine the direction the Goblins will flee, but not their pace. You leap from tree to tree to your determined location but the Goblins are far ahead of you still
14+ You successfully plot a pathway through the larger trees and step out of a large oak just a few feet in front of the scrambling Goblins, surprising them with your sudden appearance.


() 1d20 Insight 14 +6 = 20


] You successfully plot a pathway through the larger trees and step out of a large oak just a few feet in front of the scrambling Goblins, surprising them with your sudden appearance.


Deynn] I attack the nearest Goblin (G1)

() 2d20a Attack 16 + 6 = 22 [Hit] Dmg 3 +6 = 9


] You land a fist powerfully into the nose of one of them (G1) and its face crumples inward. Its body falls dead.


] The other Goblin tries to halt its forward progress while also reaching for its Scimitar. The effort fails badly and it trips and falls prone at your feet, its weapon only halfway out of the sheath.


Deynn] I disarm the creature and check for any other weapons hidden on it, then I restrain the fallen Goblin then I start dragging it back to the road.


] Belteb manages to get the oxen to stop just before the two dead horses lying in the roadway. Khi-Khi and Koza are both still in the back of the wagon. The Hobgoblins mount an attack against [()] Koza from the right side of the wagon but she deftly escapes the long blades. She fires her bow at short range and spears one of them while Khi-Khi launches another round of her Magic Missle spell at the other. The beast falls backwards – apparently overwhelmed by the magical assault.


] Back on the South side of the road, Roonoo is engaged with the final Goblin (G5). (It is currently in a Shaken status and has -3 penalty on all Attacks and Saves and attacks against it have Advantage.) It looks confused about what is happening and seems unsure whether to draw a weapon or run.


] The Goblin uses Disengage to bolt away from you. Do you allow it to escape or pursue it into the Southern woods.


Roonoo] I chase after it, afraid it might alert others and return with backup.


] It begins to outrun you through the rocky terrain, but it runs into an area where it needs to climb about 8 feet up a rocky surface or turn around. In panic, it tries to climb.


] As you catch up to the Goblin, it has failed to climb far enough to get over the rocky hurdle.


Roonoo] I grab it and throw it to the ground. “Should I let you live or end your smelly life?” I ask it, not really expecting it can understand Common.


] “Live! Live!” The Goblin says and it throws its weapons and a small pouch onto the ground. “Let live!?”


Roonoo] “You speak Common? Perhaps I will let you live then.” I grab the pouch and drag the Goblin back to the cart.


] Khi-Khi and Koza have just finished dropping the other Hobgoblin when you both reach the roadway with your goblin captives. Roonoo, as you approach the cart you get a good look at the two dead horses in the roadway… you recognize the small black mare as Queen a’ Mine – the same horse you sold to Gundren just a few days earlier. The other is Sildar’s Palomino mount.


Roonoo] “That is Queen a’ Mine! And I recognize Sildars Palomino as well.” I am angry at the Goblins for killing the horses and now I think the Goblin who shit himself is no longer worthy of mercy… but I want to question him first to see if Gundren and Sildar are still alive.


] It is not an easy conversation, but you learn from the Goblins minimal Common that Sildar and Gundren were captured, not killed. They were taken to the hideout cave. When asked where the hideout was, the goblin pointed in roughly the same direction that the other two Goblins were fleeing towards when Deynn stopped them. You also learn that there lots of others in the tribe. They call themselves the Cragmaw. A Bugbear named Klarg is boss… they all hate Klarg. The only other thing you learn is that someone named King Grol told Klarg to capture the Dwarf named Rockseeker and that they must get his maps.


Roonoo] Once I think we got everything from the Goblin, my anger is so under pressure that I bash its head in and kick it to the side of the road.


Deynn] “Hey… That was not… necessary. Roonoo… while we are working together… I request that we would discuss things like when we are done questioning an informant, and perhaps… how to be done with them.”


] Koza looks at Deynn with a puzzled expression but remains silent.


Roonoo] “I understand, and I’m… I’m willing to have such discussions. I am just filled with anger at the moment for the killing of the horses. I sold that black mare to Gundren just days ago – she was a beautiful creature, unlike these kak-eating scavengers.”


Deynn] “I understand and I share your anger. Let’s keep this one alive – he just may help us get Sildar and Gundren back alive. It nothing else, we will walk him in front of us as a short shield.”


] The tied up Goblin appears to be oblivious to your words, but he looks back and forth between you and Roonoo. He obviously fears he will soon meet the same fate as his tribe-member just did. Using the ox, you clear away the corpses of the two horses and ask Belteb if he wants to continue toward Phandalin alone while they go after Gundren and Sildar or should they find a place to hide both he and the cart until they return. Belteb wants to risk the road rather than hang around. He will meet you in town. Khi-Khi seems conflicted… she is anxious to rescue Sildar from the goblins, but also to find her father. She decides to go with Belteb rather than join the assault on a goblin hideout. Koza is willing to join you in the search for your friends.


] As the cart pulls away with Belteb and Khi-Khi, the remaining captured Goblin silently directs you to a hidden trail just off the Triboar which leads North.


Deynn] We follow the trail and force the Goblin to lead the way at the end of a rope.


] You walk the ascending dirt trail for nearly 3 miles. Along the way, the Goblin quietly walks around a hidden snare trap, making it obvious and easy to trigger without incident.


Roonoo] “Keep an eye on the beastie… he seems none-to-concerned with whether we walk into one of his traps.”


Deynn] “Right. At least we can assume that the presence of traps means we are on the right trail.”


Roonoo] “I am not assuming that much…” I laugh “But I am assuming there will be more traps ahead for us.”


] Less than a mile further you watch as the Goblin walks around a pit in the ground and looks down into it for a second and then just keeps walking. You see that the pit was a trap that has triggered, its false ground falling inward. Looking down into the pit, you see a young man, possibly Half Elf, obviously dead, with spikes protruding through its body. The blood glistens on the spikes.


Deynn] “Hold up!” I yank on the Goblins rope leash. “This poor fellow only just met this fate – look at the blood, it is still fresh.”


Roonoo] “Hey Kakstain! What do you know about this?”


] The Goblin makes eye contact with you but remains staid and silent.


Deynn] “It feels dishonorable to just leave his body impaled like that. If we had time, I’d say we should give him a proper burial.”


Roonoo] “We expect to be heading back this way once we liberate Gundren and Sildar… we can show due-honor to the stranger then.”


Deynn] “I agree with your reasoning Roonoo, it is sound, but my heart cannot walk away from this sight.”


] Koza “What honor is owed a complete stranger? For all we know, it was honor that threw him down there… Do you bury every corpse you come upon in this violent world?”


Deynn] “I know it seems strange. It is the way of The Abbey to show honor when and where there is any opportunity. Please allow us to at least pull him from the spike pit and cover his body with some branches in the forest. It will take only minutes and I will not have to carry the odium of grim actions for months. If there is time ample afterwards, we will provide a proper burial.”


Roonoo] I pull my rope from off my pack. “Your reasoning is also sound friend, whatever his honor, we should not damage ours. Koza, can you gather a few thick branches while we extract our unknown chum here?”


] The two of you pull the body from the spike pit. It is indeed a Half Elf, apparently quite young, perhaps only still in his second decade of life. His body has deep slashes apparent – the fall into the pit spikes may not have been the only cause of death. He has a cheap rapier strapped to his waist and extremely worn leather armor around his chest. In his left hand is a fine looking flute, made of an exotic wood with intricate carvings inlaid with silver.


] Koza “That instrument looks to be expensive, perhaps we could use it to earn some gold for our troubles.”


Deynn] I hand the flute to her “You are correct – it is a fine instrument. How much do you think we could get for it?”


] Koza looks it over and says “Hmmm… it appears to be real silver for the inlay. Maybe as much as 50 or 60 gp?”


Deynn] “I will give you a hundred for it.” I fish out 10 plat from my pouch and make the trade. “Roonoo – do you want a cut?”


Roonoo] I look at Deynn as if trying to understand him… “No friend, I do not need of any.”


] Koza “You are a strange one Deynn. As you seem quite serious… and I – quite skint… I will accept your coin.” She hands the flute back to you and pockets your platinum. “I suppose I should not call you strange though… I probably owe my life to your oddity… who else would stand in to defend a drow from being beaten to death.”


Deynn] “There are surely others.” I remember suspecting her of actually killing the Half Orc at camp which started that beating. I remember wondering if she somehow calculated my willing involvement. I consider calling her on it but change my mind and decide to be subtle. “You gave me opportunity to show you honor Koza. I am just glad I did not have to bury you as well.” I drag the body into the undergrowth near the pit and cover it with the branches Koza gathered. I kneel and offer a silent prayer to Nobanion for the boy and for those who will miss him. “There, that did not take long.”


Roonoo] “Takes me longer to void the old bowels… and I dare say – both feel worth the while.”


] You continue forward another mile. The trail begins to switchback steeply up an incline with heavy undergrowth making it difficult to see very far ahead.



] The Goblin ahead of you reaches a sharp turn and you lose sight of him for just a second. You hear a brief yelp from the Goblin and you see it fall back into your view and into the undergrowth. There is an arrow sticking out of its chest.


Deynn] “Ambush! Find cover!”


] The heavy thickets hide the source of the attack from you. You can see the Goblin remains alive but is losing blood as it scrambles back towards you.


] Koza has her bow drawn and ready. “That arrow”, she whispers, “is not the same as the ones the Goblins attacked us with. It could be the source is no enemy of ours.”


Deynn] “Good observation Koza. You are probably right.” I say quietly. Then I raise my voice. “We are no friend to Goblins! What be you?”


] A voice calls down “We are no friends to Goblins either!” He sounds young with a slight tremble to his words.


Roonoo] “Then we have no reason to harm you unless you intend injury upon us.” I yell.


] Another voice, a female, calls out “We seek only to find our friends.”


Deynn] “We seek the same, two friends were captured by Goblins and taken this way up into hills. Shall we put away our weapons?”


] You overhear brief whispers and then the male voice says “Agreed. We shall trust.”


Roonoo] “We shall trust as well.”


] Moments later, two young Half Elves walk around the switch turn. “I am Darsley and this is my husband Colt. We were attacked by a large group of Goblins and had to scatter. We were seperated. We are looking for two friends, my sister and another.”


Deynn] I pull out the flute from the Half Elf. “Does this belong to your friend?”


] Colt “Yes! That is Wahlers flute! Where did you find it?”


Roonoo] “We are sorry to tell… we found the body of a Half Elf lad a short ways back. We provided what service we could for him – expedient but reverent.”


] Darsla “What of Deyni? My sister?”


] Koza “No sign of another. The trail has been heaviliy traveled, I would not have been able to make out one set of feet from another. I expect Goblins would have disposed of both bodies together if both were there… it is worth holding to hope Darsley.”


Deynn] I look at Koza, at first with a little shock that she would be less-than-delicate, and then that she would be encouraging hope in the next breath. “I agree with Koza, there remains reason for hope. Our two friends were captured and carried into these hills… an elder Human and a crimson Dwarf. You poked a fine hole into our guide here. We were not certain whether we could trust him to lead us to our friends but he is all we have at the moment.”


] Colt “We have seen no others, I am sorry. As for sticking a Goblin, I am tempted to finish the job now, but I see you have it restrained. I did not notice that when I loosed my arrow upon it.”


Deynn] “We shall try to recover.” I attempt to remove the arrow from the Goblin body and apply a bandage. [Medicine Check]


Result Table

1-10 You extract the arrow, loosing a quick fountain of blood. The Goblin groans as life leaves it forever .
11-16 You extract the arrow and successfully apply bandages to stop the bleeding. The pain of the extraction causes the Goblin to fall unconscious.
17+ You successfully extract the arrow and apply bandages. The Goblin motions to ask for some water but remains silent



() 1d20 Medicine 12 +3 = 15


] You extract the arrow and successfully apply bandages to stop the bleeding. The pain of the extraction causes the Goblin to fall unconscious.


Deynn] “Looks like we have lost our guide for the time being.”


Roonoo] “Don’t tell me we are going to carry it with us like a baby. Are we sure it is not faking?”


Deynn] “No, and no. But I think we must leave him restrained so he does not awake and alert his tribe. Colt, Darsley … how much further up the trial have you been?”


] Darsley “Not much. These switchbacks continue for ways and then the trail opens a bit and appears to circle round into a rocky valley. From there, we do not know. We turned back thinking Wahler and Deyni would not have gone any further without us, they must returned to the Triboar, we thought… Now I just don’t…” she becomes silent – worry and sadness have stifled her.


Roonoo] I look to Colt “None of our business I know… but can I ask what the four of you were doing out here in the first place?”


] Colt “The Lionshield Coster has hired us to locate and return a shipment of supplies. A tenday ago their wagons were ambushed on the Triboar below. The driver and guard were slain. 500 gold was offered for the recovery. Seemed simple enough… but it proven to cost us much.”


Deynn] “We were also ambushed while guarding a supply wagon. This Goblin was one of our attackers so it would appear you were on the right track. I propose the two of you continue back down to the main trail in search for your sister. She may have gotten lost off-trail. We will continue forward in search of our friends. If we encounter Deyni, we will help restore her to you. Hopefully we can all be safely in Phandalin before nightfall. We will catch up to you there.”


] Darsley “See you back on the Triboar, or at the Inn if it starts to get dark on us. I hope one of us finds Deyni alive – we have been through so much… too much to die at the grubby hands of Goblins.”


Deynn] “Here, Wahlers flute. You should keep it.”


] Darsley “No, you hold on to it. If you find Deyni, you can show it to her like you did with us.”


] You travel another mile or so Northward along the trail as it traverses a shallow valley. Tracks show the trail turn uphill again and the forest around you starts becoming less dense. The sun is high in the sky and elevation gain has caused both of you to break a sweat. Koza has been sheltering her eyes – the bright sun challenging her. Up ahead you see the hillside rise into rock faces. You begin to hear the sound of running water.


Deynn] I stop walking and whisper “Roonoo, do you hear that? A stream up ahead – and I am getting thirsty.”


Roonoo] “Let’s approach with caution – it’s been a while since we have seen any traps and one is long overdue.” I begin cautious approach forward. [Stealth Check *3]


Result Table

1-5 A short barrage of arrows flies out of the thicket to your right.
6-14 I thorny vine catches your ankle and you stagger forward, making enough noise to be heard by any close by
15+ You successfully reach the stream without making a noise



() 1d20 Stealth 17 +4 = 21 [Success]


() 1d20 Stealth 11 +6 = 17 [Success]


] Koza, you suddenly notice, has been exactingly silent with her every step the entire hike. Even blinded by the sun, you realize she never took a mistep or caused any noise at all with her footfalls. You can see a heavy brook streaming out from a large rock face. The location where it exits is still hidden from your view by a large grouping of dense trees. The trail turns right and follows the edge of the stream towards the jutting rock formation – you see no sign of a trail on the other side of the stream.


Roonoo] I point and whisper “I think we are here… This must be the Cragmaws cave hideout – the trail leads right up stream.” I slowly begin following the stream.


] Just as you begin alongside the thicket which was obscuring the cave mouth from view, you both hear what sounds like squabbling coming from behind the leaves and branches.


Deynn] I tap Roonoo and point into the thickets, then motion to Koza that we follow around.


] As you reach the opening of the cave, you can see a rickety wooden platform has been raised inside the thicket. The squabbling continues – obviously from atop that platform.


Roonoo] I point at the legs of the platform and silently propose we yank both legs from one side of it, causing the stink-things to fall right towards us for a beating.


Deynn] I nod in understanding and agreement.


] Koza steps alongside the rock wall just outside of the cave entrance and nocks an arrow in readiness for the fall of whatever is hiding up on the ricketdy platform. The legs pull from the ground easily and just as planned, two very surprised Goblins slide right towards you. An arrow from Koza’s bow pierces one even as it falls into your view.


Roonoo] I attack the pierced one with my Blackthorn staff

() 2d20a Attack 8 +7 = 15 [Hit]


Deynn] I deliver a thrusting heel kick to the other Goblin.

() 2d20a Attack 20 Crit [Hit]


] Both Goblins are barely aware of what is happening before they are crushed by your surprise attacks. They each have a pouch with some small coins, a dagger and a shortbow with some arrows – black-feathered – same as you previously saw on the trail. They had apparently eating lunch – you find a grimy sack full of near-rancid meat and entrails and what looks like some sort of bread with a thick growth of green fungus. The sound of the platform falling was loud enough to attract some attention from within the Cragmaw hideout cave – you begin to hear the sound of vicious barks raising alarm.


Deynn] “Quick – against the wall. We may be able to surprise any running out of the cave.”




Next: The Trolls of Evermoor
Cycle One: The Iron Aegis


Appreciation & Collaboration

Categories: LGFLs

Peldons Passerthru

Peldon’s Passerthru

This wayside stop resides where Triboar Trail meets the High Road. There are no permanent structures apart from the the large circle of rock that fences in the passerthru… and even it remains incomplete… but for a few coins, travelers can rent a canvas tent and have their animals cared for. There is a large fire pit in the center of the passerthru and Peldon himself entertains visitor with some fine music each night while his daughter, Wrenthira, serves up some satisfactory food and spirits.

Leely and Ileel on the Evermoor Way


[Scene Notes]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
  Scene 05 – DM Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Evermoor Way
  Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
  Forenoon of Day 11



] You have been heading South from Silverymoon on the Evermoor way for just over a day with Abbiree – High Priestess of Selune. You are currently along the Northern side of The High Forest – your only home for the past 30 years since your birth. The Lost Peaks rise up before you, but appear strange to you from this side. You expect to reach Calling Horns by end of day and from there Conyberry is another 2 days travel.


] Abbiree has briefed you on the mission you are helping her with. She is carrying a very important artifact which must be delivered to a little town along the Triboar Trail called Conyberry. You will be meeting Sister Garaelle from the temple of luck and then escorting her and the artifact to a critical meeting not far from Conyberry. Without revealing a lot of details, Abbiree tells you she hopes to learn the location of another artifact – a very powerful spellbook, one she has been searching for over several years now. The mission has become urgent because she needs to keep this spellbook out of the hands of the Red Wizards. Much hope in Faerun would be lost should they gain the artifact first.


Ileel] “Tell us, Abbiree, of the Red Wizards? You mentioned them as if we should know them. We know very little of the world outside High Forest – but we need to learn.”


] Abbiree says “Your Lady Aeri, and certainly your Wild Queen, as you call her, knows of the Red Wizards. There were originally the ruling class of a land called Thay – far to the East of here. As they have gained more and more power – life in all of our lands is under threat. At the head of their group is a powerful Lich – as evil as an Lich ever was… maybe more…”


Leely] “A lich? As in undead? Are all of the Red Wizards undead?” I ask Abbiree.


] “No, not all of them. Many of them are necromancers however and share the Lich’s goals in Faerun.” Abbiree says


Ileel] “We were taught that necromancers unbalance the whole of life and poison the forests. That the dead must be dead for the sake of the living and that the undead are an evil blight upon all life on Toril. We fucking hate necromancers.”


] Abbiree smiles at your choice of words… “And well you should – they torture both the living and the dead. The Red Wizards are a terrifying force in Faerun, but too many sit by idle while they continue grasping more and more power. This is why our quest is so dire. The artifact we seek will aid the stand against the Red Wizards. But should they acquire it first… well… let’s just say much hope will be lost among the living.”


Leely] “See Ileel! This assignment is so much more important than merely being bodyguards!”


] “Indeed it is Leely. Sister Garaelle has been in negotiations with the last known owner of the artifact. I should warn you early… we will be meeting with a powerful Banshee – and an unpredictable one at that. So far, Sister Garaelle has not suffered any violence when meeting with the banshee – but we must be prepared for… shh!” Abbiree breaks off the discussion with a sudden panic’d look to the skies… “Quick, gain cover!” she whispers and directs her mount into the trees on your left.


Ileel] I guide Nalya to follow Abbriee. Looking up, do I see anything? [Perception check]

Result Table

1-7 You cannot tell what Abbiree is talking about
8-15 You hear the slow movement of large flapping wings
16-20 You hear the slow movement of large flapping wings and see a large dragon-shaped shadow cross over the Evermoor Way.


() 1d20 Perception check 8 +6 = 14


] As you search the skies you can clearly hear the slow movement of large flapping wings. You can tell the direction it is coming from and heading by observing the small birds escaping from what they see coming.


Leely] I whisper… “Dragon?” as I follow Ileel and Abbiree.


] The three of you hurry into a densely wooded area of the High Forest. Leely being the last in line entering the trees as the beast fly overhead, [Stealth check]

Result Table

1-10 You fail to reach cover in time and you are spotted by the dragon overhead
11-20 You safely reach the cover of the trees before the dragon is within sight. As far as you know, the dragon has not yet spotted you


() 1d20 Stealth 2 +4 = 6


] You fail to reach cover in time and you hear a roar that sounds like a scream escaping from a molten pit.

[()] (Does the dragon stop to investigate the wood elf it saw on the roadway? No)


] The sound of the wings begins to fade  – it sounds like what ever it is decided keep flying and not to eat you… right now at least. As the flapping sound grows faint you notice another sound, from deeper in the forest, the sound of a young girl struggling and in despair.


Leely] “Do you hear that? Someone needs help. This way!” and I race Aylan towards where I hear the girl.


Ileel] I look to Abbiree and shrug “This is how she is…” then I follow after Leely.


] As you are racing into the forest on your mounts, your direction is confirmed by a nearby scream. Seconds later, you arrive the source – a young Wood-Elf is caught in a Giant Spiders web. The monsterous orb is climbing down towards its fresh breakfast.


Ileel] I draw my bow and fire while still riding Nalya, hopefully distracting the spider from its course.

() 2d20a Attack 16 +8 = 22 [Hit] Dmg


] The black-laced arrow flies true and plunges into the body of the giant spider. It jerks in its web and lets out a terrifying screech-like sound and then turns its attention to the oncoming attackers.


Init Character AC ATK HP
17 GS 14 +5 1d8+3 26 19 10 07 03 00
15 Abbiree      
12 Leely 18 +7 1d8+5 24 15 08
8 Ileel 18 +7 1d6+5 24


[()] The Giant Spider sprays Abbiree and her mount with restraining webs. [()] Abbiree struggles to break free of the webbing and succeeds enough to free her arms but is still effectively glued to her horse, which is effectively glued to the ground.


Leely] I draw my sword and race in for an attack. As I do, my silk robes draw to my body, becoming as my skin – ready for action.

() 1d20 Attack 12 +7 = 19 [Hit]


] Just as the Giant Spider has stepped down out of its web to confront its attackers, you strike with a piercing blow into the giant body. Green gel spurts as your blade sinks into the creature.


Ileel] I search for a nearby blind I can use to fire arrows from.

Result Table

1-14 There are many trees in this area but none apparently provide an ideal spot to quickly climb into and attack  from
15+ You spot a large branch that is both reachable and ideal as a blind

() 1d20 Perception 19 +6 = 25


] You quickly spot a large branch that is reachable with some effort and ideal as a hidden blind from which to fire arrows into the combat field.


Ileel]  I use my Dark Mantle to obscure my actions and intent. I guide Nayla towards the tree I want to fire from. I ready to jump as she leaps into the air at my prompt. I jump from her back into the tree.

Result Table

1-12 You leap from Nayla but your timing is off. You use the remainder of your actions this turn to finish the climb into the tree blind
13+ You leap with graceful agility into the tree and land confidently on the large branch – your right hand already reaching for an arrow

() 1d20 Acrobatics 17 +7 = 24


] You leap with graceful agility into the tree and land confidently on the large branch – your right hand already reaching for an arrow


Ileel] As soon as I find my footing in the tree, I turn an fire another arrow into the Giant Spider.

() 1d20 Attack 19 +8 = 27 [Hit] Dmg 9


] The Giant Spider is skewered in the side – two of its legs appear to go limp. It turns its attention to Leely who is standing immediately in front of it, attacking with a bite.



] Thick Spider fangs sink onto Leely’s shoulder, injecting venom into the flowing wound.


Leely] “Arrgghh!”

() 1d20 Constitution Save 5 +0 = 5 [Fail! – 9 Poison Dmg]


] Abbiree begins casting a spell with her hands freed. The monster spider shrieks in pain as a result of the attacking spell, but seems to remain focused on digging it’s fangs deeper into Leely


Leely] I attack again with my sword, stabbing into the throat area of the spider.

() 1d20 Attack 8 +7 = 15 [Hit] Dmg 04


] Your sword disrupts the spiders bite and it you are covered with green slime from the entry point of your blade.


Ileel] I fire another arrow.

() 1d20 Attack 20 + 8 [Critical Hit!] Dmg 21


] Your arrow strikes deep into the creatures brain and it drops, right down on top of Leely, knocking her Prone and Restrained by the crushing weight of the spider corpse. Abbiree hears Leely grunt as she receives the extra damage and rushes to help her with a spell of Healing Word.


Ileel] “Shit! Shit! I didn’t see that happening! We need to free Leely now! Hoist the spider somehow!” I search for a branch that is strong and positioned well so I can get a rope over it and tied to the spider.


] Abbiree quickly frees her mount of the webbing so she can use his strength to pull the spider up once Ileel has her rope in place. Leely groans again from underneath the many-legged beast. Aylan is circling around Leely, wanting desperately to help but he cannot actually affect the spider corpse physically because he is essentially non-corporeal without Leely.


]] Leely] I can hear Aylan trying to get to me, whimpering like a little puppy. A memory arrives. Ileel and I were still only crawlers when Aylan and Nalya first appeared to us. They too were babies in appearance. I could not yet speak, but somehow I knew his name the moment he first licked my face. We did not know, nor did Lady Aeri or any of the teachers, that they were magical beings brought forth from the circlets embedded into our crowns by Meilikki. Mine was formed of beautiful frost diamond and Ileel’s from deep black obsidian. No one in the temple knew what the circlets meant nor what they were capable of. For a time, they later told us, there were efforts to have them removed because there was a strong fear that as our heads grew in size, the circlets might just kill us both. They soon discovered that trying to remove them without killing us was impossible . They rightly assumed that there was magic in play and it became clear that the circlets were actually growing with us, not only in size, but also in power.

Aylan and Nalya were the first powers demonstrated … my white circlet brought Aylan forth, a white dire wolf, and Ileels black circlet brought Nalya – a black dire panther. Most of the time only we can see and feel them, and they seem to us as real to us as any creature. For a long time, no one else could see them and they thought them the mere imaginary playthings of little children. One day a giant rat attacked us and several other children as we were playing together. Both Aylan and Nalya defended us – appearing to the rat as fearsome predators – but also seen by the other children and several teachers who were rushing to save us. Besides Ileel and myself, no one has ever felt them however – their hands just pass right through them like a ghost… but we can feel them as warm living friends, and we can hear them. After several years together growing up in the temple, we learned we could ride on them like mounts. They are somehow able to draw from our physical touch and become corporeal – but only while in contact with us… if we are not touching them, they cannot affect material reality. The power of our circlets continues to grow so I assume will Aylan and Nalya.


] With the rope secured on both ends, Abbiree guides her horse to start pulling. The rope strains and Ileel looks to see if she chose a strong enough branch [Survival]

Result Table

1-12 The branch is thick but rotted inside from a sickness affecting the entire tree. The branch breaks and falls to the ground with the weight
13+ The branch is thick and strong and the weight of the dead giant spider is successfullly displaced


() 1d20 Survival 12 +6 = 18 [Success]


] The weight of the dead giant spider is displaced enough to pull Leely to safety. At first, she appears dazed as if in some other world but the light returns to her eyes


Leely] “The wood-elf girl! Is she ok?” I look to the spider’s web which had trapped the girl


] She is hanging limp and no longer struggling to free herself. She appears as though dead


Leely] I grab up my sword and scabbard and rush to the girl. I touch her and cast Radiant Cure, using power from my sword’s scabbard.


] The young wood-elf begins to awaken and after just a half-second of consciousness, she returns to her frenzy of struggle and panic.


Ileel] “Calm down girl, you are safe now. Let us free you.” I use a small blade from my pack to cut away the webbing and free the girl.


] After several minutes, the girl calms down enough to recognize her plight is ended. She introduces herself as Ryliatha Cannowbrook and tries to explain what happened. “I heard a dragon flying overhead and I panic’d!” she says. “I began running, looking to the skies and ran right into that monsters web. I cannot possibly thank you enough for saving me!” She asks you for your names. Abbiree introduces herself by name only and does not mention her title as High Priestess.


Leely] “I am Leely and this is my sister Ileel. We are glad we could reach you in time. We also heard the dragon and took cover in the forest – that is how we discovered you struggling in the web.”


] Ryliatha insists that you come with her back to her nearby village so her father might properly reward you.


Ileel] “No reward necessary, and we have other matters which will not wait.”


] “I understand” she says. “Here – at least let me offer you this.” She pulls a necklace from around her head and gives it to you Ileel. It has a round silver emblem on it which appears like a moon with a raven crossing. “My father calls it a Moonglare and told me to never lose it. He said it is very powerful when I was older he would teach me to use it. But were I in the belly of a spider, it would never have done any good… so I use it now to reward my new friends to saved me. I must hurry home and let my tribe know of the dragon crossing our part of the forest. Please be safe friends, and I hope to see you again.”


Ileel] “My thanks, but this seems too much. Surely your father would prefer you kept it.”


] Ryaliatha has already turned and started into the forest.


Leely] “Thanks new friend!” I yell after her


] Abbiree “We should be on our way if we want to find a safe place to sleep tonight.”



Previous: Setting out for Phandalin


Appreciation & Collaboration

Setting out for Phandalin


[Scene Notes]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
  Scene 04  – DM Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Tower District – City of Neverwinter
  Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
  Forenoon (Waking) of Day 05



] It is early morning. You are sharing a quick meal with Sildar and L’Khifrey at the Flatstone Inn in the River District – across from the provisioners market. Two Dwarves arrive and greet Sildar, joining you at the table. Sildar introduces you to Gundren Rockseeker. He seems the younger of the two, but with Dwarves it is hard to intuit age. He has red hair with tied back braids which have been dyed black. He is wearing a full set of leather armor with chainmail embedded into chest and arms. Gundren introduces you both to the other dwarf, Roonulim Welkincry. “Just call me Roonoo.” he says. As Roonoo pulls back his hood, you can see he has long flowing black hair and a full black beard that covers his chest and shoulders. He is wearing only a simple brown and tan robe and he smells powerfully like a stable. From the sleeves, more long black hair flows out and the same from his legs. It almost appears as if he is wearing a suit of hair under his robe. He carries a 5 foot staff which has a large knotted end at the top. He simply nods at you both as if you were all previously acquainted.


] Gundren says “We originally planned to all travel together, but I received word from my brothers late last night and Sildar and I must arrive in Phandalin by tomorrow. He and I will ride on ahead at speed. Khi-Khi has agreed to go with you. I have hired a cart and driver, Belteb, who is familiar with the supply run but Ox are slow and it will take 3 days to arrive. The Triboar has been plagued with bandits in recent months so the driver refused unless I also hired some muscle to protect him. This is where you and Roonoo come in.”


Roonoo] “Gundren…  I joined this expidition to protect you, not a supply cart.”


] Gundren “I know mate, and I understand if you want to change your plans. I believe I will need you in Phandalin even more than along the road. Besides, Sildar will be with me…  he was a soldier and earned himself a place of honor among the Griffon Cavalry of Waterdeep. We believe the greater danger may await us at our destination once things are set in motion… and these supplies are critical to that goal.”


Roonoo] “I understand. We shall meet in Phandalin.”


] Sildar looks to you and says “Deynn, I know we also said you would be protecting me, but protecting Khi-Khi and our supply shipment counts to a greater need. Would you be willing to join Roonoo to ensure our friend here arrives safe and our supply cargo complete in Phandalin? They are vital to our mission and their loss would not only cost us gold but time as well, and we have precious little of that to spare.”


Deynn] “I am pleased to help the mission however I might Sildar. What is known of the bandits along the Triboar?” I ask Gundren.


] Gundren replies to you with a slight shake of his head “Only  rumors I’m afraid. Some say it is the tribes of Orcs returning to the area. Phandalin was originally settled over 500 years ago, but Orcs from Uruth invaded and laid the area to waste. Some folk have nowhere but history to get their superstitions from. I doubt there are large numbers of Orcs anywhere in the area. Goblins, maybe – there have always been tribes of goblins in and around the Sword Mountains. Some talk sightings of a dragon building its hoard somewhere in the area. I have not seen such signs but should you encounter a dragon, run. We cannot pay you enough to face down dragons – I dare say, not even Lord Neverember could afford to do so. Personally, I believe it is the Redbrands causing trouble and victimizing travelers along the Triboar.”


Deynn] “Redbrands?”


] Gundren nods. “Yes, that is what they like to call themselves… probably because “Vermin Butts” was already taken. They are a gang of young punks that have been harassing folk in Phandalin for the past many a’ month. If they accost you, I recommend no mercy… for they show none. But hide the bodies… spare yourself possible retaliation. Their numbers keep growing, but numbers are their only real strength.”


Roonoo] “We had a small scrape with them here yesterday. They were apparently following Gundren and jumped him in an alley. Punks is a good description… No real fighting skill, just bad attitudes and to match their bad breath. Still, I will be glad for another capable fighter alongside. And if the road is quiet, at least we might trade a story or two.”


] With a mouth still full of food, Gundren says “My best wisdom says 4 is stronger than 2 for a sure bet, but haste has ruled that out – there are political matters about to catch fire in Phandalin and they threaten to undermine the unions we have secured, and I have already been away too long.”


] Sildar says “And I have my own reasons for haste, but I have no doubt in the strength of Deynn and Roonoo. Khi-Khi has some tricks too… no doubt.” he looks to her and smiles.


] Khi-Khi “I spent all morning preparing for the worse Sildar… and praying for the best.”


] Sildar laughs “I hope for us all – a quiet road. If you do have to dispatch any serious trouble, I will double your pay. When we arrive, I will secure room and board for all of you at the local inn…. What is the name of the place Gundren?”


] “The Stonehill Inn. As you enter town, Barthens Provisions will be on your left – you can leave supplies with Barthen – he will be expecting you. The Stonehill is just a bit further towards the center of town.”


] The four of you finish your meal and walk over to the River District provisioner. The cart which Gundren hired is being loaded. Two horses stand with the two cart-pulling Oxen. One of the horses is a large Palomino which Sildar greets warmly with a touch as he passes. The other horse is a small black mare.


Roonoo] I offer affections to the black mare. “Good Waking Queen A’Mine.”


] The horse neighs with a returned affection and nudges your hand for a pet. You and Roonoo watch from the cart as Sildar and Gundren step over to a table just outside the doorway of the provisioners shop. Gundren pulls a map from a round leather case and, after glancing around for onlookers, spreads it out on the table. After just a quick minute of discussion, he rolls it back up and returns it to the map case.


] “Haste calls us to depart. We shall see you in Phandalin in three days time.” Sildar says. After he and Gundren mount their horses and ride away, Roonoo begins assisting with loading the remaining crates onto the cart. The driver climbs up into the cart and signals his readiness.


Roonoo] “Might I suggest the lady ride in front and we shall keep the back in good watch. ”


Deynn] “Sounds like a good plan. I will take the rear watch for the initial leg of the trip.” I sit on the back of cart as it pulls away. As the ground begins to move under my hanging legs, I am reminded of an earlier time with the same experience


]]Deynn] I was invited to join a supply run for the first time. I must have been about ten or eleven and had not left the abbey grounds before. My mentor was a Calashite named Bashan. At the time I thought he was so much older than I was, but really he was still just a teen. The Abbey binds young children to mentors – probably to help keep the youngers behaving – but perhaps also to give the older children the responsibility of caring for and guiding their mentees. The Abbey: Ironwall places a strong emphasis on strength from relationships – whether on a battle field or just in society generally. The very concept of the “iron wall” comes from the practices of many standing together as one. The mentor/mentee relationship is a sacred thing in the Abbey.

Bashan was strong of mind and of body and he allowed me to foresee who I might become. He invited me to join the supply run to Westgate even though I was not yet training in fighting skills. Leaving the Abbey grounds was dangerous for children and it rarely happened. I remember being so excited about the trip, but also terribly afraid – especially of the path around Starmantle. All of the children of the abbey knew that the ghosts of Starmantle were real. Everyone said they never left the boundaries of the ruins, and that the path around and through the woods where Starmantle was barely visible was generally safe. I think what frightened me most about the spirits of the spellplague was their anger – I think because I still feared my own anger at that age. With good reason I suppose… I had a mountain of anger to overcome.


Roonoo] I introduce myself to the young lady sitting beside Belteb. “Gundren did not tell me our travel would be blessed with beauty. I am called Roonoo.”


] Khi-Khi “Well met Roonoo. I am L’Khifrey, but friends just call me Khi-Khi.”


Roonoo] “If it is not too nosy of me… what brings you to journey to a wilderness mining town?”


] Khi-Khi “I search for my father. He has gone silent and missing. Sildar and he are friends and counterparts in the Lords Alliance.”


Roonoo] “I am sorrowed to hear that. Could it have something to do with these Redbrands Gundren was talking about?”


] Khi-Khi “Could be. Father was investigating the death of my husband… I don’t know what lead him to a mining town in the Sword Mountains… but he told me he had discovered an important lead and was pursuing it while also taking a mission from the Lords Alliance to bring Phandalin into the fold.”


Roonoo] “A missing father and a deceased husband… these past days have had bad skies for you. I will do what I can to help find your father as I help Gundren – they may very well be one and the same goal.”


] You travel South on the High Road throughout two days. The shadows have just about finished stretching on the second forenight when the cart driver suggests they rent a spot for the night at Peldons Passerthru.


Deynn] “Is that a town? An inn?”


] Belteb “It’s not much of either. Nalorin Peldon is a bard, as his story goes, who got tired of traveling and finding that they ain’t nothing for other weary travelers at the crossroad of Triboar and the High Road, decided to buy a few wagons and a dozen or so tents and provide a waystop. Each night he gets to play his performance and his daughter serves food and drink. It is perhaps on the pricey side, but each time I’ve stayed there, it’s been worth it to me.


Roonoo] “Sounds good to me.”


] Khi-Khi “A tent is better than open sky for the night.”


] Shortly you arrive at Peldons Passerthru. You see large circular rock fence that appears only half-built. Around the fence you see canvas tents set up facing inward and a makeshift stable on the far end. In the center there is a large fire pit already spiling smoke into the sky. There are several other wagons in the circle and a few other occupied tents with just horses tied up. As you approach the entrance a stable hand greets you.


] Stable hand “Welcome to Peldons Passerthru! Our prices are simple enough… a gold a piece covers food and drink and shelter… two oxen and four travelers is a total of 6 gold. I will see that your animals are cared for and kept safe.”


Deynn] “Agreed.” I pay the stable hand 1pp. “Place the remainder in your tip jar.”


] Stable hand “Our thanks and gratitudes to you ser. I will see your beasts have the finest care and are ready for you at first light. ” He guides your ox and wagon to one of the canvas tents. “Whenever you are ready, please see Wrenthira over at that wagon in the center for your meals and drinks.”


Deynn] We unload a few things into the tent and go to get some food.


] Peldon is already playing a lovely melody on a small lute. Around the fire you see 9 others. There are two halflings sitting together, a small group of humans in chainmail, one in plate armor, their full packs by their feet. There are three half-orcs which appear to be wearing matching soldier uniforms of some sort. You also see a half-elf drow female sitting by herself. Roonoo – you recognize her right away from yesterday at the Driftwood.”


Roonoo] I whisper to Deynn and Khi-Khi “See that half-elf there by the fire… the drow… I thought she was watching Gundren just the other day… awful suspicious to have her turn up here tonight. Keep a close eye on that one.”


Deynn] “Understood.” We get our drinks and dinner and sit around the fire with the others.


] You all sit down and enjoy some lively music and decent meal.


Roonoo] I keep my eyes tight on the drow the entire time.


] She is holding a wide mug and staring expressionless into the fire. You never see her look towards you nor any other guest.  Suddenly one of the half-orcs in the middle of his meal grasps his throat and starts making a choking sound. Greenish fizz starts to flow out of his eyes and ears and nose and before any can react to what is happening he falls forward – face into the fire – dead before the flames lick his face. The music stops. There is a moment of chaos around the firepit as everyone scrambles backwards trying to determine what just happened.


] One of the Half-orcs yells “Poison! What else could be!?” and another loudly affirms the conclusion. “Drow love poison don’t they? You! You killed Bamar!” and the half-orc charges the drow and starts beating and kicking her. The other one joins in. The drow seems unable to defend herself. The other guests back up even further from the scene. The halflings have already disappeared, back into their tents most likely. Even Peldon is distancing himself away from the conflict.


] Khi-Khi “Is no one going to stop this? ”


Roonoo] “She is drow.”


] You feel a sudden bit of insight Deynn… the amulet around your neck has magically increased your ability to sense deception and true need, and you get the impression that this drow wanted this to happen.


Deynn] “I sense that somehow she meant for this to happen… I don’t know how… or why… but you are right Khi-Khi – we should stop this.” I try to pull one of the half-orcs back from his frenzy. [Str Check]

1d20 Strength Athletics 11 +4 = 15



] You manage to pull one of the half-orcs away.


Deynn] “Hold up! You can’t just kill her without knowing she is guilty!


Roonoo] “Deynn is right. Call off your friend! We should attempt to prove her guilt.” [Persuasion]

Results Table

1-10 The half-orc attempts to punch you in anger and then returns to beating on the drow
11-15 The half-orc grabs a rope and ties up the drow, stopping the beating
16-20 The half-orc pulls his fellow away from the frenzy and calms him down.

1d20 Persuasion Check 16 +3 = 19


] The half-orc pulls his friend away from the frenzyied beating and calms him down. It may be too late however, the half-elf drow is lying still on the ground, blooded and barely recognizable.


] You each notice an odd smell in the air. Khi-Khi turns back to the fire “Help me pull him out of the flames!” And she begins grab a booted foot. Two of the humans rush over and help lift the dead half-ord out of the fire pit. His head and chest disfigured with the heat.


Deynn] “We won’t get much by questioning the drow, she appears gone. Can you tell how the soldier died Khi-Khi? ”


] Khi-Khi “I only saw what you all saw. It did seem like a reaction to poison, but I could not tell you what kind of poison would have that affect. You might search the drow… see if she has anything on her to prove she administered the poison somehow.”


Roonoo] “There’s an idea.” I go over and begin looking through the pockets of the bloody drow.


] As you are searching, you hear a faint groan and realize she is not yet dead.


Roonoo] “Hey! She is still alive here.”


Deynn] “Tie her hands and feet, just to be careful…” I play my flute to magically restore 4d4 HP to everyone who can hear me.


] The drow woman revives but appears confused, traumatized. She struggles against the rope binding her hands and feet. “Help me.” She says – somewhat pitifully…


Deynn] “Why did you poison this soldier?” I say to her


] Drow “Poison? What do you mean? I didn’t… I have nothing to do with any poison. ”


] Half-orc “Yer a drow ain’t cha!? Drows love poison I hear!”


] Drow “I’m a half-blood… the drow hate me as much as you surface tribes… more probably… they would kill me on sight.”


Roonoo] “A lot of surface folk would too. What are you doing here?”


] Drow “I’m just traveling… heading towards Waterdeep… I suppose… look I don’t really know what I’m doing here… I thought I found someone in Neverwinter who would help me, take me in… give me work… but that didn’t… I have nowhere… maybe you should kill me.”


] Deynn, your magically enhanced insight is warning you of deception yet at the same time, it is telling you the drow needs your protection.


Deynn] “We are not getting the whole story here. Did you find anything Roonoo? Anything to indicate she used poison or even knows how?”


Roonoo] “Nothing. She has no weapons either. I took her for a professional assassin when I first saw her, she is Drow after all… but it would seem she cannot even defend herself.”


] The Drow tells you “My bow is in my tent. It is my only weapon… I use it for hunting.”


] Khi-Khi says to the two half-orcs “What say you? Do you think she could have killed your friend?”


] The half-orcs stammer a bit “Don’t know… but who else then?”


] Khi-Khi “Would any have reason?” She looks around at everyone. Each is shaking their head. “And what reason would this half-drow have to kill your fellow… did he have any interactions with her at all beforehand?” They indicate ‘no’.


] The Drow says “Please… kill me or free me. I’ve spent enough of my life in fetters. I harbor no hostility towards any of you.”


] Your magical insight suggests to you Deynn, that she is being fully honest in this. You also feel an unexplained compassion towards her.


Deynn] “I believe her. What say the rest of you?”


] No one argues. The half-orcs lift their fellow and carry his body outside the circle of the waystop and into the night. The humans sit back down around the fire and call for more drink and music.


Roonoo] I untie the half-drow, but I remain suspicious of her… she is drow. “You might want to spend the rest of the night in your tent spiderkin.”


] The half-blood drow does exactly that, disappears into her canvas tent for the remainder of the evening.


Deynn] “It is difficult to defend… but I think we need to protect the drow. I think, somehow, she needs us and perhaps… we will need her.”


Roonoo] “Sparing her life is one thing… but I will choke on the idea of taking her under our wing. That is an easy way to get ourselves dead.”


Deynn] “I know it is naïve… I know I am too often naïve… and I cannot explain myself in this. She has both evil and good within her, like us all… and the good has enough strength to win out. I don’t know how I know it – I suspect it has to do with this amulet I wear.” I hold it out to show Roonoo and Khi-Khi.


] Khi-Khi says “That is the same emblem from the Sildars shield… Why did you not show me this before?”


Deynn] “I honestly did not suspect it to be enchanted, at the time, I thought only to honor the ones who wore it before me.”


] Khi-Khi looks a bit sternly at you… “It would help if you told me the whole story Deynn… who did you get these emblems from? When? How?”


Deynn] “It was the day before we met. I was walking from Helms Hold to Neverwinter when I saw a portal open up high in the sky. Two humans fell out of the portal – I cannot say for certain… but at the time it was like their bodies just sort of rolled out into the sky. They did not step out, or jump out… but rolled out, like someone else had just pushed their bodies through the portal. I went to see if I could help them but they were well beyond help. I buried their bodies and kept the shield and the amulet. Oh, and this coin pouch – it also bares the same emblem of a flaming shield.”


] Khi-Khi looks at the emblem again and says  “Dawnguard…”


Deynn] “The fact that two bodies fall out of the sky is a strange thing… the fact that I was there to witness it… even stranger. I dare not assume it to be a mere coincidence.”


] Khi-Khi nods “Absolutely… one should not think otherwise. I will see what I can learn about this Dawnguard. Do you mind if I identify the enchantments on the amulet and the coin pouch?”


Deynn] “You think even the coin pouch is enchanted? By all means, please tell me what you can about them.”


] Khi-Khi pulls out her spellbook, some components and the pearl you gave her and casts Identify


] Khi-Khi “The amulet is an Insight Emblem. It magically increases your intuition, making it very difficult to decieve you. Like the shield, it has some special purposes against the undead. It will also help you in combat… anticipating the actions of your opponents in various ways. This is a very complex enchantment however… while it is not sentient… it seems as if it somehow grows with one it is attuned to. Your actions influence its powers… the direction and the strength of its powers. It will not allow itself to be attuned with someone of evil intent and further… it encourages and rewards good intent with greater power. I’ve read of this sort of enchantment before, but they were records of items from other planes of existence… this sort of enchantment is not native to our world here on Toril. The coin pouch is not so complex… but it is connected to the amulet somehow. Basically, you will never be poor as long as you carry both. When you spend any coin from this pouch to meet a true need the coin will reappear. The amulet helps you determine whether the need is true or no.”


Deynn] “Would this amulet explain why I feel compassion towards the drow?”


] Khi-Khi “Yes, definitely. And I say you should follow that compassion to where it leads you, even into danger.”


Deynn] “Roonoo? I know it is asking a lot, and I will honor your instincts here… but I feel like we should invite the drow to join us.”


Roonoo] “I minute ago, I would have walked away back home for such a suggestion… but your story makes me think it no coincidence that I am here with you. Truthfully, I won’t sleep while a drow is nearby… but if there are enchanted powers from other worlds suggesting she belongs with us, so let it be. Who am I disrupt fate.”


Deynn] “I don’t know that it is fate… but it certanly seems beyond random chance. I will go talk with her.” I walk over to the tent of the drow. “Hello? Can we speak?”


] The half-drow pulls the tent flap aside and steps out. “Yes, we can speak.” she says


Deynn] “I don’t know how or why… but I know you wanted that beating to occur earlier. I know you are hiding some things and I suspect that you are quite skillful in deceit… however… I also know that you spoke truthly when you said you intended none of us harm. I may be a fool for it… but I would like to ask you to join us. We travel East to Phandalin in the morning. I cannot promise you much, but if you truly have no place, we invite you to have one with us for a time.”


] You see just slight hints of emotion cross her face. There is brief sorrow and even briefer elation and a quick conclusion of confusion. “You mean that? I didn’t think that… I mean… why?”


Deynn] “I can’t say I know why… It just feels like what should happen. If you want of course…”


] “If I join your party” she says “you surely know that you will be hated by others for it.”


Deynn] “I had not considered that… but even though you are likely correct, the offer stands. My name is Deynn K’Vyll.”


] Koza “I am called Koza and I think they will soon call us both crazy but I will join you.”








The Roven’ris Sisters in Silverymoon


[Scene Notes]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis
  Scene 03 – DM Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch)
  Forenight of Day 09



] Silverymoon is quieting down for the day as you both make your way through Southbank to the Lady’s College. You are two hours early for your meeting with the High Priestess of Selune, known by your teacher simply as Abbiree. You are on your very first mission outside of your monastery in the High Forest and Abbiree is to be your very first client – arranged by your teacher from the monastery Lady Aeri.


Leely] “A high priestess of Selune! Oh I am so excited to meet her! She is surely beautiful! And wise! And powerful! And beautiful!” I say to my sister.


Ileel] “You said that…” I respond, with a slight sneer. It is my habit to be annoyed with my sister and her habit, apparently, to not notice my irritation. “What, I wonder, does a high priestess need with a bodyguard? Would she not provide better protection for us than we for her?”


Leely] “She is doing us a favor you know!” I say as I dismount from Aylan, my Dire White Wolf.


Ileel] “She is doing our Lady Aeri a favor… but, you are not wrong, we shall benefit from the arrangement. I think I am just finding it… uncomfortable… being outside of the forest. So many people and buildings and noises… and so many stones placed in place of the ground.” My nervous energy compels me to keep an active watch on everyone around me.

1d20 Perception 16 +6 = 22


] You perceive no threats to yourselves directly. You do notice a pickpocket target and proceed towards a human in fine long robes, his shoulders draped with several satchels and a stack of things in his hands.


Ileel] I am tempted to put a stop to the petty crime, but as a stranger here in Silverymoon… I hesitate… and let it happen. I just mentally note the thief’s appearance in case I need to recall it later.


] The street thief sweeps by the man with his arms full and appears to have been successful in nabbing something from one of his satchels. She is young looking, possibly human from what you are able to see. Her brunette hair is long and braided and is dressed as well as most others you see around the city.


Leely] Obvious to where my sisters attention went… I just continue on… “Yes… it is strange… but also exciting! We knew this day would come. I may have been the only one of us looking forward to this outside phase of our training, but I am glad this day finds us together. If our Wild Queen would have us be protectors of the forest – we can only learn so much about it threats from without while hiding within it.”


Ileel] “After years of training inside the High Forest – a big city like Silverymoon feels like we have landed in some other planet in some other dimension.” I also dismount and stroke the forehead of Nalya – my Dire Black Panther – as I continue looking around at Silverymoon.


Leely] “Yes but can you smell the yumminess of the food here in this city!?! Speaking of food… we are a bit early for our meeting with the High Priestess… Would you be hungry?”


Ileel] “We have only had cold rations since we left the monastery… Hot food would be welcomed, and you are right about having the spare time, so let us eat”


] You follow the heavy smell of cooking meats and spices into a market area where there is an outdoor eatery. Shadows are nearly stretched to their full as you sit down at one of just a couple of open tables. There are hanging lanterns overhead being lit by a young half-elf girl. You hear the sounds of a busy grill area behind a short natural wall made of branches tied together.  Looking around you notice that most of the seated patrons appear young and quite comfortable and you assume this is a regular spot for students of the Ladys College and the other Conclave schools in Silverymoon. You also note a table of four drunken humans which seem somewhat out of place compared to the other patrons. They are loud and brash and disrespectful of the place – ruffians or worse you assume.


Ileel] I position myself at the table so that I can keep an eye on these ruffians. I also keep my bow across my lap under the table rather than placing it on the ground.


Leely] Somewhat out of character… I happen to notice my sisters suspicion and decide I share it. I position myself similarly and watch.


] One of the group calls for more drink. The half-elf which was lighting candles drops what she was doing and somewhat nervously moves to attend to them. Another half-elf, an older looking gentleman, approaches your table.


] “Welcome to Gil’s Garden. I am Gilval. Tonight we feature our famous Dragon-Roasted chuck-cut, a River-Fish Stew, and as always, Gils Garden-born Soup. If you are interested in drinks, we have a clear well, an amber well and a mighty ale made right here in Silverymoon. Also, we still have a small stock of a very fine Icewind Mead. What can I bring you young ladies?”


Leely] I smile at Gilval… “The soup sounds wonderful! Is that bread I smell baking? I would like some bread too please.”


Ileel] “Meat please. What exactly is meant by “dragon-roasted” by the way? Do you have small dragon in the kitchen?”


] Gilval chuckles… “No no … it is just a special blend of peppers and spices that give our chuck-cut a nice kick. Do you like spicy meat? I can always add a little extra if you want to make your eyes water.”


Ileel] “I suppose there is only one way to find out whether I do like it.”


] Gilval says “Coming right up!” as he turns and rushes back to the kitchen. Meanwhile, the volume seems to have increased over at the table of Ruffians. The nervous serving-girl is bringing another round of ales. As she is placing them around the table, one of the drinkers makes a loud boisterous gesture with his hands, knocking the drink out of the servers hands and into the lap of another drinker. He reacts violently and back-hands the young half-elf girl, sending her flying to the ground. Most all of the patrons saw what happened and the eatery grows quiet for a moment.


Leely] I leap to my feet in her defense. “Hey! That is not going to be ignored!” I go help the half-elf to her feet. “You bonebags! Pay your tab and be on your way! Now! ”


] The Ruffian(1) who smacked the server begins to laugh with stupid exaggeration. “Look mates! This little ear-pointer thinks she can order us about!” Another Ruffian(4) stands and draws a sword.


Leely] “Well blades it shall be! It would seem you do not care to see the morrow! Come then, let us fix your manners for good!” I step out of the eatery and into the roadway away from the other patrons and draw my Serpier sword from its scabbard. With a thought of will, my flowing white silk robes draw in close, becoming skin-tight so that every curve and crease is apparent. It feels like a thin coat of paint on my body, allowing me to move with full agility.


] Roll for Initiative

Init Character AC ATK HP
21 Leely 18 +7 1d8 +5 32
19 Ruffian3 12 +3 1d6 +1 18
19 Ruffian4 12   18 00
15 Ileel 18 +7 1d6 +5 32
6 Ruffian1 12   18 3
6 Ruffian2 12   18


] As Leely steps into the street, 3 of the men follow and draw swords. One of them (Ruffian2) stays behind at the table and obnoxiously goads the other three to “Go make some girly elf-paste” of you Leely. The loudest and most drunken Ruffian(1) , seeing Leely’s precise figure in slick sheer silk, gains a look on his face of startlement mixed with lurid fascination.


Leely] I take advantage of the distraction and aggress on the bully (Ruffian1) with my blade and follow-up with a well placed kick.

1d20 Attack 16 +7 = 23 [Hit] Dmg  (1d8) 4 +5 = 9

1d20 Attack 14 +6 = 20 [Hit] Dmg (1d4) 2 +4 = 6 (Total 15)


] The Ruffians (1) eyes were stuck somewhere else and so did not expect you to start your attack so quickly. As his blood is spraying off of your blade, you land a solid foot into his crotch and the buffoon folds to the ground. Tears are flowing from his eyes as groans with pain. Another Ruffian(3) attempts to attack you from behind but you sense the incoming blade and roll away deftly.


Leely] I use my Radiant Reaction in response to his failed attempt.

1d20 Spell Attack 20 +6 = 26 [Hit] Dmg (1d8 + Wis) 5 +3 = 8


] You reverse and roll back towards the attacker while sheathing your sword. You reach up and cover his face with your hand, releasing a wave of radiant damage directly into his eyes, [()] blinding him (Ruffian3).


] The fourth drunken human (Ruffian4) yells in frustration seeing the little elven girl make so little of his burly friends and he charges with an attack [()] [Nat 1 Crit fail]. He drunkenly stumbles on his way and crashes into a nearby cart.


Ileel] I shift slightly in my chair at the table and raise my bow from my lap – loosing a tainted arrow in one smooth motion towards the crashing buffoon (Ruffian4).

2d20a Attack 13 +8 = 21 [Hit] Dmg (1d6) 6 +6 = 12 +7 Necrotic = 19

Ileel] I then return my bow to my lap and continue pretending to not be involved.


] If any bystander had seen the arrow fly, they might have noticed the slight vapor trail of blackness it left hanging in the air for just a moment. The ruffian (Ruffian4) is attempting to lift himeself up by the cart as he catches the necrotic tainted arrow square in the heart. A black death wisp escapes from his gaping mouth as he falls dead. Ruffian(2) remains back at the table drinking and not really paying attention. He is laughing and banging the table in amusement as if his friends were stomping the little elf girl, still unaware of the actual outcomes.



] Leely spins to avoid the wild swings of the blinded human (Ruffian3).


Leely] I step in behind the blinded attacker, jump up onto his back and wrap my scabbard against his throat and pull.

2d20a Athletics 12 +0 [Success]


Leely] “Do you wish to live?” I ask the fool with a whisper in his ear as I squeeze my legs around his torso and yank back with both hands on my sword across this throat.


] Ruffian(3) cannot speak because his throat is being crushed, but attempts to nod repeatedly.


Leely] “Good choice, I shall grant your wish.” Then I leap down and grab the blind mans shoulders and spin him to point towards the fallen thug and I shout in his ear “Run! Run this way as fast as you can and I will allow you to live!”


] Ruffian2 overhears “Run!” but his drunken expectations override what he actually sees and hears…. He shouts from the table… “Run! Hahaha! Run ya little elvish blight!” The blinded Ruffian(3) bolts ahead and crashes over the dead man (Ruffian4) and into the cart. He realizes the corpse of his fellow beneath him and panics. Then he scrambles to his feet and sprints in a random direction away from the scene. Ruffian2 stumbles up from the table and drunkenly yells to no one in particular… “I gotta… piddle…” and he wanders back towards the kitchen. Gilvar rushes over to guide the drunk away, as if it is a thing he is accustomed to doing.


Ileel] Sensing the fray is just about ended, I get up and walk over to retrieve my arrow from the chest of the dead guy. I remain kneeling over the body as I look to Leely for a queue I know is probably coming.


] As you are walking over to the table, you notice a small crowd has formed in the courtyard to watching the scuffle. Among them, you briefly notice the thief you saw earlier. Rather than taking the opportunity to lighten more pockets, however, she too is watching the show with some fascination.


Leely] I see Ileel and smile a big smile and wave at her. Then I turn to the Ruffian(1) I kicked in the crotch – the one who started the whole thing. I place the tip of my sword at his throat. “I told you that your cruelty would not be ignored. And now I must decide if you will live another hour…  but while I think it over – look to your corpse of a friend over there.”


Ileel] I yank my arrow from the dead Ruffian and place my other hand at the throat of the human and draw his death energy into my bow.


] A black smoke begins to rise and soon there is no body, just a scattering of black ashes inside sunken leather armor.


Leely] “This is my sister! Isn’t she wonderful! I think so!” I holler over to Ileel “I think you are wonderful sis!” then I turn back. “Do you know why she does that to corpses? Well… do you!?!”


] The man has pissed himself watching the little elven girl dressed in black silk turn his friend to ash with just a touch. “N…n…no…. I don’t n..n..know!” says the fallen and frightened man.


Leely] “That is so that no fucking necromancer can come along use his corpse. We really hate necromancy you see?” I yell at him, jabbing my sword into skin and drawing pain and blood. “You know what else we hate?”


] The human cannot seem to speak…


Leely] “Well! Do you!?!” I draw more blood from his neck.


] The human stammers out…. “”


Leely] “Okay! Then let me tell you! We hate rude shmek-drunk smelly arse-plugs being bully-cruel to eatery staff. Now! Shall I return your cruelty upon you or would you beg for mercy from a little pointy-eared girl?”


] “M…m..m..mercy! P..p..p…please” The human manages to say, but so quietly only Leely can hear him.


Leely] I pull him to his feet and drag him over to the half-elf girl he assaulted. “It is not me you should be pleading to. This is the one you were cruel to, only this one can grant you mercy now!”


] The server girl looks terrified but stands tall before him. “Allow him to live.” The half-elf girl says.


Leely] “She chooses mercy!” I yell loudly with a cheer. I lean over to the girl (“hey – we should be friends”) I say to her with a friendly voice before turning back to the Ruffian. “You sir, shall be spared! Yay! But… your coin purse is not. All of your wealth! On the table! Now! Else I rout it out with my blade.”


] He drops two large pouches on the table with the spilled ale. One clinks down real heavy like – sounding like a small fortune in gold. The other sounds more like jewels or gems clanging together.


Ileel] I pull the coin purse from the other Ruffian and toss it to Leely and then go back to our table.


Leely] “Here is payment of their tab and a large tip for your trouble of serving bullies” I give all three pouches to the half-elf girl. Then I place a hand on the Ruffian and dig a nail into the back of his neck, drawing more blood. “You sir are leaving Silverymoon now. If you ever return, this enchantment I have embedded in your neck will alert me and I will swiftly revoke the mercy! Now run!”


] The patrons that still remain go back to their meals. Some seem afraid to make any eye contact with the two young wood-elves, but a few send a smile towards Leely. A few minutes later, Gilval is placing food at your table.  He says to you “Thank you for standing up for my daughter. These kinds of problems are rare for us here in the Conclave, but never has another defended us. I am also thankful that you took the fight out into the street and spared my patrons the violence.”


Leely] “We are here to learn how to be good protectors. Was that good protecting?”


] Gilval smiles and nods “Yes indeed, it was very good protecting.” The half-elf server joins her father at your table and places the three pouches there. “I cannot accept this” she says…. “It is a fortune and I have done nothing to deserve such wealth.”


Leely] Impressed by her lack of greed, I say… “Hey, we really could be friends! I am Leely and this is my sister Ileel. ”


] “I am Mollia” the half-elf girl says. ” I am a student here at the Conclave. I thank you for standing against the brutes, but honestly I cannot accept this wealth”


Leely] “I understand Mollia. Here, at least take a few gold as a tip. Gilval, what is the average cost of a meal here? A silver or two? I want to pay everyone’s tab here tonight. It was their dinner which was so rudely interrupted. And here – give your kitchen staff a small raise will you? We shall see the rest of this put to some good.” I give an uncounted stack of gold pieces to him.


] What remains is 1241 gp and roughly 7000 worth of gems. You both finish your meals and start heading toward The Ladys College to meet High Priestess Abbiree.


Ileel] “So… Leely… what was that enchantment you placed in his neck… I don’t remember ever learning such lessons.”


Leely] “Oh, that! I suppose you would call that enchantment a “lie”. I just did not want them to think they could come back around and seek more trouble.”


Ileel] “That is what I thought! Good thinking! I little out of character for you, but still good thinking. They did leave an awful lot of wealth behind… we really should watch out backs for a little while. This much coin is worth some risk and they seem fool enough to try.”


Leely] “Should have killed them then? I thought Mollie choose well in showing mercy.”


Ileel] “We may still have to kill the fools. Let us see.”


] “I will kill them for you.” you hear a voice from behind you say. “if you want…”


Leely] We turn to see who is talking “Who? What?”


] You see a young human girl, still in her teen years, with braided brunette hair and blue eyes. Ileel, you recognize her at the street thief you saw picking pockets earlier.


] Street Thief “Not that I want to actually kill someone… but I can help you! If you want, I mean.”


Ileel] “When we need a pocket picked, we shall call upon you.”


Leely] “Hey, that was not… wait… what do you mean Ileel?”


Ileel] “I watched this girl earlier help herself to the coin of some upstanding yet heedless fellow… looked like a teacher or something. How many pockets have you pilfered since then I wonder?”


] Street Thief “My mother taught me that sometimes heroes must do things that do not appear very hero-like… Someday I will be a hero and I won’t have to steal to eat! Just watch!”


Leely] “Who knows Ileel… perhaps she is something more than a thief. She looks to me like something more than thief… What is your name friend?”


] “Kellrie” she says, “Kellrie Rosk. And I may be a thief but I take only what I need to survive. It was either steal from fools or spread myself for them… and I will never never do that. I watched my mother hate herself for it, die for it… ”


Ileel] “We are strangers here Kellrie. I apologize for judging you without knowing you or the hardships of life here.”


Leely] “My name is Leely and this is my sister Ileel. We appreciate the offer, but perhaps we can help you instead. How much would it cost for you to attend the Lady’s College here in the conclave?” I look to Ileel and seek agreement on where I am going.


] Kellrie “More than I’ve ever seen I’m sure.”


Ileel] “A hero must have skills beyond sneaky-fingers. Skills take training and much practice. We have spent 30 years training and practicing for what we want to become. Are you willing to commit yourself to training for what you wish to become?”


] Kellrie “No doubt in my mind… I will prove my mother right and good – no matter what effort or sacrifice!”


Leely] I look to Ileel. “I believe her.”


Ileel] “Are you sure you don’t want to stick an enchantment in her neck for reassurance?”


Leely] I laugh, loudly with some exageration… then I turn to Kellrie. “We have decided to trust you Kellrie, and we believe you can be much much more than a bandit picking coppers from pocket. We believe you will be the hero you say you will.” I hand her the pouch full of gems. “I don’t know how much this is worth, but it should be enough get you started with one of the schools here in the conclave.”


] Kellrie looks into the pouch and her eyes spring wide. “I don’t know what to say…”


Ileel] “Say you will never victimize another person.”


Leely] “Then say you study and train in order to protect the good in this world.”


] Kellrie “I shall never victimize another person and I will study hard and I will train hard and I will fight to protect the good in this world.”


Ileel] “She is sounding more like a hero already, don’t you think Leely? Blessings to you Kellrie.”


Leely] I hug Kellrie. “Let’s be friends when you finish with school okay? I will need a friend like you.”


] You part ways with Kellrie Rosk and head towards the Lady’s College.


Leely] “Do you think… Ileel… do you think that was good protecting?”


Ileel] “Not the normal kind sis… but I think it was the Leely-kind of good protecting. Well done seeing what I could not. I only saw a thief and you saw a friend.”


] You step inside the main door of The Ladys College where you were told to meet Abbiree, High Priestess of Selune. There are several others in the front room. One in particular notices you and begins walking towards you. She is a human about 40 years age. She is partly dressed in fur-lined leather – her full arms and legs up to her hips show bare skin except for artistic markings in an intricate vine-like design. Her boots and cloak are also fur-lined. From here left hip hangs a short sword and from her right hip a pouch with a series of scrolls strapped to the outer flap. She has long cherry-red hair worn in a single thick braid wrapped over her shoulder. She approaches you and says “Are you the Roven’ris Sisters?”