Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.03

Cycle 01 Shield 03 – Scene 03Notes


What happens in this scene?



Dawndra comes down from her room in The Cutlass.


Shent is there having a breakfast ale (which The Cutlass is becoming famous for)


He had to dock in Whitesails Harbor when he returned from this latest job this morning – seeing how Dragon Beach docks have been mostly destroyed.  He came to The Cutlass to see if he could learn something about what happened. Rumors are already traveling about the white-haired giant at the scene. No one knows the actual story but everyone is assuming she had something to do with it.


Dawndra hires Shent – and can afford to with more than generous payment. She asks him to not only guide her to Tentowns but to stay with her during the competitions and then return her back to Luskan . His normal rate is 15gp /day and Dawndra is asking to retain him for a long-term – up to ~50 days (750gp)


Shent recalls working with Teacher Riandyl and offers a discount (where is he going to go anyway… until Dragon Beach is rebuilt…)

Riandyl gave Dawndra a Star sapphire (1k gp) to give to Shent for his services- (she feels she underpaid him previously) – backwrite this some… also – there seems to be more the story here… what happened between Riandyl and Shent? I probably need to develop an NCP sheet for both of them in order to tell this story


How does a trust work in D&D?

Maybe I need a magic item? Yet another magic pouch?


Actually – Nim already created something like this to transport goods. Only the recipient could open the bag safely. Anyone else who tried would lose fingers


Or maybe it is a pocket dimension with a temporary hold? What if Dawndra dies – does Shent still get full payment?


magical Escrow


Payment price and conditions are agreed upon

the coins or gems are placed in small box

on the top of the box are four slots to fit a coin

both sides of the escrow place one coin into a slot to signify the agrrrment is cast

the magic marks the identity of each

the box cannot open again until both parties place a second coin into the centrr slots

the coin itself does not really matter, any coin works… it is the person placing thr coin which seals or opens the escrow box


dawndra can place payment into the box, seal the agreement and allow Shent to keep the box until such time as she g feels he has held the agreement – then she simply places another coin on the second slot and Shent can open the box at any time by doing the same.

If Shent renegs… she (and only she) can remove the first coin to open the box one.

Shent has a stake because the box itself cost him, or would cost him to replace it.


From there… what?



While Dawndra and Shent are negotiating… Kleyt walks in and sits at the bar. It takes him some time to recognize that Dawndra is there but when he does, he hurries to the door.


Dawndra wants to find out where Kleyt keeps himself… She has no time right now to deal with him, and probably no idea on what that actually means… but she knows the truth is that he will continue to kidnap others for the Knout (build an LGFL for the Knout)


Perhaps Dawndra might hire the ruffian Drow she kicked ass on the day before to be sneaks and ferret out where the scoundal sleeps… Yes… that is what might happen…


But the rest of the day…

Shent gives Dawndra a list of provisions… it’s a market day!

I actually don’t much care for market runs… not sure why. Up until now, I have just thrown the event into the recap… “you went and purchased the supplies you need” and when something comes up the player can say “I bought this on the market run” and I call it good. Rarely will there be anything but ordinary supplies… nothing exotic or magical. And Dawndra has already been equiped with some magical things. Her Ice Pike being the big item – some pun intended.


So if the market holds no exciting items, how to make this scene interesting?

1 There is some theif getting caught – and the theif is somehow connected to PC
2 There is another adventuring party shopping the market
3 A storm lands  – a big bad violent storm where lives are at stake – perhaps an elemental is behind it
4 A merchant is slaughtered in broad daylight. PC witnesses
5 There is stand-off between a squad of soldiers and a gang of political rebels. Violence breaks out
6 A lost child is witnessed roaming from stall to cart looking for scraps of food.


No. Never mind all the random ideas for now… Introduce a bad guy … another contestant in the Fray Games (but not known as such until the first round begins)


Perhaps a Half-Orc with a temper and a chip on his shoulder (her shoulder?)


“This is my campaigns Mage/shaman of tribe Manyarrow tribe. Her name is Yazga and she is Chieftains “Mother of his sons” since wife is to plain for tribal society”


Rebrand a bit… maybe?

Yazga is a great name though… and so add this to credits

Maybe lower challenge level a bit… No sense pitting a lvl 3 PC one on one against a lvl 7 vNPC…

Stones Throwdown is no magic and no weapons and no armor… but Yazga has a +2 strength


Actually… that reminds me… create some throwdown rules


Strictly unarmed and unarmored

Everyone can strike with fist or foot

Attack with Proficiency

1 Blugeoning + Strength (unless Monk or fighter with unarmed style)


The rest of the combat is shoves and grapples

If you can get a critical hit with unarmed strike – the shove or grapple happens with advantage

Resist a shove or grapple with either Athletics or Acrobatics

So most attacks in Stone Throwndown will be competition checks… Ath vs Ath or Ath vs Acr


There may be other opportunities… perhaps a charging shove can be redirected to throw the charger out of bounds. Seems foolish, but the rage of battle and so on…


What else?

I thought about giving the audience bags of oil to throw into the arena but how would that work? Would they target a favorite – making them harder to grapple and shove if oily?

What besides oil? How could the audience increase the likelyhood of a particular contestant to be omitted? To give them disadvantage on the shove or grapple contest?

Perhaps this idea is just too complicated for mechanics? I will put it aside unless something bright appears.


Back to Yazga

I’m not sure she is a mage… a barbarian?

She is connected to Many-Arrows – obviously then, she is from Silver Marches.

She is most at home with full-blooded orcs

Or is she a member of the Red Tiger?


Suspicious of the unknown, Red Tigers fought unarmed. Their favored weapons were tiger claws, which consisted of short wooden handles embedded with three sharp stone daggers. The hunter held the blades between their fingers like claws.


Like their snow cat totem beast, the tribe acted aggressive and solitary.



Maybe it would be fun to tie Yagza to Daelan from NWN. How does a half-orc become a Red Tiger tribe member? Daelan would have to have been Yagza’s Grandfather. Maybe Yagza is trying to gain acceptance into the Red Tiger and the Fray Games are the way she intends to prove herself and to honor her forefathers (Daelan was exiled by the tribe)

She carries Daelans Double-axe – as her father did

Amulet too? Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1.



Featured in: Neverwinter Nights, Hordes of the Underdark

Race: half-orc

Alignment: chaotic good

Class: barbarian

Description: This Uthgardt barbarian remains tight-lipped about his reasons for being in Neverwinter. His services as a mercenary are for hire, but only for someone with the right coin and temperament suitable to this honorable half-orc.

In the original campaign, Dealan tells the story of his banishment from the Uthgardt tribe, leading to special item-recovery quests, as all henchmen in original campaign do.

Daelan was one of many adventurers to later answer the call to Waterdeep during the drow attacks in the Hordes of the Underdark campaign.

He is notable for his use of power attack and knockdown feats.

Location: Trade of Blades


Chapter One Quest: Daelan wants you to seek out a particular brooch, which you’ll find on one of the boats in the Docks District. As a reward for finding it, Daelan will give you the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1.

Chapter Two Quest: When you enter the Mutamin’s Challenge at the Green Griffon Inn on the North Road you will eventually meet up with a dwarf called Gorkan down to Level 3. He will attack you there and after you defeat him, he will drop a strange notched great axe. The axe was the one that the murdered Gorkan used to kill Daelan’s mother and giving the axe to him is enough proof that the murderer is no more. Daelan will upgrade his item to the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +3.

Chapter Three Quest: Daelan will tell you another tale at Chapter 3, the story of the Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear. When Daelan finishes his tale he will let you know that he is in search for that Spear. The Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear will be given to you by Zokan Thunderer, the leader of the Elk Tribe, at the Elk Tribe Keep located near Fort Ilkard Homesteads.


So Yazga will go by Yazga the Red Tiger – even though she is considered an outcast from the tribe

She paints herself red with battle coloring – daily…

She is obsessed with her rights to be accepted by the Red Tiger Tribe in Silver Marches (although she probably never will)

She is technically a barbarian – level 3 – find a subclass to complete her



Now… in the market place… Yazga is there – also provisioning for the trip to Tentowns just as Dawndra is doing. Perhaps Dawndra selects a nice ice pick from a merchant and while inspecting it Yazga comes along and rips it from her hands “I need this” She is equally rude to merchants and anyone else.


I need some bigger event… like maybe one of the other customers takes offense to the point of a tussle and Yazga kicks his ass in a big way – showing Dawndra she is a force to be reckoned


Maybe Dawndra does not fight at all this scene… just rp and discovery and some foreshadowing of Yazga – who will probably try to steal her troll head on the last day of the Fray Games.


Frick and Frack – or something like that… Axe and Pax?

Yazga has two slaves which she bought from somewhere. Kobolds?

They run around behind her, carrying the things she says she wants and paying the merchants with coin.


Now for the other “party” – I don’t need to build them out much but maybe find a level 1 party and some random names. Who is going to take offense at Yazga to the point of blows? Probably another female… perhaps another Half-Orc


Mara Hornraven

Half-Orc Fighter

AC 16 HP 40

+4 1d6 +2 or 6 (*1)

+1 +3 +1 +0 +2 +0



Human Rogue Male

AC 15 HP 30

+4 1d6 +2 or 6 (*1)

+2 +3 +0 +0 +2 +0


Vari Arenth

Hill Dwarf Ranger Female

AC 13 HP 20

+4 1d6 +2 or 6 (*1)

+1 +3 +2 +0 +2 +0


Henri Fiddlewright

Halfing Wizard Male

+4 1d4+2

Magic Missle 3d4

+0 +2 +2 +3 +1 +2



Tiefling Cleric Male

+3 1d6 +1

+1 +0 +2 +0 +3 +2

Bless, Cure Wounds, Bane, Healing Word


There… not a bad random party.

Where are they headed?

The Crags of Mirabar

They are on a quest to locate the lost kingdom of Grimmantle – which, they have been led to believe, still contains an unbreached treasure room.




Provisioning the Trek to Frozenfar

[Scene Info]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Northern Towers
  Scene 03 (C01.S03.03)- Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Luskan – In The Cutlass
  Forecrex of Merpenoth 23 – 1491 DR
  Calm skies with an Autumn chill.



] You are in Luskan staying at The Cutlass – a shithole compared to the stories you have heard. The keep and owner, Rigger, seems friendly enough, and sincere in her hopes to restore The Cutlass to a fine establishment. You arrived in Luskan yesterday via portal with the goal of finding a wilderness guide named Shenthrik Spinedelver. Instead you found a fair bit of trouble… brawling in the streets with a small gang of drow thugs and then getting abducted to be sold as a thing to The Knout, whatever they are. You managed to free yourself and force the Helmsman of the ship to return you to the Dragon Beach docks… which he did… violently. He aimed the ship full speed towards the docks and then jumped overboard. The result was tragic given that hidden somewhere inside the hull of the ship were other captives. You did what you could but failed to save any of them.


] You did manage to nab, while recovering your own possessions, seven pouches from the kidnappers chest of stolen wealth. Once the excitement was all over, you inspected the contents and found a total of 240gp worth of coin, gems and jewelry which you will need to get appraised (1500gp total value). You also discovered two rings in the pouches that you suspect may be enchanted but will need to speak to a wizard to verify.


] It is Forecrex and the Soln has been in the sky for a couple of hours. You managed to get a good long rest in after last nights excitement.


Dawndra] I gather my things, hiding most of the coin and gems in a pouch strapped to my body under my clothes. I go downstairs to see if there is any meal available.


] As you walk down the narrow stairs to the main tavern area of The Cutlass, the place is much busier than it was the day before. Most of the room appear to be old-timers, retired from hard living and enjoying telling stories of yesterday. You smell that morning meal is still available. Rigger is behind the bar talking with some of the grey-headed customers.


Dawndra] I go up to Rigger and greet her. “Good waking”


] Rigger “Good waking! So there you are! Didn’t see you come back in last nhyx. There is someone here to see you.” She walks around the bar and leads you over to a table against the wall, near the pile of broken wood you encountered last night.


] Sitting at the table is rough-worn Dwarf dressed in leather and scale armor that has been dyed a deep color blue. Two hand axes rest on the table next to a tall flagon of ale. He has a long reddish-blond beard with a thick braid held together by the skull bone of some small horned animal.


] Rigger “This here is Shent. Shent, this is… you know I never asked your name friend.”


Dawndra] “I am called Dawndra. Well met Shent.”


] Rigger “I will be right back with a bowl of meal for you. You want a flagon of our Solnrise Ale? We’re gonna be famous for it!?”


Dawndra] “Thank you Rigger. Just the meal will do nicely.” I sit down and look to Shent


] Shent “I hear you’ve been looking for me?”


Dawndra] “Yes, I wish to hire your services for a trip to Tentowns.”


] Shent “I just got back from Tentowns. I would’ve been back a little bit sooner except that someone destroyed the docks along Dragon Beach… I had to moor in Whitesails and trek across the city. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you? Early rumors mention someone fitting your description – and I daresay – you are not easily mistaken.”


Dawndra] “I can tell the story. Just know I am not responsible for the wreckage… I nearly died in it. Others, in fact, did die. I tried all I could to save them. The Mudbuckle was hauling captives to be sold. ”


] Shent “Well that is a story… and far too believable. I’d tell you to report it to the city guard if I thought it would do any good… they don’t care to take notice of things happening this side of South Gate. So you want to go to Tentowns eh? How’d you learn my name?”


Dawndra] “My teacher, Guide Riandyl, gave me your name and said I could trust you. Do you remember her?”


] Shent “Riandyl? Really? Of course I remember her… I remember Riandyl quite fondly – often it is I think about her.”


Dawndra] “I am here to follow in her footsteps – at her guidance.”


] Shent “Ahh… so you are going to compete in the Frozenfar Fray then. Well and good. It is still nearly a month out, if I recall. When you do you want to depart?”


Dawndra] “As soon as… I was hoping to hire you for five tendays, maybe six depending.”


] Shent “I prefer the long-term hires actually… and now that Dragon Beach is rubble… I’ve got no where else to be for a while. My normal rate is 15gp a day but for a friend of Riandyl, I can offer a deal.”


Dawndra] “Actually… Guide Riandyl requested that I be extra generous with payment – if I could locate you specifically. She gave me a gem…” I lean in and whisper… “a blue star sapphire… worth a thousand gold for your services.”


] Shent reaches for his beard and holds a chain of colorful stones weaved into it. He seems to get lost in memory for a moment, but then snaps back to you. “Well then, lets make this happen. I will need to re-provision before setting sails for Fireshear. You should provision here in Luskan as well… Since Hundlestone fell, the forges through Icewind Dale are twice the cost and half the quality – unless you go to Ironmaster… which you cannot since they only welcome Dwarves.” He reaches down to a pack at his feet and pulls out a scrap of parchment and a chunk of black col-rock.” I will make you a list of things you will want to purchase here. Do you read common?”


] Dawndra “Yes I do. I am prepared to pay for your provisions too.”


] Shent quiets you “We will talk money elsewhere. Now lets see… you will need some warm clothing, some snow shoes… an Ice Axe…” he continues on, largely talking to himself as he scrawls the items down.


] As Shent continues with the list making, you catch familiar and foul smell and look over. You see Kleyt enter the Cutlass and sit at the bar. Rigger pours him an ale and he sits staring into it between gulps.


Dawndra] I lean in to whisper again to Shent… “One of the men who kidnapped me just walked in. If you will excuse me, I need to have a word with the rank dog.” I stand up to go over to the bar.


] Kleyt happens to turn as you are standing up and recognizes you with a look of surprise and shock. He hurries towards the door and exits to the left.


Dawndra] I step outside to see where he goes.


] In the street in front of The Cutlass are the same drow thugs you fought with yesterday – minus one of course. They also see you and start to scramble away.


Dawndra] “Wait… wait… I need some help from you. Want to make some coin? ”


] Drow thug “How much? What for?”


Dawndra] “20gp. Did you see that human that just rushed out of here and turned down that way? I want you to find out everything you can about him. Where he goes, where he sleeps, who he meets with.” I pull out 1pp and flip it to them. “Meet me here just before Last Shadow with your findings and I’ll pay the rest. I will be extra generous even, if you will be extra thorough.”


] Drow thug “Seems easy enough.” The three of them gather up their copper and the dice and rush down the street way after Kleyt.


Dawndra] I return to Shent.


] Shent “Here is your list. The market is right by the bridge to the north side of Luskan. I will meet you back here at First Shadow tomorrow and we will begin our journey. Oh… it occurred to me to warn you… if you want to actually leave town tomorrow, you probably want to avoid any further trouble. I trust you speak true about your involvement in the Dragon Beach thing… but rumors have their own version of truth and it seems they may already have you in their sights. Keep your head down today… and maybe buy an Iceway Robe with a thick furry hood just to be on the safe side. Any questions?”


Dawndra] “Not right now. I will see you at First Shadow.”


] Shent grabs his pack and holsters the axes on his hips and bids you a good day.


Dawndra] I finish my meal and take the bowl over to the counter. “Rigger. Can I ask you… How well do you know that Kleyt fellow?”


] Rigger “Can’t say I do much at all. He’s in here every day and he’s friendly enough with small talk but I don’t know anything him really… except that smell he carries.”


Dawndra] “You were right, by the way… Shent’s boat is not called the ‘Mudbuckle’. I am fairly certain that Kleyt set me up to be captured and beat and sold into slavery. Thought you might want to know.”


] Rigger “So then… the rumors about the white-haired giant destroying Dragon Beach? That was you?”


Dawndra] “No. I mean… I did not destroy the docks. I was on the ship that did, along with… I don’t know how many other captives. I managed to get free. The others were not so lucky. I’m sure Kleyt is no mastermind, but he is almost certainly guilty trying to sell free folk into slavery.”


] Rigger “Thanks for the knowledge. He is not the most dangerous mug south of the South Gate… still… He may be connected with one of the Ships… you don’t want to find yourself in conflict with any of them.”


Dawndra] I nod… “Understood. I want Kleyt to pay for accosting me… but perhaps you and Shent are correct. I will stay away from more trouble.” I decide to change the topic… “So… Rigger… How long have you run The Cutlass?”


] Rigger “Been.. Oh… a year and some tendays I think. My father had it before that… run it into the ground didn’t he. I thought I could get it restored to its original glory but time has been short and funds even shorter… Still hanging on to the hope though.”


Dawndra] I pull two citrine gems from my pack. “This won’t go far, but maybe you can get a door and a window for the place at least. Or refinish the bar. Or whatever is next on your list.” I hand her the two gems. “Here… no strings.”


] Rigger “That is gracious of you. I was worried I might need to close the door that ain’t there… seeing how a lot of my business comes from the docks and who knows how long its gonna take to rebuild. But why would you…”


Dawndra] “It’s but a small gift to name of the The Cutlass…  use it as you wish.” I greet Rigger a good day and make my way towards South Gate.


] There are four guard holding South Gate. Two of them are inspecting a small caravan of merchants trying to enter the city. Behind the caravan there are several others waiting to be allowed entrance.


Dawndra] I decide to go find a nice spot along the river for my practice but leaving the city seems troublesome. I follow north along the inside of the city wall until I reach the river.


] Along your way you pass the Winter Palace – the temple to Auril. It is a grand complex adorned with soaring white spires. Glancing inside as you pass, you see an open court filled with white stone pillars and arches. Just beyond that are the town stables. You notice maybe two-dozen stalls with horses. There are several stable hands hard at work here.  A bridge crosses the river where the city wall meets it. On the other side is the North Gate. There are upper-class homes lining the river front. You find a nice spot for your practice under the North Gate bridge. The river is moving slowly and the air has hints of coming winter.


Dawndra] I begin my flow-form practice. I settle into open stance and center my body and weight. Arms raise with my in-breath and sink with my exhale. Opening, clearing, lifting. I go through the forms which draw energy from earth and sky. I practice for about an hour in total.


] You are mostly secluded but a few passers-by notice you and wonder what it is you are doing – but none approach or comment. You feel refreshed as Ki is generated within (Heavens Orbit +2 Ki)


Dawndra] I make my way back to the Luskan Market. Perhaps I might also find a loremaster or wizard who will confirm the items I sspect as enchanted.


] The market is far busier than the day before and several new merchants carts fill the area. The crowd of consumers is varied. Many appear to be townsfolk in common garb, but you notice there are also many adventurer types in the market – dressed in full armor and weaponry. The busiest merchant appears to be selling arms from the Dwarven Ironmaster forge – as marketed by the canvas sign overhead with a red anvil over a diamond. There are several merchants specifically targeting clientele heading into the frozen north – showshoes, ice picks, large fur-lined cloaks and robes.


Dawndra] I start buying a large pack to carry the new provisions and then begin fulfiling the list given to me by Shent.


] You are able to find, fairly quickly, most of the items on the list. The choice of an ice pick seems tricky – there are many styles to choose from. They need to be strong enough to hold your weight – and thereby save your life. One in particular catches your eye from a stall run by large greying human dressed in furs. It appears to be of a solid metal forge .


Dawndra] I pick up the ice pick to get a feel for its weight and strength.


] As you are inspecting the ice pick, it is suddenly snatched out of your hands


] Half-Orc “And I need this!” she says as she yanks it from your grasp. You see a muscular Half-Orc, nearly the same height as you, wearing only minimal coverings of leather. Her green skin has been painted with dark blood-red stripes. She swaggers through the crowd, shoving and pushing others aside like they were nothing. Thereare two kobolds dressed in green draping canvas robes following her around. “Yazga wants.” one of them says to the merchant and then gives him coin for the ice pick she took our of your hand and then runs to catch up with her.


Dawndra] “I am glad that not all Half-Orcs are so rude…” I say to no one in particular. Then I ask the merchant if he has another ice pick like that one.


] Merchant “I can do even better. That was designed for a human.” He digs under his cart and pulls out another ice pike, larger and thicker than the first. “This is more the strength you will need given your… well.. Size. Finest craftmanship this side of Mithral Hall. Guaranteed.”


Dawndra]  “Well if it does fail… it is unlikely I will be able to ask for my money back.” I say with a smile. I purchase the ice pick and move on to fill the rest of the list.


] As you are just finishing up at merchant cart, the crowd behind you suddenly panics. Many of them, the commoners mostly, clear out of the market area entirely as a fight breaks. You see the hot-headed Half-Orc with red body paint leap into the air and slash with some sort of tri-bladed gauntlet weapon. Her target – another Half-Orc.


] Yazga “Axe! Pax!” She screams – not hiding her irritation. “Git over here!”


] The two Kobolds dressed in green canvas scurry into view. One of them hurls an axe which looks to be made of light, at the Half-Orc woman. It vanishes into her in full armor and her face shows the pain of it. She strikes back, swinging a longblade deftly against the painted Half-Orc, but the attack seemed to have been muted by a shimmering shield generated by the Kobold named Pax. The arena formed by onlookers begins to thicken and you notice several people who appear to be taking bets – one of which is dressed in a guard uniform.


Dawndra] I’m tempted to put a stop to this somehow but Shent’s warning about further trouble echoes in my thoughts. I pull my cloak hood tighter around my face and step further back behind the crowd.


] The battle contines on. A few others have joined the armored Half-Orc, defending her against the red Half-Orc dressed for warm weather. A female Dwarf dressed in natural leathers draws a bow against the screaming mad woman. A creature with horns like a goat and wearing shiny plate casts a healing spell and blue ethereal light swarms around the swordswoman. A halfling in a fancy hat with a book nearly as big as his torso strapped to his back steps in and hurls magical bolts through the air – striking the red Half-Orc square. When yet another friend of the swordswoman steps in, the once again begin screeching the names of the Kobolds… “Axe! Pax!”. If she had her wits she would concede but she does anything but back down. She launches a fresh round of attacks – her metal claws ripping the plate armor of her opponent like it was soft cheese.


Dawndra] I keep an eye on the halfling with the book strapped to his back… he may just be the wizard I was looking for to help me identify these items… if he survives this street skuffle that is…


] The battle does not last much longer. There is another trade-off of blades and fair amount of flying blood but soon the armored Half-Orc falls, her long blade clattering to the pavestones. Yazga, with blood smearing the red paint covering her exposed body stands over her, laughing like a maniac. The crowd reacts with both cheers and disappointment and you watch as money changes hands again. The horned fellow must be some kind of priest because he rivies and heals the fallen Half-Orc. The rest of her friends help her away from the scene of her defeat. Yazga and her companion Kobolds disappear into the re-forming marketplace crowd.


Dawndra] I approach the loser of the match. “Bravely fought.” I say to her.


] Half-Orc “Do you wish to mock me?”


Dawndra] “No. Far from it. I wish to encourage you. You were outmatched this time but your skill with a blade is obvious. Your opponent was fierce and frenzied – it is difficult to practice against that… but if the battle were purely marital skill, you would have taken her down.”


] The Half-Orc flares her own temper at you “And you are some expert in such things?”


Dawndra] “I have taught many in our monastery – my own skill needs more practice as well… however. Like I said… I just wanted to encourage you. My name is Dawndra.” I pull back my hood and extend my arm in greeting.


] Mara “Mara Hornraven is my name. Well met, I suppose.”


] The horned priest speaks up “I am called Penko. I sense your encouragement is truthful Dawndra, but also… you have another motive in approaching us. Is this true?”


Dawndra] “Your insight is trained Penko. I did hope to consult with a loremaster and well… I saw your friend here with the big books shoot bolts of light from his fingers.” I look toward the halfling. “I can pay. In fact, if you have the time, I would like to buy you all drinks.”


] “She thinks she can buy us with drinks?” Says a human male dressed in blackened leathers.


] “She can buy me with drinks!” says the halfling. “Exactly what do you wish to consult about my giant friend?”


Dawndra] “I have been… gifted… a few items of enchantment and well… I am slow to trust such things. I am also slow to trust wizards with the power of governing in their pockets as well… and you seemed… well… you seemed like someone I might trust.”


] Halfling “I am Hoynritt Fiddlewright and I am thirsty. How about you Sentane?” He says to the human in black. He looks to Mara “You could use a short rest and a tall ale, couldn’t you Mara? One-Eyed Jax is just across the bridge.”


] The halflings party all agrees and you walk with them to the North Bank to a tavern and inn called One-Eyed Jax. Entering the front door, you see a fairly crowded alehouse room. The interior is clean and comfortable. You notice, however, that many of the patrons are drow and the rest seem to be either soldiers or sailors.


] Hoynritt “Here’s an open table right by the window. Vari – order us a full round will you?” He says to the Dwarven archer.


Dawndra] I give Vari 10gp from my public coin pouch. “This should buy a few rounds.”


] Hoynritt “Now Dawndra, about these items… You should know that loremastering is not my primary calling… but I can identify if they are enchanted, what the enchantment does, and confirm whether or not you risk a life-long curse by using them.


Dawndra] “Perfect. What will you charge me?”


] Hoynritt “You have already paid in full. Lucky for you I am already equipped with the components needed for the spell… that part can be… expensive… but not a worry today.”


Dawndra] I place one of the rings on the table for Hoynritt to identify. “Here is the first one.”


] The halfling cups the ring and, trying to be discreet, casts a brief spell over it. Moments later he sets it back on the table. “This is a Ring of Evasion. Very handy in fight. It has seen many years and has had many owners – the most recent of which a child who only used it as a plaything. It was forged far from here, in the Deepwing Mountains. I see no threat in its use.”


Dawndra] “Thank you. Here is the second item.” I place the other ring on the table.


] Hoynritt picks up the ring and casts Identify. He hands it back to you and lowers his voice… “This is a Ring of Shooting Stars. It is extremely valuable. Elven made – and not in our world. This ring was crafted in Arvandor for the someone in immediate service of Araleth Letheranil. It is one of 20 such rings created in The House of Glowing Stars. It most powerful capabilities are only going to word for those with elven blood. Count yourself lucky Dawndra, that you can actually trust us as you suspected… a dozen adventurers could retire wealthy with such an item.” He gives it back to you.


Dawndra] I place this ring directly onto one of my fingers and pull out the bracelet given to me by the merchant woman Alnetha.


] Hoynritt once again casts Identify. “This has a Protection enchantment upon it.  It was crafted right here in Luskan – not quite a hundred years. It was passed from father to son and then spent may years unused but cherished. It is not overly valuable on the market but it has aborbed many memories.”


Dawndra] “Then the gifter was telling me the truth. She said it was a keepsake of sorts, that her son… Trestino, had worn it and was killed long time ago. She only wanted me to keep his memory alive.”


] Hoynritt “These kinds of enchantments are sometimes unique. Not only does it have the magic it was crafted with… but it carries something else… memories. I don’t think it is dangerous or cursed – I do not sense hateful or spiteful memories in it. Sometimes those can be as bad as a curse.”


Dawndra] I put the bracelet around my wrist then I pull out two Chalcedony gems. “Here – for your services.”


] Hoynritt “Why thank you. As I said, you need not pay any more than a round of drinks… but I am not one to ever reject gratuities. Kind appreciations Dawndra.”


] Mara “So… What is a Monk doing in Luskan? If you don’t mind me saying… you seem out of place here.”


Dawndra] “I am out of place just about everywhere. My monastery is far to the South – in the outskirts of Amn.” I stop and consider I might not want to reveal too much given the fact that we all just learned I am carrying extreme wealth. “My teacher thought I might learned something about my own history here in the North. I am not, as you well-notice, a common sort of creature. I know nothing of my past, who my people are, or if I even have any people. So I am traveling along the Frozen North in search of myself really. It looks like you were provisioning for adventure yourselves?”


] Vari “We journey east from here – up the Mirar and into the Crags. Ever hear of the lost kingdom of Grimmantle?”


Dawndra] “I have not, but then I know very little of this region.”


] Hoynritt “It’s a fascinating story… hundreds of years old. Lord Gonfrey – the Thief-King – was slain a thousand years ago but there are tales that say he yet lives, and that he has been seized by a dragons obsession with treasure.”


Dawndra] “An undead theif-king? Sounds scary. I hope your adventure pays off a thousand-fold.”


] Penko “Even should we fail to bring home spoils… we shall be well-rewarded just for identifying the location of Grimmantle.”


Dawndra] “I wish you the best of fortunes.”


] After a few more rounds and some small talk, you part company with the adventuring party. There are still a few hours before Last Shadow.


Dawndra] I head back to the Cutlass and my room. I spent a couple of hours meditating with the bracelet and the ring of shooting stars. I consider maybe gifting the ring of evasion to Shent – if he wants it.


] As you meditate on the ring, you find you can easily cast Light on any object. You sense the more powerful spells but the feel beyond your reach. The Bracelet has magically increased your Armor Class (+1) and all Saving Throws (+1). You begin to smell Riggers stew and realize Last Shadow approaches.


Dawndra] I go downstairs and look outside for the drow street rats.


] You find them throwing dice out in front, just as before.


Dawndra] “Any luck today boys?”


] Muagnet “We followed him like you asked.”


] Alanath “Except for down into the sewers , under Rat Alley.”


] Muagnet “But we waited and watched for him to come back out.”


] Rilynath “He would have caught us if we went down there… him or something else.”


Dawndra] Sewers under Rat Alley… why is that no surprise at all… “Anything else?”


] Muagnet “He travels. The Crimson Road.”


] Rilynath “We watched him buy, from a Suljack, then he went down into the sewers. He came back up with eyes blazin – no mistaking it.”


Dawndra] “I’m still not understanding… he bought a road?”


] Alanath “He’s an addict. Travelers Dust is a drug – a very powerful one. Its also a death sentence. No one ever survives their addiction – the only question is how long they might Walk the Crimson Road. Some walk it for years, others die right with the first step.”


Dawndra] “I remember his eyes were oddly red. This is a sign of drug addiction?”


] Alanath “Dead-give away. No one cares in Dragons Beach, but if he were to wander into North Bank they would throw him in a hole before you could say Vith Iblith.”


Dawndra] “You mentioned Suljack – that is one of the Ships governing Luskan right? Do you think he is connected? Like a member? Or just a customer?”


Muagnet] “Can’t say for certain. Seems unlikely he’s actually in a Ship but who knows… They need eyes and ears in the lowest of places so maybe.”


Dawndra] “It seems I’d best stay clear of this fellow regardless. He is stealing people and selling them into slavery – tried stealing me… but I have no authority here in Luskan.” I pull out 20gp and hand it to them. “Thank you for the help. And… I’m sorry our little skuffle yesterday was so… final… for your friend. I regret my reaction.”


] Alanath “We understand I think. Besides… You could have killed us all and didn’t. Culasar chose a quick grab over us anyway.”


] Muagnet “Yeah, I wouldn’t have called him a ‘friend’… who cheats their friends at every turn?”


Dawndra] “Still… the contents of my pack were hardly worth killing over. If I could repeat the encounter, I would have let him have it. Thank you again for your help with this… Traveler. It sounds like he is going to soon suffer without my interference.”


] They go back to their game with the 20gp in the pot. The rest of the evening is uneventful and in the morning Shent arrives as promised. His ship, the Kirn Kuldihr, is moored at one of the few piers still remaining in Dragons Beach. By the time of first light, Luskan is already fading from sight.





Next: Dawndra in Fireshear
Cycle One: The Northern Towers
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Scene Notes – C01.S03.02

Cycle 01 Shield 03Scene 02Notes


What happens in this scene?


The Cutlass is one of the more well-known taverns and inns in the sword coast – at least if you have read any of the Drizz’t novels. Lore says it is a dangerous place set in a dangerous place. I want to make that obvious in this scene.


I’m thinking a minor skirmish with some town thugs just looking to mug Dawndra – or harass her for being strange looking… both probably. Nothing really dangerous – just an indication that violence is common in this area.


Luskan is apparently known to have some Drow population – maybe use a small street gang of drow punks for the first encounter.


Dawndra is not going to ever turn murder hobo… but she does not necessarily feel a lot of remorse or even concern when she has to kill something or someone. She is never going to be the agressor the victimizer… The truth as she sees it… if she hurts or kills someone trying to victimize her – they deserve whatever outcomes they get. They should know going up against someone of her size and stature will result in pain. She is not ever cruel, but brutal is in her blood. Try to play this out some.


The Cutlass in on Dragons Beach – a dock known for pirates and other lowlife. Dawndra is looking for Shent to hire him as her guide to the Frozenfar. Perhaps Shent lives in Dragons Beach on his own boat.


Dawndra, like Roonoo, has some history with ship wrecks. She was found on the shores of Norland Isle as a baby among the wreckage of an unknown ship.


She will also be sailing, next cycle, from Fireshear to the island of Ruathym – and surely that journey will have its trouble. I don’t yet know what will happen in cycle three for Dawndra – but she will have to sail again to get there. Maybe I should use some of the Saltmarsh adventures in cycle three… keep the sailing thing a thing for a while and maybe Dawndra picks up some skills (I’m going to have to learn a thing or two about sailing myself)


Or maybe it turns out that Dawndra hates sailing? Maybe she gets seasick easily. Lets find out…


Hey Dice – does Dawndra get seasick easily?

16 – Even – Yes


So then… next question… how to I handle seasickness with mechanics?


Folks in reddit suggest it is like the poisoned condition

Here is a nice table – or rather… here

It gives several possible conditions based on  Con Save and based on weather conditions.


So how to increase the sense of danger in Dragon Beach?


The Knout

The Knout is a gang of human slavers – or really just merchants in the slave trade. They pay gold for  slaves which they can then turn around and sell to other – mostly Drow from the Underdark – but they have had ties to the Twisted Rune and others. They hire low-life thugs to snatch people and bring them to a secret location – somewhere NW of Fireshear – where they could be sold to slavers.

Somewhere along the Underdark map ?


Dawndra gets taken captive – or at least the kidnappers make the attempt. She, being unique as she is – tall, exotic, beautiful  – is a prime target. Someone in the Cutlass recognizes her as a valuable capture right away.


Lets see how it all plays out.

A Night Spent at The Cutlass

[Scene Info]
Cycle One: Shield of the Northern Towers
Scene 02 (C01.S03.02)- Scene Notes
Credit Notes
[Setting Info]
Forenight of Merpenoth 22 – 1491 DR
Slight southern wind with large clouds. Autumn chill.



] You are in Luskan looking for a wilderness guide named Shenthrik Spinedelver. He was referred to you by your teacher, Riandyl, to aid you in reaching Tentowns in Icewind Dale. She only knew that he once lived near The Cutlass Inn and that you might ask there for his whereabouts. You are heading to Tentowns to take part in the annual Frozenfar Fray Games – also at the suggestion of Teacher Riandyl. She thought you might also be able to learn something of your own history in Icewind Dale. You have arrived in Luskan a month early to give yourself plenty of time to travel the  remote location and also do some investigation.


] Last Shadow is still a few hours away as you walk westward from the South Gate. While still several blocks away, your extraordinarily keen smell detects rotgut alcohol and an alleyway of piss and shit. You also smell at least one dead body somewhere just ahead. As you reach the street sign that reads Half-Moon Street, you can see the long narrow sign which reads The Cutlass Inn. Gathered in a circle in the street in front of The Cutlass is a group of young looking drow men dressed in ragged leathers and throwing dice.


Dawndra] I double-check to make sure all my belongings are secured tight and that my coin pouches cannot be see or touched under my robes. I walk to the front of the inn.


] The young gamblers take notice of you and cat-call you, but in a language you do not understand.


Dawndra] I ignore them completely and enter the inn.


] The entrance is just open, there is no door on the hinges. You see nearly twenty small tables – half of which appear to have been broken and patched back together with thin iron slats across the top surface in haphazard fashioning. In the back of the tavern room, there is a small cot tucked against the wall surrounding by several piles of wood – broken pieces from tables and chairs and even, it appears, chunks from the front door. There are maybe a dozen patrons sitting at tables or the bar – most of them too elderly to raise any concerns for safety. The interior is dark with only a one lantern on either side of the room and no daylight due to the fact that the front window has been boarded up. The right side of the room is lined with what looks like a once-nice bar. A short section connects to rounded longer section – behind which is an oven and several kegs. There is a middle-aged human woman pulling something out of the oven.


] “Welcome friend.” She yells across the room. “I know its a muck-bucket right now, but I promise ye… taste our ale and some stew and you see right past the current wreckage of The Cutlass.”


Dawndra] I go stand by a stool at the bar. “I’ll take your word on the stew, but skip the drink thanks.”


] She pulls a deep bowl off the shelf in back and opens a large kettle of steaming meat, vegetables and spices. As she sets it down in front of you with a spoon, she says “Anything else for you pet?”


Dawndra] “I happened this way thinking I might find a room for a night or two, got any available?”


] “Certainly do. 1 gp a night – and the stew is covered too.”


Dawndra] I reach into my pack and and pull the ‘public’ coin pouch from my pack. It has only about 20gp in it. The rest I keep lashed to my body under my clothing. I give her 5gp. “Here, in case I’m in Luskan longer than expected… and if I’m not, consider it my thanks.”


] “Kind and gracious of ye. I’ll return the favor and give you room on the corner with the new locking door.  Peregrine Vicolia is my name, but folk call me Rigger. Here’s the key to your room – you let me know if you need anything?”


Dawndra] “Maybe you know who I’m looking for. I was told there was a top-rate wilderness guide that lived around here. Goes by Shent. I’m hoping he is available for hire.”


] Rigger “Sure, all of us around Dragon Beach knows Shent. Quiet man… unless he’s in his cups too deep. I’ve not seen ‘im in a tenday or so. If’n he’s around, you can find his ship in the docks around the corner.”


Dawndra] “Thank you – that was easier than I thought it would be. How will I know his ship? It have a name?” I ask Rigger


] “The Mudbuckle” says a cloaked figure at the bar. He smells like he has been sleeping in a sewer nustled up with a colony of rats. He turns his face to you. “He calls it the Mudbuckle.”


] Rigger “You sure Kleyt? I thought it was some Dwarven name or something.”


] Kleyt “Yup… I’m sure Rigger… its the old Mudbuckle. If its in dock, Shent’s probably down below, just go on aboard.” The smelly man downs the remainder of his drink, snaps a coin on the counter and stands from the bar. “Maidens Boons to you ladies”


] Rigger “Next time Kleyt. Stay on your toes out there.”


] Kleyt says in a sullen way “Always do.” and exits The Cutlass


] Rigger “Believe what you will… I recall Shent telling us he named his boat something I could not even say. But maybe I was in my cups that night.”


Dawndra] I finish my stew and tuck the room key into my pack. “My thanks Rigger. That is indeed some fine stew.”


] Rigger “Come on back if you get hungry, I keep it simmering all night. We’ll have some morning meal hot and ready with First Shadow.”


Dawndra] I gather my pack and exit the Inn to go down to the docks to look for Shent.


] As you exit, the small gang of gambling drow all turn their attention to you. “What kind of woman are you?” one of them says in common. “My kind of woman!” yells another with a laugh.


Dawndra] “I’m the kind that can hurt you if you don’t leave me be.”


] There is more laughter… “Ooo” they say. “Don’t hurt us giant girl!” One says mockingly. “You can hurt me, I like it that way.” another says.


Dawndra] I walk away towards the wall of the city. As I turn the corner, I press up against the building to see if they are going to follow me. I set my pack down and ready a fist for the first one to run around the corner.


] You don’t wait long before you hear them coming after you.


Dawndra] As the first one turns the corner (Mugger01), I put my weight behind knuckles and then I take the Patient Defense

2d20a Attack 6 +3 (Tymoras Boon) =9 +6 = 15 [Hit] Dmg 4 +4 = 8


] Your fist surprises the young drow as it puts a dent in his chest. There is laughter from the others. “She got you Vinth!” and another  “Now lets gets her!”


] The one they called Vinth (01) pulls a dagger and attacks you. [()] He misses, giving you an opportunity attack


Dawndra] I take it

1d20 Opp Attack 11 +6 = 17  [Hit] Dmg 3 +4 = 7


] “She got you again Vinth!” one says while attempting to circle around you. A drow to your right (02) leaps in with a dagger attack [()] but fails critically, giving you another opportunity attack.


Dawndra] I use a side kick to attempt to punish his failure

1d20 Opp Attack 3 +6 = 9 [Miss]


] The drow leaps back out of the way of your massive leg.


Dawndra] I position myself closer to the wall of the building so none can get behind me. I consider pulling out my ice pike but decide I don’t need to kill these dumb hooligans. I strike at another (03)

1d20 Attack 20 Crit Dmg 4 +3 +4 = 11 MassiveDmg  2


] Your punch catches the thug full in the face, snapping his neck back. He folds backwards to the ground bleeding and groaning


Dawndra] I use flurry on the next closest (04)

1d20 Attack 01 15 +6 = 21 [Hit] Dmg 2 +4 = 6
1d20 Attack 02 11 +6 = 17 [Hit] Dmg 3 +4 = 7 +6 Cold Damage = 13 MassiveDmg  4 (DisA)


] You snap kick and then leap into the air and deliver a spinning roundhouse that catches the drow in the rib cage with a surprising blast of Cold. Everyone hears the cracking of bones just prior to the thug screaming like a baby goat.


Dawndra] “Enough? Or do you still want more pain?”


] The first one, Vinth, decides to make a grab for your pack and run [()] while the other tries again to stab you [()] futily.  Vinth is about 20 feet away after you dodge the short blade.


Dawndra] I pull my hair pin and extend it to full length and attempt to spear Vinth before he can get too far.

2d20d Ranged Attack 10 +7 = 17 [Hit] Dmg 3 +5 = 8


] Your ice spear flies through the air and sinks into the back shoulder blade of the running drow, killing him instantly. He and your pack tumble to the ground.


Dawndra] I go to retrieve my pike and pack.


] As you turn and start to run, you give the armed thug an opportunity to try once again to slice you [()] but he looks at Vinth lying on the ground with a spear through his body and thinks better. He runs off the other direction, towards the docks. The other two stumble behind him. You successfully retrieve your things.


Init Char AC ATK HP
19 Mugger01 14 +3 1d4+1 20 12 5 0
19 Mugger02 14 +3 1d4+1 20
16 Dawndra 17 +6 1d4+4 30
5 Mugger03 14 +3 1d4+1 20 1 (Prone)
5 Mugger04 14 +3 1d4+1 20 1 (DisA)


Dawndra] I pin my hair back up and then search the body of the fool thug


] You find:

  1. a Amethyst worth 100gp
  2. A pair of knucklebone dice
  3. 10 gp in coin.
  4. a necklace of animal teeth
  5. Whistle


Dawndra] I pocket the gem and leave the rest. Now… what to do with the body… I look around – do I have any onlookers?


] No one has observed the events as far as you can tell.


Dawndra] “Well… I wish you hadn’t died Vinth… For your sake sure… but especially because I don’t know what to do with your corpse now.” I drag the body over and prop it up against the wall and walk away.


] You depart with the sense that this isn’t the first time this has happened on this street… probably not even the first time this tenday.


Dawndra] I go down to the docks and look for a ship called the Mudbuckle


] At the third pier you see what looks like a fishing vessel in dock with the name Mudbuckle carved into the bow. The ship hardly seems seaworthy but the stench of fish tells you it has been recently out at sea and using the large nets you see hanging to dry on deck.


Dawndra] I call out from the pier “Shent? Shenthrik Spinedelver?”


] You receive no answer.


Dawndra] I climb up on board and lean down inside the hull “Shent?” I call down



] Suddenly the nets are falling down over you [Dexterity Save]



1d20 Dex Save 7 +6 = 13 [Fail]


] You are trapped under thick wet fishing nets. Five men appear on deck from nowhere and begin to kick you.


Dawndra] I try to rip the nets and free myself. [Athletics Check]

2d20d Athletics Check 10 + 4 = 14 [Fail]


] You fail to free yourself from the net. [()] You take a total of 25 damage from the cloaked men stomping you. You hear one of the men say “Don’t kill her,  the Knout ain’t gonna pay us for her corpse.”


Dawndra] I keep trying to rip at the nets [Athletics Check]

2d20d Athletics Check 4 +4 = 8 [Fail]


] Another boot heel lands on your head and you fall unconscious.


Dawndra] Great… That will teach me. I feel like I got plenty of warning too. It must have been that Kleyt character… set me up… when I wake, I’m gonna hurt him.


] When you awaken you are still trapped under a thick net but you are down in the hull of the ship. You can feel the ocean waves rocking you and assume you are no longer in dock at Dragon Beach. You can hear a steady wind outside [Constitution Save]



1d20 Con Save 7 +2 = 9


] You experience moderate sea sickness (Speed is halved and Disadvantage to all Dex saves and skill checks)


] There are two round windows in view – beyond which is only black so you assume it is night.  One of the men who beat you is sitting in a chair a few feet away digging through your pack. You feel for your hidden pouch – it is gone. You suddenly realize your clothes are also gone – they have stripped you naked. Your hair, however, is still held with your ice pike.


Dawndra] I try to formulate a plan. Can I get my ice pike in hand while feigning unconsciousness? Or should I let him know I am awake and feign a panic? I think I will try the sleeping option. I attempt to slowly bend my head forward and reach for my ice pin. [Stealth Check]

1d20 Stealth 16 +4 = 20 [Success]


] You manage to get your ice pin firmly in hand without alerting the human to your presence.


Dawndra] I aim the needle-point for the heart of the brigand and attempt to extend the Ice Pike to full ten-foot length and stab him.

2d20a Attack 11 +7 = 18  [Hit] Dmg 3 +5 = 8 MassiveDmg  1


] Your plan is flawless. The enchanted ice pin extends to a ten foot pike and you shove the needle-tip straight into his chest. He makes only a faint gurgle sound as his head drops forward and arms fall into his lap – his body still seated in the chair.


Dawndra] Now I need a blade of some sort to cut thru these nets. I try to look around for a dagger or a sword or anything I can use.


] The dead man has fishing knife lashed to his right hip. Before you can make any attempt at it, you hear boots on wooden stairs behind you.


Dawndra] I return my ice pin to small and feign unconsciousness again.


] “Dongill. Hey no time for kip… we need you up here… Dongill?” The man steps over your trapped legs and tries to shake the dead man awake. The run of blood from his chest has become obvious. “What the!”


Dawndra] I do the same as before – attack by extending my ice pike

2d20a Attack 20 Crit 4 +3 +5 = 12


] Your ice pike spears the man in the back killing him instantly. He falls forward on top of Dongill and they both flop to the ground.


Dawndra] Can I reach through the net to the fishing knife?


] You cannot fit your hand through the netting but there is enough slack that you can grab hold of the mans boots and try to pull him toward you [Athletics Check]



1d20 Athletics Check 16 +4 = 20 [Success]


] You manage to pull the body close enough that you can get ahold of the fishing knife. Seconds later you are cutting through the wet rope and minutes later you have cut enough to free yourself.


Dawndra] I look for my robes and my belongings.


] Your robes are in a pile in the corner. On the table you find some of the items removed from your pack but not your valuables. You see an open medium-sized chest on the opposite side. There is a pile of coin pouches inside – yours are right on top of about 7 others. Everything still seems to be there, except for the Amethyst you took off of the drow. The Coin of Tymora and the braclet from Alnetha are in the pouch she gave you and the gold you need to hire Shent and enter the Fray Games is all there.


Dawndra] I empty the chest, moving all of the pouches into my pack. These guys certainly won’t be making use of the wealth. After I restore my clothing and things, I search the bodies of the two dead men.


] You find: 2 pp, a animal tooth, a wedge of cheese, a flask of rotgut, some lacy womens undergarments, and a Amethyst – presumably the one taken from you.


Dawndra] I take back the gem, and the 2pp for my trouble. I’m tempted to shove the panties up his breathless nose… but I don’t want to touch them.


] A large wave rocks the ship and you hear shouts from the deck.


Dawndra] I prepare myself and get my ice pike in hand, about the size of a staff for small quarters fighting. I slowly climb the steps enough to peek out onto the deck.


] You see one human at the wheel of the ship. He is yelling something to someone off to your right.


Dawndra] It suddenly occurs to me… I don’t know much about sailing or navigating in open waters. If I take out all of my captors – I may be lost at sea. I at least need the guy who is manuevering the ship right now. I decide to target the unseen guy. I jump up and charge in the direction I think he is at.


] As you leap out of the hull and onto the deck, you see a second captor working ropes along the port side. He does not notice you but the guy at the wheel does.


Dawndra] I rush the one port-side and attempt to shove him overboard with my ice staff.

2d20a Shove 17 +4 = 21  vs  [()] 9 [Success]


] The human is quickly thrown overboard by your shove. You hear a splash and a series of yelps which quickly trail the ship and then fade away.


Dawndra] I go over to the wheelman and point my ice pike in his face. “Turn us around or join your friends.”


] “How did you… you mean they are all…”


Dawndra] “Yes they are all dead. Your only chance at seeing another sun is to return me to Luskan… now!”


] “How do I know you won’t kill me anyway once we get there?”


Dawndra] I push the needle tip of my pike thru his cheek and into his mouth. “That is dumb question. You don’t want to ask another. Now turn us around.” I yank my weapon back and circle the wheelman. I remove any weapons I find and throw them overboard.


] He had a dagger and a fishing knife – both lost to the sea now. As he navigates the ship around you can faintly see lights in the distance.


Dawndra] “Is that Luskan I see?”


] “Yes. That is Luskan.” the man says with blood dripping from his mouth. “With this wind, we will be there soon.”


Dawndra] “It took five of you, at least, to capture me. Where is the fifth?”


] Helmsman “He stayed behind in Dragons Beach.”


Dawndra] “Kleyt was his name? How do I find him?”


] Helmsman “I don’t ever try to to find Kleyt, he’s just always around. I suppose you’ll have the best luck finding him at The Cutlass. You gonna kill him? I mean its okay with me if’n you do. I’ve wanted to me self. More’n once. ”


] The wind calms for a moment and you think you hear repeated banging from below decks.


Dawndra] I threaten the Wheelman again with my pike “What was that? Who else is on board?”


] Helmsman “No one.” He says calmly, without looking your way.


] The banging sound continues.


Dawndra] “That’s not rats in the hull. Who it.”


] Helmsman “Others. Cargo…”


Dawndra] “You mean stolen people? Captives like I was?”


] Helmsman “Yes. Other captives… women…. But not like you.”


Dawndra] “Free them! Now!”


] Helmsman “Can’t. That compartment is locked.”


Dawndra] “Locked? Then where is the key?”


] Helmsman “You just threw it overboard.”


Dawndra] “Arghhh… ” I go back down below and try to find the locked compartment.


] The banging is coming from beneath you towards the bow.


Dawndra] I search for hidden doors [Investigation Check]

1d20 Investigation 2 -1 = 1 [Fail]


] The banging continues and you can hear the sound of fearful crying but you cannot tell how to get to the hidden compartment.


Dawndra] I go back up to the deck to force this Bodak Jaw to tell me where it is.


] As you are climbing the stairs you hear a splash off the Starboard side. When you get to the deck, you see that the Helmsman is gone. He has lashed the wheel with rope and apparently jumped overboard. The ship is still running full speed with wind at its back.


Dawndra] I turn to bow to see how far away Luskan is


] You discover the docks are only seconds away. The ship is about to crash full speed into Dragons Beach.


Dawdra] “Dretch Balls.” I leap overboard


] You splash into the icy cold waters. Moments laters the ship slams into Dragon Beach, destroying the ship, several piers and another boat besides.


Dawndra] I swim to the shore as quickly as I can and search for any survivors.


] You do not find any sign of survivors. Others from the city have also run down to the docks and join you in the search with torches and lanterns but after some time it is apparent – none are saved.


Dawndra] I drag myself back to The Cutlass, hoping my room key is still in the pack on my back.


] You enter the doorless tavern area and find it is dimly lit and empty except for the sound of light snoring from the back of the room and the sound of water drops still falling from your clothing. You cannot quite see, but someone is sleeping in the cot you noticed earlier. As you move towards the back to climb the narrow staircase to the second floor, you notice some of the wood piles around the cot begin to move.


Dawndra] I step closer to see what is causing the movement… perhaps rats?


] You get within 15 feet of the cot and recognize that it is Rigger there sleeping. The scraps of wood all around her suddenly pull together into Golem which stands directly between you and Rigger. You feel threatened and assume you are, indeed, meant to.


Dawndra] “Hey now. No harm intended.” I back away with my empty hands showing. “I’ll just chat with Rigger in the morning.”


] The Golem is silent and does not advance on you. It just stands as sentinel over the owner of The Cutlass. You feel it watching you, eyelessly, as you climb the stairs to the rooms.




Cycle One: The Northern Towers


Appreciation & Collaboration


Dawndra Arrives in Luskan


[Scene Notes]  
  Cycle One: Shield of the Northern Towers
  Scene 01 (C01.S03.01)- Scene Notes
  Credit Notes
[Setting Info]  
  Forenight of Merpenoth 22 – 1491 DR
  Slight southern wind with large clouds. Autumn chill.



] You have just arrived via portal in Luskan. A mere moment ago you were in the courtyard of the Treyvigg Monastery where you have spent the last ten years of your life. One of your teachers has a friend with the ability, and kind willingness, to portal you across the world in a moment. The portal destination nearly dropped you into a deep hole in the ground however. All around you are large blocks of stone and scaffoldings made of wood and steel. There is some large building project going on here. Tey Emberjaw, the portal maker, had warned you about the portal exit being a dangerous place – but she mentioned a tower ruin with ghosts and the like. The Host Tower of the Arcane had been brought down in destruction years ago. She said the last time she used this portal destination, she was immediately attacked by ethereal wanderers. It seems much has changed. The tower is apparently being rebuilt and with some haste.


] You are in Luskan because you are on your way to cold lands beyond the Spine of the World – a region called Icewind Dale. Your teacher at the Treyvigg Monastery, Elder Riandyl, has been encouraging you for nearly a year to consider joining as competition in the Frozenfar Fray Games. She herself had competed several years back and considers the experience among the most enriching for developing martial skill. She also suggested that maybe someone in the Ten Towns might know something about your kin. Although you know nothing of where you came from, Elder Riandyl seems to think you find others like yourself among the glaciers of Toril. Icewind Dale is the most feasible place to start. The games do not start for a month, giving you plenty of time to travel and to investigate your past. The journey from Luskan to Ten Towns can be accomplished either by land along the Nothern Means, or you could likely find a ship sailing between the Luskan Ports and Fireshear. You were referred to a local guide-for-hire named Shent. He, or someone like him, would be necessary to your safe arrival in Ten Towns. It was suggested you ask around at The Cutlass on Half-Moon Street for Shent. Teach Riandyl gave you a Star sapphire (1k gp) to use for payment to Shent if you can locate him. (if not, sell the gem and pay the going rates with it). The gem represents a large overpayment but Riandyl wanted to show her appreciation to Shent in a way she could not previously.


Dawndra] I will start with locating this guide, Shent, if possible.


] As you look around beyond the massive construction project, you see you are on a small island of sorts in the middle of a river delta. To the west you see open ocean and to the east, the River Mirar. There are bridges connecting the center isle to the two sides of the city of Luskan, the larger area to the south and a smaller area to the north. As you are walking towards the southern bridge, a large section of scaffolding around the new tower creaks and groans. You hear a sudden crack and part of the scaffold gives way and collapses. Several workers that were either on or beneath the scaffold are trapped under the mangled mess. Some are obviously dead, others are crying out in pain. What do you do?


Dawndra] I drop my pack and rush in to help clear away the fallen structure and save as many as I can.


] Skill Challenge. There are 8 workers still alive but they will likely die soon. A few other workers have also rushed in to help. The Difficulty of rescuing the trapped workers is DC 13. Determine which skill or skills you wish to use to try to free them. For each successful skill use, you save one worker. A critical success saves two.


Dawndra] I start with taking a look to determine the best approach to take. [Perception Check]

1d20 Perception 12 +5 = 17 [Success 1/8]


] You perceive a leverage point where you can lift a heavy section of the fallen scaffold.


Dawndra] I put my shoulder to it [Athletics]

1d20 Athletics 18 +4 = 22 [Success 2/8]


] You display your raw strength lifting a section of the debris. Two workers are pulled out safely. A crowd of onlookers is starting to form around – watching but not doing anything else.


Dawndra] “Hey! Get in here and help!” I growl menacingly [Intimidation]

1d20 Intimidation 12 +2 = 14 [Success 3/8]


] Several of the onlookers respond and scramble in to start helping. Some of the trapped workers have limbs caught in a puzzle broken wood and bent metal.


Dawndra] I try to figure out how to unravel the pieces to free them. [ Investigation]

1d20 Investigation 9 +0 = 9 [Fail 1/8]


] You spend several minutes trying to sort out the mess before moving another piece. A worker dies in the meanwhile.


Dawndra] “Blighted Balls! We need to hurry!” I start pulling out chunks of debris… [Athletics]

1d20 Athletics 18 +4 = 22 [Success 4/8]

1d20 Athletics 14 +4 = 18 [Success 5/8]


] Your increased urgency pays off, you save two more workers. There are now only two remaining which appear alive still. Tettering over them is a large stone block. If you move the part, it will fall and crush the remaining workers.


Dawndra] I try to see the best leverage point to lift the stone block without crushing them. [Perception]

1d20 Perception 12 +5 = 17 [Success 6/8]


] You determine how to lift the structure without crushing anyone, but the task may require more strength than you have alone. Help is needed.


Dawndra] I start yelling at the others to get over here and help me. [Persuasion or Intimidation]

1d20 Intimidation 2 +2 = 4 [Fail 2/8]


] Only a single worker responds to you and starts lifting along side you. One worker is pulled out, but your strength gives out before the other can be freed. The stone block collapses. Roll a Dex Save to see if you get hurt.



1d20 Dex Save 4 +4 = 8 [Fail]


] The stone block falls, [()] crushing the remaining worker and [()] trapping your leg under debris. [()] You take 10 bludgeoning dmg. You are currently Restrained by debris.


Dawndra] “Scrag Spit! We failed them.” I try to free myself from the debris. [Athletics check]

1d20 Athlectics 20 +4 = 24 [Success]


] As you vent anger, you heave the debris away from your trapped leg and free yourself.


Dawndra] “These folks could use a healer. I could use a healer. Any of you looky-look’s know of a healer nearby?” I say to the bystanders.


] Someone shouts “Good idea, I will go find one.” and they run off.


Dawndra] I limp over and pick up my pack and begin walking towards the South bridge.


] One of the people you referred to as “looky-look” is an human woman who looks to be in her 70s or older. What little hair she has is grey and stringy and blows around wispy-like in the light breeze off of the river. She has not taken her eyes off of you since you rushed in to help.


] Old woman “No good deed goes unpunished eh?” She says to you as you begin to limp past her. Her voice is aged and cracklely. The smile on her face is difficult to judge -she might be ridiculing you, or perhaps she is just being kind.


Dawndra] I smile back and assume the best of intentions from the old human. “Clever saying that. Afraid it just might be true. Still… 6 of those workers are going home to family instead of to the longbox builders.” I nod and continue walking.


] Old woman “Ain’t you sticking around for your reward?”


Dawndra] “If your saying is right.. My only reward may be more punishment.”


] Old woman “How did it fall? Do you think?” she says to the back of your head as you continue walking.


Dawndra] I turn back around and shrug at her. “How do any bad things happen?”


] She steps slowly and with careful footing towards you. “Well don’t you want to find out? I mean… you tried to rescue all those workers, don’t you want to know why?”


Dawndra] “Can’t say I care. Honestly, I have somewhere to be, and I’m not going to get there quick with a limp.” I start to turn again.


] “Hold one more second my large friend. Allow me to touch your leg? I think I can fix that limp for you. At least take that as a reward.” She reaches out a bony and gnarled hand but waits for you to give your ascent.


Dawndra] I am somewhat  hestitant to trust the woman. [Insight]

1d20 Insight 8 +3 = 11 [Success]


] Odd though she be, you do not get the impression she is malicious.


Dawndra] I step back towards her and nod, allowing her to touch my leg.


] She places her hand lightly on your outer thigh and you feel a warmth flow into your body, increasing your strength and vigor. The pain in your leg is gone. She steps back and performs another motion with her hands and a wave of healing energy washes through you, past you, healing the injured workers as well as replenishing your hp.


Dawndra] “Thank you friend. Your powers are obviously great. I appreciate the boon. I am called Dawndra.” I extend a hand out in friendship.


] Vetla Vashingsteel “My name is Vetla. Well met friend. I will let you be on your way, but if you return this way, please find me in the Tymora temple. Not the Clearlight – it is overrun. The new temple is on the North side by the Red Dragon.”


Dawndra] “Well met Vetla. If I make it back this way, I believe a visit with you would top my list.”


] Vetla Vashingsteel “I case you don’t make it back this way. I think you might be the person to carry this forward.” She tosses you coin. “Just be careful how you use it yes?”


Dawndra] I catch the coin and look at it.


] The coin has a likeness of the Bright Lady Tymora herself on the face and on the back the likeness of antlers – (which is the symbol Beshaba – Black Bess herself).


Dawndra] “Thank you Vetla.” I act like I pretend I understand what she meant by ‘be careful’…. “And I will be careful.” I continue to the South Bridge.


] As you enter the South City you notice a lot of other buildings are also under construction – or are in ruins and need to be rebuilt. On your left is a market place with nearly a dozen merchant carts or stalls scattered around. On your right you see a section of what appears to be ancient ruins… crumbled walls and moss-covered statues. You see directly in front you of a street called South Gate Way leading SE and another smaller, unnamed street passing the ruins and then running parallel in the same direction. You can also go directly south to the South Bank docs or north thru the market..


Dawndra] I go up to one of the market stalls and ask the merchant “Can you direct me to The Cutlass Inn?”


] Merchant “Unfortunately I just sold my last map to The Cutlass.”


Dawndra] “My mistake.” I turn to find another.


] Merchant “Hey, don’t give so easy… maybe I can manage to find another… for a paying customer…”


Dawndra] “Eat Troll Shit.” I walk away.


] The human merchant calls after you “No need to be rude! Weirdling!”


Dawndra] I look for another market stall with a more friendly face.


] You notice a small cart against the eastern edge of the market with an older woman sitting on a stool and running a needle and thread through some white cloth. Her face is not exactly friendly, but it appears she might be a little more open to helping you.


Dawndra] I try a different tactic… I approach the cart and begin looking at the items for sale. “Good day to you friend.” I say without attempting any eye contact.


] The aging human greets you in kind without looking up from her sewing. In her cart you see various goods… blankets, used clothing, candles and small torches, some used mess kits and other similar utensils. There are several bits of used jewelery and a small box of leather coin pouches.


Dawndra] I pick up one of the coin pouches and examine it.


] It appears newly crafted. The leather is still stiff but the stitching appears to be of quality.


Dawndra] “How much for the coin pouch?”


] “8 silver.” she says without looking up from her task.


Dawndra] “It appears well-crafted… do you make these yourself?”


] The merchant looks up at you for the first time. “Yes, when I can get the material. It should last you many years with a little care.”


Dawndra] I give her a gold piece. “I will take this one. I have just recv’d a new coin, which I think best be kept separate.” I pull out the Coin of Tymora and Beshaba and put in the new pouch.


] Merchant “Hold… may I see this special coin?”


Dawndra] I show it to her and flip it back and forth. “I don’t know what to make of it really.”


] The merchants eyes have grown wide. “Where… where did you find this coin?”


Dawndra] “I helped rescue some of the workers in the construction over on the island there, a bystander there… she gave it to me – as reward I suppose.”


] Merchant “Was this lady a priestess? By any chance?”


Dawndra] “I’m not certain. She did say I was welcomed to visit at the Temple to Tymora. Vetla was her name.”


] The merchants eyes get even wider and her jaw drops “High Priestess Vashingsteel! Then it has… Tell me…. Have you used it yet?”


Dawndra] “No, I only just received it… minutes ago really.”


] She puts the 1 gold piece you paid for the coin pouch back into your hands “I have a favor to ask. First… allow me to introduce myself. I am Alnetha Taobethi.”


Dawndra] “I am called Dawndra. Well met.” I offer a small bow of respect.


] Alnetha “Well met Dawndra. My favor is this… I have been waiting for one blessed of Tymora. I know it may sound strange, but I had a dream several tendays ago and I was told to watch for one blessed of Tymora. All I ask is that you use the coin and allow me to see how it falls.”


Dawndra] “Vetla warned me to be careful how I use it… though I did not understand what she meant.”


] Alnetha “Indeed… if this was given to you by a priestess of Tymora – a High Priestess no less… then it is powerful. You would not want to ever use it frivolously. This would not be a friviolous use, by my sons lost name, I guarantee you.”


Dawndra] Uncertain yet intrigued… I take the coin and flip it into the air, letting it fall to the ground

1d20 Coin Flip 14 Even (Tymora)


] Add 1d4 to any roll of choice over the next 24 (in game) hours


] Alnetha “Surely then! You are one blessed of Tymora!” She begins digging through the inner folds over her clothing and pulls out an intricate bracelet. It is black leather braided with some sort of soft white metal. “I’ve been carrying this for years as a keepsake… it belonged to my son Trenstino. He served as Lieutenant to the High Captain Rethnor until he was killed – many years ago. It is time his boon was released back into the world. It is yours now. It has a powerful enchantment within it. Now I don’t expect you should trust a stranger with such an item. Were I you I would find a wizard to validate its magic before using it. ”


] As she places the bracelet in your hands, it triggers a memory


]] Dawndra] “The feel of the braid reminds me of when I was young on Norland Isle. My friend, my best friend, Sheogor, would sometimes braid my white hair and interweave a length of a beautiful vine of ivy. I’ve never felt so pretty as when I wore those ivys. The entire village of Firbolgs was always caring to me, kept me fed and sheltered…  but Sheogor was the only one who ever really made me feel like I had a place in the tribe, like I was actually family. We lived peacefully in the Jotunhammer Mountains on the South side of the island and mostly isolated from the other Firbolgs tribes (and of course the giants) who were always wanting war with the Ffolk of the lowland cities. Sheogor (I nicknamed him Shaggy – for obvious reasons if you ever saw him) was not quite at home in the tribe either. I often had to go search the valley forests for him… and I would usually find him just sitting and watching trees swaying or flowers blooming or, especially, watching the wildlife being wild. They all knew Shaggy… the deer, the wolves, the squirrels… I remember being jealous of them because I wanted his attention.  I imagine Shaggy is still there after all these years, sitting and watching over nature.”


Dawndra] “You would part with such an item based on the toss of a coin? Are you certain this is what you desire?”


] Alnetha “I am certain it needs to be back in play and not gathering lint in my pockets any longer. It is my hope that you would use it to protect life and not destroy the innocent – but I leave that up the gods. Tymora has given her sign and I trust in it.”


Dawndra] “Thank you friend. Surely it has great value… far beyond what I could pay… but can I not offer you some payment?”


] Alnetha “I ask only that you remember my lost son… Trenstino Taobethi. He was a young man with great valor, and great hope.  Once I pass, there will be none to remember – except now you.”


Dawndra] “That is the least I can do – and you have my promise. Say… I was told The Cutlass Inn was a decent place, might you be able to direct me?”


] Alnetha “Whoever told you that is a fiendish liar… Granted it ain’t as bad as it once was, but you could still get a knife in your back as quick as a blink if you ain’t careful around The Cutlass. But you look like you can handle yerself… just be forewarned friend.” She tells you to just follow South Gate Street to the end, then turn right. “It is down on the corner towards Dragons Beach, on Half-Moon Street.”





Next: A Night Spent in The Cutlass
Cycle One: The Northern Towers


Appreciation & Collaboration