Categories: Characters

Rattle Lvl 03


Player Character Basics:

Race and Background Dwarf
Barbarian (03)
Path of the Chainsmith
Alignment | Deity LG
AC |  HP 13 | 30
Speed | Init | Prof 25 | +3 | +2


Ability Scores:

Str 16 +3 Int 10 +0
Dex 12 +1 Wis 12 +1
Con 18 +4 Cha 12 +1



Skills, Senses, Languages:

Saving Throws: Saving Throws
Skill Proficiencies: Skill List
Tools and Kits Tools and Kits
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Languages: Languages



Weapon Attack Damage Type Extra
Unarmed +4 1d4 +2 Bludgeoning Melee
Sling +4 1d4 +2 Bludgeoning Ranged  30/120
Dagger +4 1d6 +2 Slashing Melee
Shortsword +4 1d6 +2 Slashing Melee
Short Bow +4 1d6 +2 Piercing Ranged 80/120



Flurry of Blows. 1Ki. After Attack Action, make two unarmed strikes as a Bonus Action
Patient Defense 1Ki. Take Dodge Action as a Bonus Action
Step of the Wind 1Ki. Take Disengage or Dash Action as a Bonus Action
Deflect Missiles Reaction. Deflect or catch ammunition when hit by ranged attack. Reduce damage by 1d10 +7 (Current)
1Ki. Return caught ammo with attack
Metallon Fist Absorb 1lb (Dagger) of iron or steel into skin. Add Strength Modifier (+1) to dmg roll



Willow Flute. 1/Day Cast Tree Stride
1/Day 4d4 HP to targets who can hear


Items Inventory
The things in the pack and on the back


Item Name Description and Quantity

Categories: Characters

Rattle (Brognom Crunkir)

“Drifting off now and then isn’t so bad. Helps me jump past all the boring bits.”

: Rattle
Brognom (aka Rattle) is a male Barbarian Dwarf – known among his allies as a peerless Chainsmith.


Level 03

Rattle stands just over 5 feet tall. His long hair and longer beard is the precise color of dirt in Dambrath – or so he says. He earned the nickname ‘Rattle’ by the long thick chain that is always wrapped around his neck – unless he is actively wrapping it around the neck of some goblin or ghoulie.


Combat Tactics
Rattle prefers to be the lead into any battle, and looks forward to any fight against evil. In another life, he could have been a Paladin had he been a noble rather than a blacksmith.

Character can be roleplayed this way


Character ultimately is seeking this thing or this accomplishment

Motivations and Temptations:

Character is motivated by this but tempted by that


Character has these relationships, or desires these relationships





Character backstory and such


Links out to sources about character class, race, etc.



Path of the Chainsmith

Subclass Path of the Chainsmith

A notable Chainsmith is Angrath, a minotaur pirate who was trapped on Ixalan. Unable to return home to see his family, he channeled his rage and blacksmithing prowess to fight to find a way home – by whatever means necessary.

Strike While The Iron is Hot (Tier 1)

Your blacksmithing expertise grants you an insight into the weak points of your foe’s armor, and a knack for knowing how to exploit them.

Whenever you successfully attack a creature that is wearing nonnatural and nonmagical armor, the damage  reduces that creature’s armor class by 1.


Molten Strike (Tier 1)

You gain a magical ability to super-heat your chain weapon while raging. Strikes count as magical and deal an additional 1d4 Fire Dmg.


Chain Rule (Tier 1)

You gain basic telekinetic control of your chain weapon, allowing to do more in combat than simply dealing damage. While raging, you may make a special chain wrap attack as an action. Make an attack roll with a chain you are wielding. If this attack hits, you may choose one of the chain attack affects. You may use this ability a number times daily equal to your proficiency bonus.

Disarm: Make an opposed Strength check with the target. On a success, the target drops one weapon it is holding. The dropped weapon is pulled 2d6 feet away from target.

Grapple: Make an opposed Strength check with the target. On a success, the target is grappled, but may still move towards you.

Throttle: If the target is within 5 feet of you, you may make an opposed Strength check with the target, at disadvantage. On a success, the target is grappled, and is suffocating for the duration of the grapple. The grapple ends if the target breaks free or if you make an attack action.

Trip: Make an opposed Strength check with the target. On a success, the target falls prone, and is dragged 5 feet towards you.



FeatName (Tier 2)

Feat Description

FeatName (Tier 2)

Feat Description



FeatName (Tier 3)

Feat Description

FeatName (Tier 3)

Feat Description

