Categories: Notes

Session Notes – C01.S03.12

Cycle 01 Shield 03 Session 12 Notes



What happens in this scene?


Party has left Alzvar on Uktar 4 and lets assume they arrive in Bryn Shander late on Uktar 5. There are still 15 days before the Fray games begin. I am itching to get to the main event of this cycle… but much can happen in 15 days… it hasn’t even been 15 days since we started in Luskan.


What remains undone?

The Ice Rune killer

The hag in cliffs of Xover


Dawndra does not know why the burnt halfling is so intent on destroying her… but Pakbak will be in the games


Kildar Dalar has yet to surface – but he appears in the first round of the games – which is probably next sessions


The kidnapping of Rolller won’t happen until after the games


I probably need to go back and rewrite the package from Nim… it seems extraneous to have two packages… I should change that bit and have Nim ask Dawndra just to find the Red Drakes and help them deliver their package to Alzvar (rather than introducing a second package). This is not critical – maybe save it for a rewrite.


Perhaps what happens next is a recap of 15 days and then go straight to the opening ceremony in Bryn Shander. Someone in that ceremony is found dead shortly afterwards – ice rune dagger  in their chest. Maybe it even happens during the ceremony. Who is it? A major contender Maybe an Artic Dwarf? Shent will know him of course. Gornrik Snowguster.


There is a brawl… Dawndra will see Pakbak initiatie it. When the dust clears, Gornrik lies dead with an Ice Rune Dagger thru his heart.


Also, I think Kildar will be seen but perhaps not yet ‘play’


Kofa makes a quick appearance – sober friendly towards Dawndra “Friend Dawndra! We still must spill cups yes?”. She may still be under Pakbak ownership, but is genuinely pleased to see Dawndra. Is Kofa competing as well? No. Kofa is to Pakbak what Shent is to Dawndra – except that she is a slave – an unwilling guide and assistant.


What else? Maybe nothing else is needed?


Gather in Bryn Shander for Opening Ceremonies

Introduce some in the crown there – Saarvin, Tronk, Kildar, Gornrik, Kofa, Yazga (Axe! Pax!)

There is the reading of the rules. Shortly before it is finished, the brawl breaks out

Gornrik is discovered dead

Confrontation with Torg’s Merchantry


At some point, the Ice Rune killer comes after Dawndra – perhaps right before Round Three. But it is this session where Torgga Icevein is encountered and her thugs (minus Sephek Kaltro) are fought.


Easthaven hosts the Games after the Opening Ceremonies (which are, not surprisingly, held in the market to draw coin from the participants and those who travelled here to watch the games.) So after the confrontation, there is another trip to Easthaven.


Should I introduce Elarilka? Perhaps Shent and Dawndra share a transport sled with Elarilka and her husband, Tungvald. Use the same bit… their sled, they discover eventually, is not traveling to Easthaven directly but the driver has been paid to take them elsewhere. There is a young boy in the transport who carries a big skin filled with liquid. As they near a forest area, the boy stabs the skin and sprays blood over Dawndra and the others in the transport and then jumps from the sled, along with the driver (his father). The sled runs uncontrolled into the forest where there is a tribe of Vampire Gnolls (pg 292 of frostmaiden)


Depending on how long this session goes… maybe the vampire gnoll encounter is pushed to next session? There is time between opening ceremony and the first event. It takes a half-day via transport to get to Easthaven – the days 21 and 22 are intended for provisioning (aka spending your gold in tentowns) but must of the spending happens at the taverns. There are also a limited number of transports so contestents can either walk (8 hours) or take a transport somewhere between day 20 and 22. As of crex on day 20, the pot is full, so dirty play ensues.


Games Schedule

It takes place the last tenday of Uktar each year.

Uktar Day 20 is Enrollment at Bryn Shandar (500gp per entry)

Uktar Day 23 is the first event – The Stones Throwdown in Dougans Hole

Uktar Day 25 is the second event – Ice Pit Riot in Good Mead

Uktar Day 27-30 is the final event -Frost Troll Head Roll. All contestants must return to Easthaven before nhyx on Day 30 else be disqualified-

The following day, on Moonfest, the winners were announced and rewarded in Easthaven.


Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.11

Cycle 01 Shield 03 Scene 11 Notes



What happens in this scene?

The main purpose of this scene is really to trigger the hook for the next cycle. Dawndra has come to Icewind Dale with two purposes, to test her martial skill in the Frozenfar Fray games and to attempt to learn something about her kin and kind. She was not in Bryn Shander long before someone mistakes her for someone named Shavisala – who it turns out may actually be her mother. She travels to Alzvar because this is where Shavisala is known to dwell.


Well… Shavisala will not actually be in Alzvar currently. She received news (by way of a skalds poem) of a village of Firbolg in Norland which had raised a strange castaway – a girl of white hair and white fur with giant porportions. Upon hearing the story, she left Alzvar for the Moonshae Isles to find this Firbolg Village.


Dawndra and party arrive in Alzvar and are welcomed by its sole remaining resident – a Frost Giant Skald named Sol Koli (naming herself, in part, after her hero the outcast Skald Solkona). Solkoli may also mistake Dawndra for Shavisala – and then welcome her in, knowing she surely must be the lost daughter.


But then what? Spent some time exploring the ice temple? The entire interior is intricately carved ice which will never melt. The artificer gift helf by Shavisala (and eventually Dawndra) began with Solkona. (Perhaps Solkona and a werebear fell in love? Maybe Solkona gave birth to a new race – kinda. Each Arktikos has one ready egg, one female child, that is dormant within until some event triggers its growth period and birth. That would mean a single lineage, born of an Empyrean. Maybe there is a magical chance that a full race can one day be birthed and allow Arktikos multiple children but for now, a single lineage is all that exists. Shavisala was a 100 years old when she gave birth to Dawndra and may live to see Dawndra turn 100


But that is all for much later… what about this scene/session?


Would Sol Koli give magical weapons away to the party? It is probably not her place

Would Sol Koli recite poetic lore? Of course she would.

Would Sol Koli ask the NPCs about themselves? The hear their stories? Yes she would

What else? I don’t want trouble in the temple – there is enough trouble elsewhere.


So this session:

Arrive at the gates

Meet Sol Koli

Learn of Shavisala’s departure and journey to Norlan

Hear the “Song of the Lofty Snow Lass”

Hear a story from Dawndra (“Share a story with Sol Koli?”)

Hear a story from Shent, Samsam and maybe Melthor



Alzvar…. The Ice Temple


Alzvar was once a frost giant temple created by Dwarves alongside the empyrean Solkona – daughter of Thrym and Auril. She was an empyrean – the elder sister of Nalkara – daughters of Auril and Thrym.


Solkona was good-aligned and hated the evil alignment of her parents. Where her father taught that beauty was deceptive and dangerous, she felt the pursuit of beauty to be a grand purpose. She was a lover of music and poetry and art. The early warrior Skalds of Icewind Dale were students in Alzvar and were taught by Frost Giant Skalds who followed and worshiped Solkona away from Thrym and his ways of war and blood.


Alzvar’s creators were redeemed Dwarves. Nalkara had imprisoned the Chainfist Clan of the Talagbar Hold in the Angsaas Chain. Solkona rescued the clan and relocated them to the Spine where they were free to find and make a new home. They choose a location somewhere east of Frostfalls Vale

In the center of the Temple Alzvar, there is a massive statue of Iallanis.

The emperyan SolKonadesired to not only follow Iallanis, but to be with her. The Dwarves of Chainfoot Clan (or was it Chainfist? Or maybe… Chainaxe?)

wanted to repay SolKonafor rescuing them so they built the Ice Temple Alzvar. SolKonaimmortalised the ice with her magic.


dwarves built Alzvar temple to Ilallnis to honor Solkona, who desired to join her, and did


before the Ice Run glacier covered the region, there was a dwarven hold in the Angsaas Chain

The population were enslaved and forced to make weapons for their enemies.

Solkonashared their enemy and freed them, relocating the entire hold to The Spine. The Dwarves buult Alzvar in tribute and thanks which expkains the beauty ot it




So changing names is not fun… I came up with Shavisala back when I ran Snow Stalkers at a real table. The was always the destination for Nim’s delivery. I planned on making her a quest giver… “find my missing daughter” who was, of course, Dawndra. We never continued playing that storyline but… that is where Frozenfar Fray Games began. Dawndra was lost and th party would have discovered that she went to compete in barbarian games. The idea took time to develop beyond that, but it started there. Why did I change the name? I kept getting its pronounciation confused and it began to remind of me of other words. Maybe it really matters little… but after some playing with it, Sharvasla is what I have decided upon. It is important to like the names of your characters – as you write you repeat them over and over in your head, and then there is the proof-reading (if it goes that far). I dislike reading books with names that are difficult to pronounce, or otherwise strike the inner ear weird… you repeat names so much… I have given nicknames to charaters in books I read – when their name comes up in the text, I just substitute my nickname in my head… silly business I know. Point is, names should be 3 syllables or less and be easy on the ears. Sharvasla (shar Va sla) is preferable to Shavisala.



Lallargh and Hergatha

The Lofty Snow Lass is about Dawndra defeating Lallargh. It was actually Hergatha


Hergatha also destroy Dawndra home village however…

And Dawndra does not know it yet


Back to the session 11…

Soll Koli wants stories. She will not tell Dawndra her own stories because “Sharvasla would be hurt if I stole that away from her” that is… Sharvasla has expressed a deep desire to find her daughter and tell her their story and Soll Koli would not take that away.


Does Dawndra tell a story?

Maybe everyone in the party does. (Perhaps some are doubled up)


Shent has lots of stories but is reticent to tell his own, perhaps he tells his fathers story?

Brallga tells a story about finding her sentient mace, Verna

Samsam (and Melthor) retell the Cliffs of Xovor

Garlvan and Thavlia recount one of their adventures together – perhaps in honor of Lorvus, their fallen Rogue

Dawndra has stories from the monastery, from traveling from Moonshaes to the coast and looking for a monastery, and may want to straighten the record about Lallargh




Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.10

Cycle 01 Shield 03 Scene 10 Notes



What happens in this scene?

Dawndra and party reach Frostfalls Pass (The Snow Stalkers)


There are four sections of The Snow Stalkers… The Icy River, The Trap, The Valley, and The Laboratory.


Frostfalls Pass used to be traveled by Giants primarily… Almsvar is tucked into the South side of the  Alp. Others travel this pass for various reasons… exploration, mining, hunting… but it is not a popular destination compared to others… probably due to the rumors that the Frost Giants have returned to Almsvar.


What was Almsvar? A Frost Giant keep – a castle carved out of stone and ice.


Among the tallest of true giants, frost giants could tower higher than 21 feet and weighed about 8,000 pounds. The doors and ceilings within Almsvar are massive then.


What happened to Almsvar?

Lycanthropy… Could it be that this is where the Arktikos were born? Was it that a human frost druid was infected by a frost giant werebear and in trying to reverse the disease, transformed into something else? Cured of lycantropy, but no longer human either. Perhaps the mother or grandmother of Shavisala? Or further back? How does propagation work? Where are the men? Where are the other Arktikos? Perhaps driven North or East over the glaciers… but Shavisala returned to Almsvar – somehow learning the truth of their origins.


The Frost Giant Werebears turned on each other for food… destroying their numbers… mostly…


But all of that can wait because Dawndra and party will not find Shavisala in Almsvar… but they need to find someone… Someone who can tell Dawndra that her mother received a bards song telling of a white furred giant female living among the firbolg in Norland and traveled there the next day. This bard met Shaggy just a couple of years ago – before the village was destroyed. The bard befriended Shaggy and joined him on his walks, with the ulterior motive of getting stories of the firbolgs for his songs. The story of Aurora the White Giantess was soon being sung around the Moonshae Isles and eventually reached Waterdeep. (no telling how the bard came up with the name Aurora… you know how poets be…). The song embellished the stories told by Shaggy, making the White Giantess both alluring and dangerous. But it was the mystery of her story which made it catch on. Found floating from a shipwreck, just an infant. Raised by firbolgs but without any real kin, she grew up to fight back the marauding Lallargh of Norland. The truth is less exciting… Dawndra did have conflicts with the crone chieftain Lallargh but had nothing to do with her tremendous downfall.


I need to fill that story out too… but there is time.


So the river crossing… since this once was a giants road, there is no bridge but there are 2 large stepping stones. Rather than floating chunks of ice (which may still be) the challenge is to cross via the giants stepping stones. There is evidence that others have tried building small bridges between the stones but they have been washed away. There is a 10-12 foot distance between each stone – and each stone is slick with ice.

Jumping distance ref

And another


I think they must have to cross the river multiple times… the trail switchbacks up the mountain, crossing the river at least twice. The lower crossing is less dangerous because it flows into a deep pool which has underground outlets so the surface is only a wide and shallow flow of water with layers upon layers of ice under it. The second crossing, 60 feet up, is far more dangerous because of the amount of water and the speed of the river. Getting swept away here means falling into the deep pool on the lower crossing, and possibly being sucked underground by the torrent.


Shavisala is not a Frost Druid after all… she is an Ice Artificer. She can attune to ice and even create weapons of ice and can even transfer enchantments from most magical artifacts into the ice weapons. Dawndra will someday too… just finding and meeting her mom for the first time, that first touch awakens some magic within Dawndra to be able to attune to ice. Meld it. Advantage while standing on/in it.


Nim Bragos tells story of Shavisala returning to Icewind Dale later.


There is a Frost Giant residing with Shavisala at Almsvar. Neekica? Heeki? Helmikra? Yes

Helmikra is a female Skald. She came back to Almsvar to write her Epic Saga – Almsvar in Blood – after hearing stories of how the keep fell into chaos after lycanthropy swept through the population.




The Red Drakes:

Garlvan Skelto – A male Red Dragonborn Fighter (Leader)

Thavila Skelto – A female Red Dragonborn Sorcerer (Mate of Garlan)

Brallga Thornhold – A female Dwarf Cleric

Lorvus Hookint – A male Human Rogue (dead)



Owlbear Cave

The module has the body of Thalia booby-trapped. When I got to this point, I realized that detecting the trap and disarming it are two different things. Without a rogue or someone with Theives Tools – disarming the trap was not an option… the only option to move forward is to trigger exploding fire vial. Doing so would kill the barely alive Thalia so I had to ask myself a question… do I want the NPC Thalia alive? Yes I do. So then… what about this trap? Maybe it is not on her body, maybe moving her body will trigger a bang-bomb tucked under the offal. Maybe the point of the trap is not to kill but to warn? That would not need a body. Bottom line… I think… if the body is booby-trapped, Thavlia is already dead.

So maybe I rewrite the scene… maybe thavlia is not a booby trap but escaped? No… She was not captured when Garlan and Bruga were… She has been searching for them. When she entered this cave, she set off a trap and it nearly killed her. But why was she not there when Lovus was killed and the others captured? Hunting makes little sense, Garlan probably would have been doing that. Maybe privy-time? But how far away would she have been… maybe she fought? Karina used a toxic potion to knock out all four Red Drakes but she kept her consciousness and fought but was overwhelmed. She chose to run rather than die. The mutant (or another?) chased after her for hours. She returned the next day to find Lovus dead and the others missing. She found this case and triggered the trap while investigating.


What kind of sorcerer is Thavlia? Auroborn sounds cool

Level 3 Sorcerer



Traps Ref

Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.09

Cycle 01 Shield 03 Scene 09 Notes



What happens in this scene?

Dawndra and Shent get outfitted and travel to Frostfall Pass (The Snow Stalkers)


What about Samsam?

I threw Samsam into a scene just for a bit of liveliness… I wanted Dawndra to evoke the jealously of a young girl with a crush on Shent. Then she had to go and find her fathers sword…  She is essentially a level 1 character running with a party of level 3. She is immature and impetuous and I have grown fond of her. So I am going to go back to the scene where Dawndra meets Nim and Norli and drop an mention of Samsam.


The Red Drakes

Also I am going to rewrite a bit of that scene to include a reference to the Red Drakes. I had thought to remove them from the Frostfall Pass scene but then I realized the published adventure depends much upon them… So then Shavisala has several artifacts in play. Nim has a list of items Shavisala wants (for experiments? For power? Or what? I need to fill out Shavisala some to know for sure). Nim will say he is awaiting the return of the Red Drakes so he can send them right back to Alzvar (and he was expecting to have to pay them extra for the double duty) but they have not returned after over a tenday. In this scene… they have still not returned so he fears the prior item was not delivered. In addition to delivering this new item… Nim asks Dawndra to see if she can find the Red Drakes and especially the package they were supposed to deliver to Shavisala and – if at all possible – deliver both into her hands.


The Outfitting

Norli has three small pouches for Dawndra and Shent. Each has a magic command word to open them. They open up to a large sack – large enough to hold a large thick shawl made of yeti fur. Unlike a bag of holding – which stores items in some other dimension – these sacks magically compress items down to one tenth their size and weight (they should be warned not to put living creatures within). I anticipate that Dawndra will place her Frost Troll head within the sack… and then carry a Yeti head in a large gunny sack – expecting that it will be stolen from her as she returns to Easthaven… tricky trickster yes?


These cloaks of course enchanted. Primarily they will produce heat just as they do for the Yeti. Now this is normally not the case… a yeti fur is still quite warm but usually lose their special properties once removed from the beast. Norli has found a way to retain this property. While wearing the cloaks, they are immune to the cold effects of whether and resistance to magical cold attacks. Also… they mask scent. While wearing these cloaks, they cannot be tracked by their smells which are magically erased. Additionally… they give the wearer advantage to Stealth check while in snowy/icy conditions. Perhaps I need to give them a downside? Some of Norli’s inventions are not quite ready for prime time. I don’t know… maybe leave that an open question for now. Let us say they normally sell for 2k gp – actual cost does not matter except that Nim will want to make a mention of it… to ensure the characters know they are recv’ing a bounty.

Norli also provides a simple blindfold for Samsam. It is an Archers Boon. Norli has identified, somehow, that Samsam will be joining them and that her role should be ranged. The blindfold will make any short bow a +2 weapon and if the target is engaged in combat with another – attacks have advantage. The downside is, she is vulnerable to attacks herself. Any round she uses the blindfold, attacks against her have advantage. With the blindfold on, she is blind until she draws a bow. Once that, she sees with superb clarity and even sees a bright red spot on the exact spot where the arrow will land (magical laser sights… duh!) but once the arrow is released, she is blind again.


Samsam again

Do I need to build out a more complete character sheet for Samsam? Or at least a statblock?



Speaking of Easthaven

They leave the Cliff Caves of Xover and help the remaining merchants return to Easthaven. Rather than write through this, I am just going to recap it briefly. Was Jyn’s master still alive? Let me ask the dice [()] 9 (odd) =  No. Does this matter? I don’t know… but now the Easthaven household of Boonlin is left to Thabitha Boonlin and her keeper and secret love Jynelor. (which no longer need be secret). Perhaps House Boonlin is far wealthier than appearances suggest? Or perhaps far more influential? Or maybe these NPCs will fade into the background and be forgotten. It is too soon to tell. What else happens in Easthaven between returning the merchants and returning to Bryn Shandor the next day? Maybe nothing… maybe something. Hey Dice! Does Something happen prior to returning? 13 (odd) No. So then briefly recap and open the scene in the market place of Bryn Shandor.


What of the Serial Killer?

The merchants (who aren’t dead) in the caravan gave no clues as to who the Ice Rune Killer might be. Upon returning to Bryn Shander however, there was another murder – right behind the Northlook. This time the victim was not a judge in the Fray Games… but was a contestant. It looks like Torgs merchantry was in town this whole time and they become the prime suspect.


Pakbak Cinderfoot and Sephek Kaltro

I have to tie these two together somehow. Pakbak is a warlock with a frost druid lich for a patron. Perhaps Sephek also. Rather than make him an undead like in the book.. Perhaps just the servant slave of a mad lich? Sephek and Pakbak share the same goal – to cheat the games. Pakbak just wants to win the competition for glory but Sephek does not really care about the games, or really about Pakbak… he just likes the chaos and the killing. The patron summoned him to help Pakbak and he obliged… but he will not answer to Pakbak or his ranting whims. He may even kill Pakbak himself given the opportunity because he thinks the patron would enjoy that outcome. Of course, Sephek might not live long enough to do it.



Why is Sephek hired on with Torg’s? Well… why not? I will enrich that combat scene when it happens. Success against Sephek will also be success against Torg – and that will mean favor from the Tentowns.



Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.08

Cycle 01 Shield 03 Scene 08 Notes



What happens in this scene?

Dawndra and Shent (and two others tbd) leave Bryn Shander for Easthaven – a four hour trip with axebeaks. They are following a merchant caravan looking for a serial killer. They will find the caravan – at least whats left of it. The merchants are missing but their sleds are found covered in snow.


I am using the Cauldron Caves from Icewind Dale – Rime of the Frostmaiden. I also want to use the Magen from the published module so instead of a will-o-wisp and giant skeletons, the lake hag controls several Magen. It is a 7th-level spell, which means that Maud Chiselbone will need to be more powerful than the book provides (13th level wizard?). Also – Maud needs a source of Quicksilver… which is why these particular caves…


The pool in area U8 is frozen but at the bottom is a pool of quicksilver in pure form. Maud probably has minions digging at the ice like miners… scratch that… the pool is a a bubbling hotspring with a rich source or quicksilver at its base. Drinking or even swimming in the pool will poison you with overexposure to mercury, mercurialism. The pool is hundreds of feet deep


Maud found a Netherese sarcophagus in ancient tunnels under Lac Dinneshere… this is how I get around the 13 level wizard problem… the Magen Machine… a Netherese enchanted device… place the clean bones of a humanoid in the sarcophagus, spray a fine mist of quicksilver and close the lid. Using the rod (which she found with the sarcophagus) cast Create Magen.



Speaker Duvessa could only find two militia men on short notice. Both human male but give them longswords instead of pikes. Melthor & Harbert. Not sure I need more than that… Perhaps neither are thrilled to be assigned this mission. Or perhaps one is and the other is a whiner. Harbert sounds like a whiner so Melthor is eager to track down a serial killer.


What of Samsam?

Maybe she is more capable than Shent and Dawndra assume? Or maybe more foolhardy than any would give her credit for… They will have left by the east gate… traveling right past the Rest. Based on what I’ve written so far, she will be set on joining them. Perhaps Myrtle would say Ok to her request? If anything, Samsam will provide some comic relief… What I guess might have happened… Myrtle said forget about it. Samsam was honest and told them she couldn’t go and they bid her farewell… but then she found her fathers sword and decided to go after them anyway.  She eventually catches up – near the cross road to Caer Dineval. Shortly beyond that, the merchant caravan is discovered abandoned. How many wagon sleds? 4. These were pulled by dog teams – who are still there, buried under snow and sadly expired. Samsam might have a small breakdown at this discovery… she loves dogs and the loss of 20 will break her heart.


They are still an hour away from Easthaven (3 hours from Bryn Shander). Lac Dinneshere is visible – as are the towering cliffs which wrap the North-West side of the lake. Dawndra will ask “where will the merchants have gone?” and Shent will answer “there -those cliffs… that is where I would go to escape a blizzard.” What is not apparent is that the merchants did not go of their own will. A Magen (Hypnos) appeared and was able to suggest they take cover in the caves along the cliffs

A total of 8 merchants and two guards abandoned their wagon sleds to find shelter – but never returned. (some may still be alive… sitting in a deep pit with a pile of bones which, at Maud’s will, joins together into a frost giant skeleton. It will lift a victim out of the ice pit to be thrown into the cauldron to have the meat cooked off their bones and then their bones will be used to create another Magen.


Maud has only been able to create a few Demos Magen easily. She created one Hypnos Magen but the effort took a huge toll on her. The Galvan Magen has not yet been created but she is still learning. She is trying to find a way to inflict the life force penalty of the spell onto another rather than herself. This is why she has kept her victims alive so far.


What if the will-o-wisp? The book calls it her “companion”

Statblock for the creature here and 3.5 SRD



It is both intelligent and wise – and they feasted on the fear of victims (making a good hag companion for sure) They are technically Undead but have a will of their own








Cycle 01 Shield 03 Scene 08 Notes



What happens in this scene?

Dawndra and Shent get outfitted and travel to Frostfall Pass (The Snow Stalkers)


What about Samsam?

I threw Samsam into a scene just for a bit of liveliness… I wanted Dawndra to evoke the jealously of a young girl with a crush on Shent. Then she had to go and find her fathers sword…  She is essentially a level 1 character running with a party of level 3. She is immature and impetuous and I have grown fond of her. So I am going to go back to the scene where Dawndra meets Nim and Norli and drop an mention of Samsam.


The Red Drakes

Also I am going to rewrite a bit of that scene to include a reference to the Red Drakes. I had thought to remove them from the Frostfall Pass scene but then I realized the published adventure depends much upon them… So then Shavisala has several artifacts in play. Nim has a list of items Shavisala wants (for experiments? For power? Or what? I need to fill out Shavisala some to know for sure). Nim will say he is awaiting the return of the Red Drakes so he can send them right back to Alzvar (and he was expecting to have to pay them extra for the double duty) but they have not returned after over a tenday. In this scene… they have still not returned so he fears the prior item was not delivered. In addition to delivering this new item… Nim asks Dawndra to see if she can find the Red Drakes and especially the package they were supposed to deliver to Shavisala and – if at all possible – deliver both into her hands.


The Outfitting

Norli has three small pouches for Dawndra and Shent. Each has a magic command word to open them. They open up to a large sack – large enough to hold a large thick shawl made of yeti fur. Unlike a bag of holding – which stores items in some other dimension – these sacks magically compress items down to one tenth their size and weight (they should be warned not to put living creatures within). I anticipate that Dawndra will place her Frost Troll head within the sack… and then carry a Yeti head in a large gunny sack – expecting that it will be stolen from her as she returns to Easthaven… tricky trickster yes?


These cloaks of course enchanted. Primarily they will produce heat just as they do for the Yeti. Now this is normally not the case… a yeti fur is still quite warm but usually lose their special properties once removed from the beast. Norli has found a way to retain this property. While wearing the cloaks, they are immune to the cold effects of whether and resistance to magical cold attacks. Also… they mask scent. While wearing these cloaks, they cannot be tracked by their smells which are magically erased. Additionally… they give the wearer advantage to Stealth check while in snowy/icy conditions. Perhaps I need to give them a downside? Some of Norli’s inventions are not quite ready for prime time. I don’t know… maybe leave that an open question for now. Let us say they normally sell for 2k gp – actual cost does not matter except that Nim will want to make a mention of it… to ensure the characters know they are recv’ing a bounty.

Norli also provides a simple blindfold for Samsam. It is an Archers Boon. Norli has identified, somehow, that Samsam will be joining them and that her role should be ranged. The blindfold will make any short bow a +2 weapon and if the target is engaged in combat with another – attacks have advantage. The downside is, she is vulnerable to attacks herself. Any round she uses the blindfold, attacks against her have advantage. With the blindfold on, she is blind until she draws a bow. Once that, she sees with superb clarity and even sees a bright red spot on the exact spot where the arrow will land (magical laser sights… duh!) but once the arrow is released, she is blind again.


Samsam again

Do I need to build out a more complete character sheet for Samsam? Or at least a statblock?



Speaking of Easthaven

They leave the Cliff Caves of Xover and help the remaining merchants return to Easthaven. Rather than write through this, I am just going to recap it briefly. Was Jyn’s master still alive? Let me ask the dice [()] 9 (odd) =  No. Does this matter? I don’t know… but now the Easthaven household of Boonlin is left to Thabitha Boonlin and her keeper and secret love Jynelor. (which no longer need be secret). Perhaps House Boonlin is far wealthier than appearances suggest? Or perhaps far more influential? Or maybe these NPCs will fade into the background and be forgotten. It is too soon to tell. What else happens in Easthaven between returning the merchants and returning to Bryn Shandor the next day? Maybe nothing… maybe something. Hey Dice! Does Something happen prior to returning? 13 (odd) No. So then briefly recap and open the scene in the market place of Bryn Shandor.


What of the Serial Killer?

The merchants (who aren’t dead) in the caravan gave no clues as to who the Ice Rune Killer might be. Upon returning to Bryn Shander however, there was another murder – right behind the Northlook. This time the victim was not a judge in the Fray Games… but was a contestant. It looks like Torgs merchantry was in town this whole time and they become the prime suspect.


Pakbak Cinderfoot and Sephek Kaltro

I have to tie these two together somehow. Pakbak is a warlock with a frost druid lich for a patron. Perhaps Sephek also. Rather than make him an undead like in the book.. Perhaps just the servant slave of a mad lich? Sephek and Pakbak share the same goal – to cheat the games. Pakbak just wants to win the competition for glory but Sephek does not really care about the games, or really about Pakbak… he just likes the chaos and the killing. The patron summoned him to help Pakbak and he obliged… but he will not answer to Pakbak or his ranting whims. He may even kill Pakbak himself given the opportunity because he thinks the patron would enjoy that outcome. Of course, Sephek might not live long enough to do it.



Why is Sephek hired on with Torg’s? Well… why not? I will enrich that combat scene when it happens. Success against Sephek will also be success against Torg – and that will mean favor from the Tentowns.



Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.07

What happens in this scene?

Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.05


Cycle 01 Shield 03 Scene 05 Notes



What happens in this scene?


Well I don’t exactly know… should we spent any more time in Fireshear? Probably not…. Should we spend a whole scene just getting to Tentowns? Probably… Maybe more than one scene? Not sure…


We have the certainty of random encounters along the Ten Trail. We also have news that Hundlestone is overrun by Duergars and is not safe to pass near. Question is… how far is not near? Should they circle around to Ironmaster? Or just go off-trail and give Hundlestone wide-berth? Or should they decide to risk following Ten Trail as it passes by the Hundlestone gates?


And who is they? Just Shent and Dawndra? Or would Shent recommend they travel with a caravan of others? Or… maybe there is alternate transportation… Griffons for example… that can get party straight to Tentowns?


The distance is approx 50 miles. In snow and ice, it is slow travel – between 3-4 days


Maybe bring in Dasharra? At 80ft speed, it is less than a day to get to Tentowns? But the cost… and can Griffons be rented? Some say no, but Dasharra may have her Griffons trained to accept guests?


What about a portal?

Or maybe there is an underground trail that only Spine Rangers have mapped well enough to travel?


Lets go underground. It should be fun for Dawndra… all that ducking and squeezing 🙂


Shent takes her North along the Ten Trail to the turnoff towards Ironmaster but then drops into an underground tunnel which cuts north and exits near the Ten Trail about ten miles beyond Hundlestone. It is potentially a dangerous route – but walking by Hundlestone is certainly dangerous. Gracklebacks will kill or enslave them on sight. And given their natural magic… they would not even know they were sighted until it was too late. Tunnels run throughout the underground of Icewind Dale – many are the result of extensive mining expeditions in the area, but many are seeminly natural or ancient pathways of long dead creatures. There are stories about Frost Landwyrms, dragon kin, which fed on miners foolish enough to delve in Icewind Dale. The clans of Ironmaster tell stories about great underground battles and annihliation of the wingless dragons.


What if… shortly after they begin the underground crawl, Shent feels a signal in the frozen ground. Marching boots, hundreds of them. Coming from the direction of Ironmaster. Are the Dwarves marching on Hundlestone? It would be the smart move… take out the threat of the Duergar while it is still a small nub. They threaten trade routes as well.


Question is, what will party do? Confirm the suspicion? Join in the assault on Hundlestone? Or just keep on the dangerous underground bypass?


Is time a factor?

We open on the morning of Merpenoth 25  and the games start Kythorn 20

The trek on Ten Trail from Fireshear to Bryn Shander is 4 days – the route to Ironmaster is five miles south of Hundlestone which is just about mid point on the journey – so by the end of day 2, they should be about 5 miles along The Iron Trail.


Oh… I need to dev Shents portal thingy

He has three gems which are connected to each other. One is woven into his beard. This is the control gem. The other two are endpoints for a portal. He leaves one of them in his boat and carries the other. He can place this one at any point within 100 miles of the other and use the control gem to open a portal between them. This allows him to sleep in his own bed aboard his boat every night and then portal back to where he placed other gem. He cannot take either endpoint gems through the portal – they stay where the portal opens


It can be tricky. Once the portal opened up inside the belly of a crag cat who had found and eaten the gem. The magic burst the creature to allow Shent to complete the portal, but he was miles from where he left the gem. He does a better job of hiding it now.


Where did it come from?

Shent might say it was “a gift” from a friend, and he would not be lying. It had belonged to his friend and fellow Spine Ranger, Faernina Farwatcher. She was his partner and companion for many years. He does not speak of her often because it is painful. Riandyl reminded him of Faernina, making the experience of being her guide for the Fray Game both pleasant and painful.


Farwatchers Portal Pendant.

It is the central gem with the power. If one or both of the other gems were lost, it has the ability to enchant two other gems (must be Blue Star Sapphires) with the same power.


Blue Star Sapphire

A translucent blue gem with a white star-shaped center. Worth around 1,000 gp. Black star sapphires are worth around the same as the blue variety.


Back to this scene…

Near the end of the second day of travel, Shent hears a thunder and surmises that the Dwarves of Ironmaster are marching on Hundlestone to take back the city for the miners and trade merchant who have lived and ruled there for centuries.


Choice – Observe (or join) the march on Hundlestone or continue through the underground tunnels. It seems to me, this even would be hard to pass up. Story wise I built up to this and to just let it happen in the background would be unfulfilling. It will be 400 Ironmaster Dwarves vs ~200 Duergar. It should be a clean mop-up but the duergar are tricky bastards.


Maybe… maybe Clan Grackleback knows the Ironmaster Dwarves are coming and realize they have no hope to hold Hundlestone so they resort to guerrilla tactics – pouring down into the mines and tunnels. Perhaps a group is heading towards where Shent and Dawndra entered the tunnels – combat encounter with a small group of 5 Gracks (but more are not far behind)


Perhaps that encounter is interupted by a monster … not a landwyrm, but maybe a frostspawn ambusher? (statblock) They have tremorsense and are probably attracted by the marching army?

Maybe… the large group of Gracks is about 50 in number… and they get attacked by a pack of ambushers – the sound of it echoing through the tunnels. 7 or so Gracks escape the ambushers and run into Shent and Dawndra. A single ambusher, maybe two, is chasing them down when the enounter happens.




Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.04

Cycle 01 Shield 03 – Scene 04Notes


What happens in this scene?



Up next – fireshear. Now we know that The Knout has some secret location along the coast somewhere north of Fireshear. I think The Knout needs one more mentioning of some sort while in Fireshear. Perhaps then we open the next cycle back in Fireshear with some goal to location and destroy The Knout. Perhaps someone whom Dawndra meets in the  next scene has, by the next cycle, gone missing. There are reports of her being kidnapped… maybe even Kleyt is somehow identified (If I do that… I probably need to back write something more distinctive about Kleyt besides his smell… a scar? An eyepatch? A missing hand? Maybe also… I give him a tremble and red eyes – make him a junkie of the dust. In fact… the drow punks report back that Kleyt met with a dealer of dust before sneaking into the sewers to travel the red road) Once back in Fireshear next cycle… Dawndra sees Kleyt and then finds her friend missing and puts 2 and 2 together. I could also close out this cycle with that scene… Routing the Knout… Kildar will be with her and Shent as well I expect. Closing out that story line in this cycle makes more sense than opening the next one with it… I think…


So then.. Who is the new friend?


I wonder if I should bring Saarvin into the fray games? It sounds like his kind of thing. Perhaps he and Shent have history… (Good? Bad? Hey Dice… do they have Good history? 4 = 4 even = Yes)

If so… Shent should probably encouner Saarvin in Fireshear.

Maybe… Saarvin took a prize the last few Fray games… including the year Riandyl was in competition. Since they have Good history, the dragonborn is not the reason Riandyl did not win the competition.


IN fact… Saarvin has returned to Fireshear from Waterdeep with his daughter Arva (Roller). After the games, Shent invites Saarvin (or the other way) to journey back to Fireshear together. (its about 50 miles of slow and dangerous travel – just over 3 days) Saarvin discovers his daughter has been kidnapped… Dawndra sees Kleyt in Fireshear and assumes the worst – Roller has been kidnapped like she had been.


The four (Dawndra, Kildar, Shent and Saarvin) Stage an attack on The Knout and Rout them out. They discover an entrance to the Underdark within the cavern base. But all that is 10 or more scenes away…


The question is… do I want scene four to be spent entirely in Fireshear? I need some time with Saarvin and Roller… I need the PC to invest some time with Roller so that the rescue feels dire.


Do I open in Fireshear? Or does something happen along the way? And how long is the way? About 50 miles – a days travel by sea. They arrive in Fireshear at night… is it a quiet night or is something happening? A dragon attack? Maybe I could borrow this encounter and combat mephits (although the other party just did…). Maybe there is another giant attack on Fireshear? We did not have any combat the last scene, so we need one either getting to Fireshear, in the town itself, or on the 3 day trek between Fireshear and Tentowns. Certainly there are encounters on the trek…  so then… Fireshear is only social encounters? I do not want to Fireshear to be much more than a passerthru… with the exception of Saarvin and his daughter Roller… so then instead of “do I add a random encounter?” the question is … “how does Shent and Dawndra encounter Saarvin?” This is where there is combat. Saarvin does not need rescuing… that would diminish the character… but both parties are engaged in combat… and Shent recognizes Saarvin.


Who or what is attacking Saarvin? Or attacking Fireshear? Hey Dice… is something attacking Fireshear town? 3 No. So then someone or something is attacking only Saarvin, or a group Saarvin is in. A bar brawl? Nah… My mind keeps going back to the dragon. I like the idea of floating into the docks and seeing a dragon attacking the town… but even a Young dragon can wipe out a level 3 character with a single successful attack. What else?


Under Dwarves…

The Grackletack Clan  (?) are Deurgar from Grackelstugh who were either slaves or outcasts from that society. They managed, with only 250 warriors, to invade and take over Hundelstone a few months ago and ever since they have been growing in power and wealth. They send raiding parties out to the surrounding towns and villages. Mostly their reasons are just to terrorize, but they also destroy any forges or blacksmith they can find. The blacksmiths themselves often go missing. Others are sometimes take as well. This is all now common knowledge among most of the towns and villages of the Frozenfar. If the Gracklebacks are planning invasions of other towns, it is not apparent. Only Ironmaster has reason to fear – or so say some locals. It’s the only logical target of Duergar they say. Ironmaster is way ahead of them however… it is impossible to even get close to the Dwarfhold and all mining crews now has armed guard units watching over their activity.


Many, if not all of the Tentowns have seen minor incursions of the “Gracks” (or “gak-sacks” as some have begun to refer to them). There has also been a rise in accounts of things going missing – especially metal-made weapons so everyone sleeps with their swords these days.


So the whole region is in turmoil… but what is new about that. How big would a raiding party be? 10? 15? Or maybe less since stealth and surprise is their objective





Categories: Notes

Scene Notes – C01.S03.03

Cycle 01 Shield 03 – Scene 03Notes


What happens in this scene?



Dawndra comes down from her room in The Cutlass.


Shent is there having a breakfast ale (which The Cutlass is becoming famous for)


He had to dock in Whitesails Harbor when he returned from this latest job this morning – seeing how Dragon Beach docks have been mostly destroyed.  He came to The Cutlass to see if he could learn something about what happened. Rumors are already traveling about the white-haired giant at the scene. No one knows the actual story but everyone is assuming she had something to do with it.


Dawndra hires Shent – and can afford to with more than generous payment. She asks him to not only guide her to Tentowns but to stay with her during the competitions and then return her back to Luskan . His normal rate is 15gp /day and Dawndra is asking to retain him for a long-term – up to ~50 days (750gp)


Shent recalls working with Teacher Riandyl and offers a discount (where is he going to go anyway… until Dragon Beach is rebuilt…)

Riandyl gave Dawndra a Star sapphire (1k gp) to give to Shent for his services- (she feels she underpaid him previously) – backwrite this some… also – there seems to be more the story here… what happened between Riandyl and Shent? I probably need to develop an NCP sheet for both of them in order to tell this story


How does a trust work in D&D?

Maybe I need a magic item? Yet another magic pouch?


Actually – Nim already created something like this to transport goods. Only the recipient could open the bag safely. Anyone else who tried would lose fingers


Or maybe it is a pocket dimension with a temporary hold? What if Dawndra dies – does Shent still get full payment?


magical Escrow


Payment price and conditions are agreed upon

the coins or gems are placed in small box

on the top of the box are four slots to fit a coin

both sides of the escrow place one coin into a slot to signify the agrrrment is cast

the magic marks the identity of each

the box cannot open again until both parties place a second coin into the centrr slots

the coin itself does not really matter, any coin works… it is the person placing thr coin which seals or opens the escrow box


dawndra can place payment into the box, seal the agreement and allow Shent to keep the box until such time as she g feels he has held the agreement – then she simply places another coin on the second slot and Shent can open the box at any time by doing the same.

If Shent renegs… she (and only she) can remove the first coin to open the box one.

Shent has a stake because the box itself cost him, or would cost him to replace it.


From there… what?



While Dawndra and Shent are negotiating… Kleyt walks in and sits at the bar. It takes him some time to recognize that Dawndra is there but when he does, he hurries to the door.


Dawndra wants to find out where Kleyt keeps himself… She has no time right now to deal with him, and probably no idea on what that actually means… but she knows the truth is that he will continue to kidnap others for the Knout (build an LGFL for the Knout)


Perhaps Dawndra might hire the ruffian Drow she kicked ass on the day before to be sneaks and ferret out where the scoundal sleeps… Yes… that is what might happen…


But the rest of the day…

Shent gives Dawndra a list of provisions… it’s a market day!

I actually don’t much care for market runs… not sure why. Up until now, I have just thrown the event into the recap… “you went and purchased the supplies you need” and when something comes up the player can say “I bought this on the market run” and I call it good. Rarely will there be anything but ordinary supplies… nothing exotic or magical. And Dawndra has already been equiped with some magical things. Her Ice Pike being the big item – some pun intended.


So if the market holds no exciting items, how to make this scene interesting?

1 There is some theif getting caught – and the theif is somehow connected to PC
2 There is another adventuring party shopping the market
3 A storm lands  – a big bad violent storm where lives are at stake – perhaps an elemental is behind it
4 A merchant is slaughtered in broad daylight. PC witnesses
5 There is stand-off between a squad of soldiers and a gang of political rebels. Violence breaks out
6 A lost child is witnessed roaming from stall to cart looking for scraps of food.


No. Never mind all the random ideas for now… Introduce a bad guy … another contestant in the Fray Games (but not known as such until the first round begins)


Perhaps a Half-Orc with a temper and a chip on his shoulder (her shoulder?)


“This is my campaigns Mage/shaman of tribe Manyarrow tribe. Her name is Yazga and she is Chieftains “Mother of his sons” since wife is to plain for tribal society”


Rebrand a bit… maybe?

Yazga is a great name though… and so add this to credits

Maybe lower challenge level a bit… No sense pitting a lvl 3 PC one on one against a lvl 7 vNPC…

Stones Throwdown is no magic and no weapons and no armor… but Yazga has a +2 strength


Actually… that reminds me… create some throwdown rules


Strictly unarmed and unarmored

Everyone can strike with fist or foot

Attack with Proficiency

1 Blugeoning + Strength (unless Monk or fighter with unarmed style)


The rest of the combat is shoves and grapples

If you can get a critical hit with unarmed strike – the shove or grapple happens with advantage

Resist a shove or grapple with either Athletics or Acrobatics

So most attacks in Stone Throwndown will be competition checks… Ath vs Ath or Ath vs Acr


There may be other opportunities… perhaps a charging shove can be redirected to throw the charger out of bounds. Seems foolish, but the rage of battle and so on…


What else?

I thought about giving the audience bags of oil to throw into the arena but how would that work? Would they target a favorite – making them harder to grapple and shove if oily?

What besides oil? How could the audience increase the likelyhood of a particular contestant to be omitted? To give them disadvantage on the shove or grapple contest?

Perhaps this idea is just too complicated for mechanics? I will put it aside unless something bright appears.


Back to Yazga

I’m not sure she is a mage… a barbarian?

She is connected to Many-Arrows – obviously then, she is from Silver Marches.

She is most at home with full-blooded orcs

Or is she a member of the Red Tiger?


Suspicious of the unknown, Red Tigers fought unarmed. Their favored weapons were tiger claws, which consisted of short wooden handles embedded with three sharp stone daggers. The hunter held the blades between their fingers like claws.


Like their snow cat totem beast, the tribe acted aggressive and solitary.



Maybe it would be fun to tie Yagza to Daelan from NWN. How does a half-orc become a Red Tiger tribe member? Daelan would have to have been Yagza’s Grandfather. Maybe Yagza is trying to gain acceptance into the Red Tiger and the Fray Games are the way she intends to prove herself and to honor her forefathers (Daelan was exiled by the tribe)

She carries Daelans Double-axe – as her father did

Amulet too? Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1.



Featured in: Neverwinter Nights, Hordes of the Underdark

Race: half-orc

Alignment: chaotic good

Class: barbarian

Description: This Uthgardt barbarian remains tight-lipped about his reasons for being in Neverwinter. His services as a mercenary are for hire, but only for someone with the right coin and temperament suitable to this honorable half-orc.

In the original campaign, Dealan tells the story of his banishment from the Uthgardt tribe, leading to special item-recovery quests, as all henchmen in original campaign do.

Daelan was one of many adventurers to later answer the call to Waterdeep during the drow attacks in the Hordes of the Underdark campaign.

He is notable for his use of power attack and knockdown feats.

Location: Trade of Blades


Chapter One Quest: Daelan wants you to seek out a particular brooch, which you’ll find on one of the boats in the Docks District. As a reward for finding it, Daelan will give you the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1.

Chapter Two Quest: When you enter the Mutamin’s Challenge at the Green Griffon Inn on the North Road you will eventually meet up with a dwarf called Gorkan down to Level 3. He will attack you there and after you defeat him, he will drop a strange notched great axe. The axe was the one that the murdered Gorkan used to kill Daelan’s mother and giving the axe to him is enough proof that the murderer is no more. Daelan will upgrade his item to the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +3.

Chapter Three Quest: Daelan will tell you another tale at Chapter 3, the story of the Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear. When Daelan finishes his tale he will let you know that he is in search for that Spear. The Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear will be given to you by Zokan Thunderer, the leader of the Elk Tribe, at the Elk Tribe Keep located near Fort Ilkard Homesteads.


So Yazga will go by Yazga the Red Tiger – even though she is considered an outcast from the tribe

She paints herself red with battle coloring – daily…

She is obsessed with her rights to be accepted by the Red Tiger Tribe in Silver Marches (although she probably never will)

She is technically a barbarian – level 3 – find a subclass to complete her



Now… in the market place… Yazga is there – also provisioning for the trip to Tentowns just as Dawndra is doing. Perhaps Dawndra selects a nice ice pick from a merchant and while inspecting it Yazga comes along and rips it from her hands “I need this” She is equally rude to merchants and anyone else.


I need some bigger event… like maybe one of the other customers takes offense to the point of a tussle and Yazga kicks his ass in a big way – showing Dawndra she is a force to be reckoned


Maybe Dawndra does not fight at all this scene… just rp and discovery and some foreshadowing of Yazga – who will probably try to steal her troll head on the last day of the Fray Games.


Frick and Frack – or something like that… Axe and Pax?

Yazga has two slaves which she bought from somewhere. Kobolds?

They run around behind her, carrying the things she says she wants and paying the merchants with coin.


Now for the other “party” – I don’t need to build them out much but maybe find a level 1 party and some random names. Who is going to take offense at Yazga to the point of blows? Probably another female… perhaps another Half-Orc


Mara Hornraven

Half-Orc Fighter

AC 16 HP 40

+4 1d6 +2 or 6 (*1)

+1 +3 +1 +0 +2 +0



Human Rogue Male

AC 15 HP 30

+4 1d6 +2 or 6 (*1)

+2 +3 +0 +0 +2 +0


Vari Arenth

Hill Dwarf Ranger Female

AC 13 HP 20

+4 1d6 +2 or 6 (*1)

+1 +3 +2 +0 +2 +0


Henri Fiddlewright

Halfing Wizard Male

+4 1d4+2

Magic Missle 3d4

+0 +2 +2 +3 +1 +2



Tiefling Cleric Male

+3 1d6 +1

+1 +0 +2 +0 +3 +2

Bless, Cure Wounds, Bane, Healing Word


There… not a bad random party.

Where are they headed?

The Crags of Mirabar

They are on a quest to locate the lost kingdom of Grimmantle – which, they have been led to believe, still contains an unbreached treasure room.




Categories: Uncategorized

Scene Notes – C01.S03.02

Cycle 01 Shield 03Scene 02Notes


What happens in this scene?


The Cutlass is one of the more well-known taverns and inns in the sword coast – at least if you have read any of the Drizz’t novels. Lore says it is a dangerous place set in a dangerous place. I want to make that obvious in this scene.


I’m thinking a minor skirmish with some town thugs just looking to mug Dawndra – or harass her for being strange looking… both probably. Nothing really dangerous – just an indication that violence is common in this area.


Luskan is apparently known to have some Drow population – maybe use a small street gang of drow punks for the first encounter.


Dawndra is not going to ever turn murder hobo… but she does not necessarily feel a lot of remorse or even concern when she has to kill something or someone. She is never going to be the agressor the victimizer… The truth as she sees it… if she hurts or kills someone trying to victimize her – they deserve whatever outcomes they get. They should know going up against someone of her size and stature will result in pain. She is not ever cruel, but brutal is in her blood. Try to play this out some.


The Cutlass in on Dragons Beach – a dock known for pirates and other lowlife. Dawndra is looking for Shent to hire him as her guide to the Frozenfar. Perhaps Shent lives in Dragons Beach on his own boat.


Dawndra, like Roonoo, has some history with ship wrecks. She was found on the shores of Norland Isle as a baby among the wreckage of an unknown ship.


She will also be sailing, next cycle, from Fireshear to the island of Ruathym – and surely that journey will have its trouble. I don’t yet know what will happen in cycle three for Dawndra – but she will have to sail again to get there. Maybe I should use some of the Saltmarsh adventures in cycle three… keep the sailing thing a thing for a while and maybe Dawndra picks up some skills (I’m going to have to learn a thing or two about sailing myself)


Or maybe it turns out that Dawndra hates sailing? Maybe she gets seasick easily. Lets find out…


Hey Dice – does Dawndra get seasick easily?

16 – Even – Yes


So then… next question… how to I handle seasickness with mechanics?


Folks in reddit suggest it is like the poisoned condition

Here is a nice table – or rather… here

It gives several possible conditions based on  Con Save and based on weather conditions.


So how to increase the sense of danger in Dragon Beach?


The Knout

The Knout is a gang of human slavers – or really just merchants in the slave trade. They pay gold for  slaves which they can then turn around and sell to other – mostly Drow from the Underdark – but they have had ties to the Twisted Rune and others. They hire low-life thugs to snatch people and bring them to a secret location – somewhere NW of Fireshear – where they could be sold to slavers.

Somewhere along the Underdark map ?


Dawndra gets taken captive – or at least the kidnappers make the attempt. She, being unique as she is – tall, exotic, beautiful  – is a prime target. Someone in the Cutlass recognizes her as a valuable capture right away.


Lets see how it all plays out.