The Red Wizard at Old Owl Well
[Scene Notes] | |
Cycle One: Shield of the Iron Aegis | |
Scene 14 (C01.S02.14) – Scene Notes | |
Credit Notes | |
[Setting Info] | |
Foothills of the Sword Mountains | |
Mirtul – 1491 DR (Year of the Scarlet Witch) | |
Forenoon of Day 10 |
] The four of you, along with Dayni Serpayko and Sister Garaelle, left Conyberry a short while ago heading towards a ruin in the foothills of the Sword Mountains called Old Owl Well. You were told by Agatha the banshee of Neverwinter Wood, that there you would find a Red Wizard who is also seeking spellbook of Bowgentle. She suggested that, if you were wise mortals, you would take advantage of her gift to you and assasinate the necromancer before he has opportunity to kill you and many others. You plan to approach the well as if travelers on your way to the Triboar Tourneys – innocently watering your horses and watch for opportunity to take out the necromancer.
] As you are getting closer to the Old Owl Well, Sister Garaelle asks everyone to stop for a moment.
] Garaelle “I’ve been struggling to decide something. I received the vital information we were seeking from Auglathla. It must be kept from those who would use it for evil – at all costs. At the same time… it must not be lost… I must entrust the knowledge to at least a few others before we face any further dangers today. I wish Adalisi were here as she intended, but it is just us. I sense I can trust all of you not to willingly share this with the Red Wizards, or anyone else aside from Adalisi… but it is also a burden to carry… Red Wizards have… methods… of pulling information from the minds of others. You would be putting yourselves in potential danger by accepting this knowledge.”
Leely] “My sister and I are called to protect you and your mission. Danger is the mere cost of that call.”
Deynn] “Allow me to share your burden Garaelle – if you will.”
Roonoo] “I know the threat presented by these muck-snufflers. I understand you are asking that we do not allow ourselves to live to be probed if it comes to that, so I understand the burden you ask us to carry. I accept. ”
] Dayni “I already owe you my life Garaele – it is a small thing that you might be in need of it today.”
] Garaele “Before we move on then.” She looks around as if for the eyes and ears of others, but mostly to signal that this is the critical bit. “The spellbook of Bowgentle resides deep in a sunken city swallowed by the Sunset Mountains. This citadel once overlooked the Hartlands where Iriaebor stands but today it is covered by the mountain itself. Agatha traded Bowgentles spellbook over a 100 years to a wizard named Tsernoth. She used the artifact Adalisi brought with you to scry into its location. It sits on a shelf with many other books near a Gulthias tree in the deepest depths of the sunken citadel. If I am unable, please be ensure that Adalisi is given these details?”
Leely] “We will first ensure you are able to tell her yourself.”
] You continue on several miles through sparse forest and rising elevations. Soon you see in the distance the crumbling ruin of a watchtower. It is past noon but not by much. The weather is warm and there have been waves of cool breeze flowing through the foothills from the West.
] Dayni “There.” She points. “That is the Old Owl Well.”
Deynn] “Ileel? Care to scout ahead? It seems you are gifted for the task.”
Ileel] Nalya and I go ahead for some reconn. [Stealth check]
(1d20) Stealth 16 +8 = 24 [Success]
] You see a stout, red-robed human with sickly skintone, a shaved scalp, and a black tattoo on his forehead. He has set up a small tent near the well and is currently securing a rope to a nearby tree trunk. Standing around him are 4 dog-headed beasts (gnolls), but they seem vacant. It takes you a second to realize that you can see through their furry flesh in parts – right to the bone and you realize these are undead servants. The human in the red robe begins dropping the rope down into the well.
Ileel] I think to myself “This is going to be easier than we thought…” then I race back to the others. “I think we have an opportunity. The necromancer is preparing to actually climb down into the well. All we have to do is cut the rope and throw some big stones in after him… job done. Oh… there are a few zombie beasts standing guard, but we can take them while one of us goes and cuts the rope.
] Dayni whips out a sharp blade “I will take care of the rope.”
Deynn] “Great. Lets get in place. Garaelle, you might want to hang back with the horses?”
] As the five of you approach the ruins, you catch sight of the red-robed wizard climbing up onto the well wall and lowering himself down.
Ileel] “Dayni – go around that way to where the rope is tied off. I will try to draw the undead over this way. You three, as soon as the rope is cut, start tossing some big stones down the well… there are lots laying around.” I circle around to the right and fire on the zombies (GZ01)
(2d20a Attack 20 [Crit] Dmg 5 +8 +5 = 18 +9 (force damage) = 27
] You release an arrow which strikes dead center into one of the beastly undead. You see Viffo’s Breath take affect and shove the Gnoll Zombie into the others before it collapsed into the corpse it was meant to be. They startle and look to see what happened. [()] 2 of them begin running in your direction Ileel. The 3rd keeps his protective stance.
] Dayni reaches where the rope is tied to a tree and slices thru it with little effort. It whips across the ground and disappears into the well.
Initiative Table
Init | Char | AC | ATK | HP |
22 | Leely | 18 | +7 1d8+5 | 34 28 (Cackle Fever) |
20 | Ileel | 18 | +7 1d8+5 | 39 |
19 | GnollZombie04 | 9 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 22 5 00 |
18 | Deynn | 17 | +7 1d4+7 | 39 |
16 | Dayni | 16 | +6 2d4+4 | 39 |
10 | Roonoo | 17 | +7 1d8+7 | 43 |
GnollZombie01 | 9 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 22 00 | |
3 | GnollZombie02 | 9 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 22 13 4 0 1 0 |
3 | GnollZombie03 | 9 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 22 1 (Prone) |
Leely] I charge into the well area and attack the remaining undead sentry. (GZ04)
(1d20) Attack 12 +7 = 19 [Hit] Dmg 5 +5 = 10
(1d20) Kick 19 +6 = 25 [Hit] Dmg 3 +4 = 7 +10 = 17
] Your straight sword spears through rotting leather and slices along the exposed spinal bones. You kick the stenchly beast back and away from you.
Ileel] I attack one of the onrushing zombies [GZ02] and then I run back, trying to draw them after me.
(1d20) Attack 9 +7 = 16 [Hit] Dmg 4 +5 = 9
] Your aim is accurate and strikes the zombie thru the head. The both of the continue to chase after you. [()] The Gnoll Zombie Leely just attacked retaliates, biting at you twice – the second time successfully. You take 6 dmg from the rotting teeth.
Deynn] I grab the largest stone I can find close by and drop it down the well.
] It takes a moment but from the darkness below you hear a splash as the stone finds the water level. Dayni runs over to help Leely. [(0] She cuts into the neck of the rot walker and jumps back as its head rolls.
Roonoo] I also start throwing stones down the well
] You hear a distant splash but nothing else.
] The two zombies continue to chase after Ileel but they move far too slowly to catch up.
Leely] I check on my sister and see she is just playing with her pursuers… so I grab a stone and drop it down the well to hit the necromantic dretch.
] As you are watching the stone fall into darkness, suddenly there is a brilliant flash of red and orange from the depths. The ground rumbles around the well. It repeats again, and twice again, then stops.
Leely] “What was that?”
Roonoo] “First guess… nothing good!”
Ileel] I yell to the others as I circle back around the well area. “Incoming!” Then I dash in that direction to put plenty of distance between me and the rotty dogs. I turn and fire at the lead. [GZ03]
(1d20) Attack 15 +7 = 22 [Hit] 5 +5 = 10 +10(force) = 20
] The arrow knocks the running zombie backwards 5 feet. The beast falls prone. The other continues to run towards all of you and is now 20 ft away.
Deynn] I run and jump kick to attack the one still giving chase [GZ02]
(1d20) Attack 16 +7 = 23 [Hit] Dmg 2 +7 = 9
(1d20) Attack 7 +7 = 14 [Hit] Dmg 2 +7 = 9
] You feel the rotting bones of the Gnoll Zombie crush behind your blows. It stalls as if it will drop and then revives. Dayni comes up behind it [()] and removes its head.
Roonoo] “That should have been grosser than it was. We better burn them just to be on the safe side.”
] You all hear a scratching, skittering sound coming from the well.
Leely] “What now?” I go to look at what is making the sound.
] Before you get back to the well, three reptilian skeletons emerge. They have a scaly hide hanging loosely over bare bones. Half a moment later, the most potent, horrifying smell you have ever exerperienced threatens to overwhelm you. [Con Save]
(1d20) Con Save 1 [Fail]
(1d20) Con Save 4 [Fail]
(1d20) Con Save 15 [Success]
(1d20) Con Save 1 [Fail]
] Three of you immediately begin gagging and choking. You are poisoned (2d4+4 = 9 seconds – 2 rounds)
Initiative Table
Init | Char | AC | ATK | HP |
22 | Leely | 18 | +7 1d8+5 | 34 28 25 13 (Cackle Fever) |
20 | Ileel | 18 | +7 1d8+5 | 39 |
18 | Deynn | 17 | +7 1d4+7 | 39 |
16 | Dayni | 16 | +6 2d4+4 | 39 |
15 | DurzogSkeleton01 | 12 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 15 00 |
11 | TroglodyteSkeleton01 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 7 00 |
11 | TroglodyteSkeleton02 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 00 |
11 | TroglodyteSkeleton03 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 3 00 |
10 | Roonoo | 17 | +7 1d8+7 | 43 |
9 | Ts04 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 00 |
9 | Ts05 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 5 |
3 | GnollZombie03 | 9 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 22 1 00 |
Leely] “Ahck! What… is… that… stench!?” I try to fend of these new undead attackers [TS01]
(2d20d) Attack 2 +7 = 9 [Miss]
(2d20d) Kick 7 +7 = 14 [Hit] Dmg 2 +4 = 6
Ileel] “What are these bone monsters!?” I fire at another skelly [TS02]
(2d20d) Attack 10 +7 = 17 [Hit] Dmg 7 +5 = 12 [MassiveDmg 1]
Deynn] “Long-dead lizard men. I guess we missed the necromancer.” I attack the third [TS03]
(1d20) Attack 13 +7 = 20 [Hit] Dmg 3 +7 = 10 [MassiveDmg 5]
(1d20) Attack 5 +7 = 12 [Hit] Dmg 3 +7 = 10
] Dayni attempts to assist Leely [()] but the thick smell in the air is burning her eyes and she does not even come close with her blades. Leely, you are under attack [()] a bite and a swipe miss you you but a follow-up swipe draws blood (3 damage). The other standing skeleton attacks Deynn [()] and you take 4 damage from an ancient jaw of ancient teeth.
Roonoo] “Scrag Spit! I see why you two hate the undead so much!” I block the thing attacking Leely and attack [[TS03]
(2d20d) Attack 13 +7 = 20 [Hit] Dmg 8 +7 = 15
] A Gnoll with an arrow thru its head attacks Leely from behind with its teeth [()] successfully, critically doing 12 damage. More undead crawl out of the well, two reptile skeletons like the others and the third more like a dog in shape. It also has a scaly outer-skin that is barely attached along its spine.
Leely] “Arrgh!” I turn and stab at the dead dogman [GZ03]
(2d20d) Attack 4 +7 = 11 [Hit] Dmg 2 +5 = 7
] Your blade stops the rot walker. It hesitates a moment [()] then drops into a pile.
Leely] Flurry of kicks against the oncoming scaly dog thing [Durzog01]
(2d20d) Attack 4 +6 = 10 [Miss]
(2d20d) Attack 3 +6 = 9 [Miss]
Ileel] I look for a blind nearby [Perception Check]
(1d20) Perception 3 +5 = 8
] You do not quickly spot anything ideal for a sniping blind but you see a stone wall that would provide you 3/4 cover
Ileel] I move to cover and fire on the new enemies [TS04]
(2d20d) Attack 9 +5 = 14 [Hit] 3 +5 = 8 +10 (Force) 18
] The reptile skelly is blown backwards and its bones scattered across the ruins.
Deynn] I go after the reptile dog with a double snap kick
(1d20) Attack 16 +7 = 23 [Hit] Dmg 1 +7 = 8
(1d20) Attack 19 +7 = 26 [Hit] Dmg 3 +7 = 10
] The beast breaks in two as you deliver two devasting kicks. Dayni goes after the remaining skeleton from behind [TS05] and tears it to shreds with her blades. Three more undead crawl out of the well.
Initiative Table
Init | Char | AC | ATK | HP |
22 | Leely | 18 | +7 1d8+5 | 34 28 25 13 10 6 (Cackle Fever) |
20 | Ileel | 18 | +7 1d8+5 | 39 33 28 23 |
18 | Deynn | 17 | +7 1d4+7 | 39 33 30 26 23 |
16 | Dayni | 16 | +6 2d4+4 | 39 |
10 | Roonoo | 17 | +7 1d8+7 | 43 38 34 31 25 19 |
1 | Ts06 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 |
1 | Ts07 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 |
1 | Ts08 | 11 | +4 1d4+2 (x2) | 13 |
Roonoo] “More of them!”
Quick Combat Round Table
2d6 | Result |
2 @3 or below | You take 1d4 +2 dmg and fail to seriously damage any of the opponents |
1 @3 or below
1 @4 or above |
You take 1d4 +2 dmg and take out one of the opponents |
2 @4 or above | You take no dmg and take out one of the opponents (if 6|6, two opponents) |
Leely] 2d6 1|1 (Dmg 3)
Ileel] 2d6 3|5 (Dmg 6)
Deynn] 2d6 1|3 (Dmg 6)
Roonoo] 2d6 2|5 (Dmg 5)
] One Troglodyte Skeleton remains, four more appear from the well (5 total)
Leely] 2d6 4|6
Ileel] 2d6 5|6
Deynn] 2d6 3|3 (Dmg 3)
Roonoo] 2d6 2|3 (Dmg 4)
] Three Troglodyte Skeletons remain, four more appear from the well (7 total)
Leely] 2d6 5|6
Ileel] 2d6 2|6 (Dmg 5)
Deynn] 2d6 3|6 (Dmg 4)
Roonoo] 2d6 2|6 (Dmg 3)
] Three Troglodyte Skeletons remain, six more appear from the well (9 total)
Leely] 2d6 4|6
Ileel] 2d6 6|6 (x2)
Deynn] 2d6 3|3 (Dmg 4)
Roonoo] 2d6 1|6 (Dmg 5)
] Five Troglodyte Skeletons remain, six more appear from the well (11 total)
Leely] 2d6 2|6 (Dmg 4)
Ileel] 2d6 1|3 (Dmg 5)
Deynn] 2d6 4|6
Roonoo] 2d6 1|4 (Dmg 6)
] Eight Troglodyte Skeletons remain, six more appear from the well (14 total)
Leely] “How many corpses are down there!?! We are being over run!” I remember the stone amulate I have around my neck. This seems dire enough to call upon the Spirit Guardians.
] Directly above your head a thick vertical beam of brilliant white light appears. Out of the beam fly ghostly figures, all resembling wood elves. Some on foot, running across the air, others on majestic mounts… a mighty elk bears a naked rider, a group of horses charge with their wood elf riders. The spirits whirl around you, extending out from you for 20 feet. [()] All of the undead take critical radiant damage and fall to the ground in piles of bones. Several more reptilian skeletons appear from the well and meet the same fate as they enter into the protective circle before it vanishes from above you.
] Dayni “What the Nine Hells was that!?!”
Leely] “I am equally impressed. This magic was a gift from a stranger in the High Forest – well, a stranger I now call friend.”
] Dayni “I thought it was time to leave hope behind… but then… wow!”
Ileel] “That really was quite the gift. None of the undead stood any chance against it.”
Leely] “They are, I think, our true ancestors… and I felt they share our despise for necromancy.”
Deynn] “Our necromancer below seems to have run out of power for now. The next question is… what do we do about him?”
Roonoo] “It seems obvious he is no longer in the actual well. He must have found a graveyard, or something, in the depths beneath this place. He did prove himself quite powerful… how many bones did he raise? I was unsure about trying to kill him, but he is indeed a threat to many.”
Ileel] “Seemed a simple plan… but it failed. We don’t have time to correct that right now.”
Deynn] “Agreed. We return to Phandalin then?”
] Dayni “Should we risk hanging around here long enough to poke thru the Red Wizards tent? See what we can learn? And gain for our troubles?”
Ileel] “I will need a few minutes to ensure these corpses are never risen again.” I use Death Touch to reduce all of the rotting flesh and bones to dust.
Roonoo] “There is something I’ve never seen in my years. How… why… well I suppose my answers are obvious.” I lean over to Leely and quietly say “Can she do that to the living? Just dissolve them with a touch?”
Leely] “No, only corpses. The two of us were blessed by the Wild Queen.” I touch the circlet embedded in my forehead. “These crowns were given to us on the very day of our birth… we have yet to see fully what powers Mieliki put within them. My sword and Ileel’s bow were fashioned for us specifically – they have enchantments from our circlets. Aylan is from my blessing as well, just as Nalya is from Ileel’s.”
Roonoo] “I wondered about your beasts… I wondered how it is they seem to just appear.”
Leely] “Oh! Easy… I just call him. Aylan!”
] A giant Dire Wolf, pure white in color, walks up beside Leely, as if he had been standing right behind her the whole time.
Leely] I pet Alyan. “He has been with me since I could only crawl.”
Roonoo] “Beautiful beast that is. I hope he knows your friends from your foes.”
Leely] “I’m quite certain he does. Not that he could hurt you though. He is… well… I don’t know the word… but he is like… not exactly like… but kind of like a ghost… here – see for your self – try to pet Alyan.”
Roonoo] I reach out hesitantly but with a nice smile on my face to touch the white beast.
] Your hand goes right through Aylan.
Roonoo] “So only you can feel him?”
Leely] “Ileel can too, and I can feel Nalya. But so far… no one else has been able to. Aylan protects me still, even if he cannot bite monsters.”
] Within the tent of Hamun Kost, you find some basic supplies along a cot. Within the tent is also a small writing desk and a chair. There is a leather satchel full of papers written in a language you do not recognize. There is also a small chest that contains 80gp worth of coins, 3 healing potions (4d4+4) and a pouch with various gems (~400gp worth). You also find a tiny jeweled box containing a ring. The box appears ancient, but the ring within looks like it has never been worn – not a scuff nor scratch on it. You also find a tube made of bone which contains several scrolls.
Deynn] “We may want to take all of the writings… if Khi-khi can read them, we may learn something valuable.”
] Dayni “At the least, we may hamper the Red Wizards efforts to make evil things happen.” she laughs
Deynn] I smile at Dayni “Killing him would have done a better job of that… but you are right… we if cannot destroy evil, we should do what we can to hamper it. I saw your bravery here Dayni. You did not flinch in the face of all those undead surrounding us… I’m quite certain you would have seen fear on my face.”
] Dayni “I doubt that… A face like yours? You inspire confidence… among other… things… good things… That is. Your facial features and color… I cannot say I’ve seen their like. Where are your forefathers from?”
Deynn] “My mother is Payit – from the returned land of Maztica. My father is… well I don’t exactly know really. He is in Turmish… Nonthal I believe… but he is full elf. My mother is half-elf like me. What about you? Your features are also quite exotic… if I can say it. Where do you hail from?”
] Dayni “Not too far from Turmish actually… Sembia – just across the Fallen Stars. My mother is Teu-tel-quessir. My blood father was from Koryo in Kara-Tur, or so my mother has told me.”
Deynn] “Your sister… she has a different father?”
] Dayni “Yes, Jarvey Serpayko is Sembian. Kind man, unless you stand between him and another coin. I did not have want while in his house. He even gave me his name – though I suspect my mother insisted…”
Deynn] “We are both a good distance from home and right in between our blood nations – mine to the far west and yours to the far east. I wonder what else we might have in common.”
] Dayni “You mean besides the sound of our names?” she smiles.
] Nine hours later you reach the Stonehill Inn and after a quick meal from the stew pot left to simmer, you go to find sleep. Day 11 of Mirtul arrives quietly.
] When you come back down to the common room in the morning, Sildar and Gundren are at a long table and wave you over.
] Sildar “You have returned safely. We are glad to see it. The whole town will be glad to see you… we spread word around that the Redbrands were put down by the five you. We already redistributed the coin as fairly as possible among the villagers… some probably came out ahead… but everyone was pleased that you choose to return their wealth.”
] Gundren “Rare thing that… adventurers giving found-gold back to them that’s lost it. Rare thing indeed.”
Deynn] “Have you learned anything more about L’Khifrey’s father?”
] Sildar “Not yet, no. I’m trying to puzzle out why the shapeshifter would use his form to lead the Redbrands.”
Ileel] “It is possible Iarno was the actual leader? Replaced?”
] Sildar “Possible, yes. Perhaps even likely… but it does not fit with the man that I know – nor with Khi-khi’s reckoning of him. However she says he was changed by the death of Jaylonir. He was L’Khifrey’s husband until about a year ago. He was also being mentored by Iarno for a high rank in the Lord’s Alliance. I think Jaylonir was like a surrogate son to Iarno. When his daughter fell in love and married Jaylonir, I think Iarno had never been happier… and when it was found murdered a year ago, Iarno had never been more sad, or angry, or obsessed. Khi-khi said that her father spiraled down from the place of grief.”
Ileel] “Could the Redbrands have something to do with the death of Khi-khi’s husband then? Do they know who killed Jaylonir? ”
] Sildar “Sadly, his brother is suspected. He has been missing since the same night. If those events are somehow linked with Iarno coming to Phandalin, I cannot imagine how.”
] Gundren “King Grol talked of someone he called The Black Spider. Spoke like this Black Spider was the one actually interested in my maps. Like he was behind it all… the Cragmaws, the Redbrands… our capture… If that drow killer took my maps to this spider fellow, my brothers may be in great danger today.” He looks around the room and leans in to the table. “We found it…” he whispers. “We found… Wave Echo Cave.”
] Sildar “Chances are, that is exactly what all this is about. 500 hundred years ago, Phandalin was a booming town because of a particular mine somewhere in the Sword Mountains. That is fairly common knowledge… but this part is not… The ore pulled from this mine was unlike any other. It had wildly powerful capabilities. It was also powerfully dangerous. A special forge had to be created to work with the enchanted ore.”
] Gundren “We haven’t found the forge room yet… my brother have been there exploring the mine for it… but we are almost certain we have the right location.”
Roonoo] “How do you know?”
] Gundren “Its in the name… legends call the place Wave Echo Cave because it sounds like a giant wave crashing up against a rock wall. That is what we found, me and Nundro and Tharden… and it is something to hear let me tell you.”
Deynn] “You think this drow woman is leading the Black Spider to this mining cave?”
] Gundren “I’m certain of it. That is why I need your help.. And today. My brothers are in danger, and I’m not going to fight of this drow with my shovels.”
Deynn] “You said you think Koza… the other drow – the half-elf one- went after her?”
] Gundren “I’d bet my first and last cups on it. She had this burnin’ look in her eyes… She wanted that drow woman deader than dead.”
Next: | Wave Echo Cave |
Cycle One: | The Iron Aegis |