The Way of Fang-Fu

The Way of Fang-Fu

Monks of the Way of Fang-Fu have developed mastery of acupuncture/acupressure techniques and specifically, how to deliver effective attacks against them. The attacks deliver Vital Energy Damage to the opponent – draining the vital energy from their bodies. The tradition focuses on small sharp weapons such as daggers, darts and needles. The features of this tradition only work against creature types for which the monk has developed expertise, starting with their own creature type.


Vital Point Expertise (Level 3)

The monk begins with Vital Point Expertise in their own creature type (Humanoid)
Other types of monsters (13 total) can be studied and added to the expertise list.
Creature Type DCs

Aberrations (DC 18) ________ Beasts (DC 14)           ________
Celestials (DC 26)     ________ Constructs (DC 16)   ________
Dragons (DC 28)       ________ Elemental (DC 20)    ________
Fey (DC 18)                ________ Fiends (DC 22)          ________
Giants (DC 18)           ________ Humanoids (DC 0)    Expertise
Monstrosities (DC 18) ________ Oozes (DC 26)           ________
Plants (DC 14)            ________ Undead (DC 16)        ________


Expertise is developed through Medicine DC’s against creature types. A Bonus Action can be used to make a Medicine DC against a creature while in battle.

If successful, the next Attack action gain +1 against the specific creature and the Creature Types DC is lowered by 2.
Expertise can also be increased by 1 by doing a 10 min autopsy on dead creatures (once per creature).
First DC is according to table above.
If successful against a creature type (DC16, next DC will be lower by 2 (DC43). If failed, next DC will be lowered by 1 (DC15).
When DC reaches 0 – Vital Point Expertise for that creature type is accomplished and they become an “Easy Mark” for the monk to deal extra damage to.
Gaining expertise in 2 additional creature types will give proficiency to Medicine (Double if already)
Gaining expertise in 4 additional creature types will give double-proficiency to Medicine


Easy Mark (Level 3)

Damage on successful attacks is increased, equal to characters current proficiency bonus, against creature types for which the monk has Vital Point Expertise only.


Serpent Strikes(Level 3)

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, your special martial arts training leads you to master the use of ki-targeted strikes. There are three available Dart/Needle attacks that can be used as Bonus Actions

Serpents Hiss
Serpents Spit
Serpents Kiss


Monk must have Vital Point Expertise with the creature type
Blowgun Darts are ranged (25 feet max) \ Needles required unarmed melee distance.
Strikes are Subtle – meaning they can be used on a non-targeted opponent without drawing aggro. If the monk is hidden or if target is engaged with another PC the target will not know where the dart / needle came from, and if so, target will not even know the needle or dart has pierced them (they may go blind or deaf without knowing it was an attack). Strikes can also be used against an opponent the monk is actively engaged with.
DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + wisdom modifier
On failure, a condition is applied for 1dMD rounds (where MD is the current Martial Die). On Save, 1dMD – 1dMD rounds. (Roll 1dMD for duration, then 1dMDSound and minus result)
If Dart/needle was poisoned, the creature is poisoned for duration
(Poisoned) A poisoned creature has disadvantage on Attack rolls and Ability Checks.


  Serpents Hiss (Level 3)
The target is Deafened. (Deafened) A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing


  Serpents Spit (Level 6)
The target is Blinded. (Blinded) A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight.
Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. and the creature’s attack rolls have disadvantage,


Serpents Kiss (Level 11)
The target is paralyzed.  (Paralyzed) A paralyzed creature is incapacitated (An incapacitated creature can’t take actions or reactions.) and can’t move or speak.
The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.
Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.




Serpent Step (Level 6)

The Serpent Step adds snake-like deftness and deception to your footwork during battle. Dodge and Disengage become Bonus Actions. Additionally, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack (melee or ranged), you can use your Reaction to halve the damage against you.
Dodge – When you take the Dodge action, you focus entirely on avoiding attacks. Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and you can make Dexterity saving throws with advantage.
Disengage – If you take the Disengage action, your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn.

Ki Rehab (Level 6)

After a successful Attack roll, a Bonus Action can be used to specifically target a strike which absorbs the Ki of the opponent if the monk has Vital Point Expertise with that creature type. Feature use does not expend any Ki points, but Monk must have at least 1 Ki remaining to use this feature – it cannot be used on 0 Ki.

Target must DC save (8+prof+wis) else lose some of their vital energy to the monk and take damage.
On target DC fail, monk receives Ki points equal to table below and target loses HP equal to Martial Arts die roll. On DC save – values are half’d.

Level 6 2 Ki Absorbed 2d4 Dmg
Level 11 4 Ki Absorbed 4d4 Dmg
Level 17 8 Ki Absorbed 8d4 Dmg



Serpent Smites (Level 11)

After a successful Attack roll, a Bonus Action can be used to specifically target a strike which poisons the target. Creature must make a DC (8 +prof +wis) Saving Throw else be be poisoned for the next minute.

Constrictor (Level 11)

You gain advantage on Strength Checks when implementing the Grapple Feat (if Grappler feat is not yet obtained – it is added with Constrictor feat.


Little Fang (Level 11)

Darts and Needles count as martial arts weapons for damage. Rather than 1 hp damage on the Serpent Strikes, the player rolls the current martial die for damage.



Ophidiophobia (Level 17)

Anytime one of the Serpent Strike attacks is successful – Frightened is also automatically applied and remains in effect for 1 hour.
Frightened    A frightened creature has disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.


Kiss of Death (Level 17)

The “Serpents Kiss” feat now has the potential for additional damage. Each and every DC save fail will inflict double-damage. Starting on the 3rd DC save failure the target must make an additional DC save or else fall unconscious. (if 3rd DC save against paralysis fails and additional DC save succeeds, target remains conscious but paralyzed. Next round will repeat in the same manner)

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